Interivew 4 - The New Era: Reconciling the Dialectics
O World Project:
The topic that Randall wanted to cover is the New Era. And a question that always comes up is.. the exercise of creation, that is, as creators we have the potential to create what we can imagine, is it an individual exercise, or do you see it as creation in community among individuals?
Jose Luis Parise:
It’s a very good topic. Actually it is not a topic we can discuss very often, and it is essential to talk about it, especially now and in light of what’s been happening since 2012. I understand now what had been set out in the question.
The issue is that this point of departure will generate a diversion if we think of it this way. This is key in the New Era - this central issue which requires first that we empty ourselves of the points of view from the Old Era which have boxed us in and prevented us from effecting a change of Era; which have perpetuated our human problems.
If you allow me, I will take the liberty, and I propose that we take the long circuit of thinking about it from the teachings of the prophecies of the New Era itself. Because if we think about it from the question itself as it is, truly it is not possible to give a serious, consistent answer, rather it would be a superficial answer: “Yes, individual.” “Yes, in community”.
3:05 It doesn’t work like that. If you agree, then we’ll take the journey which can open all our minds in such a way that we can think about it already as a concept of the New Era, rather than something to be attained. This is one of the keys of Magic - if you don’t place it in the “from whence” you won’t attain it as a result. If you don’t place it in the “from whence” you won’t attain it as a result. That which is not contained in the seed will not be present in the fruit. (or Nothing which is not contained in the seed will be present in the fruit. The seed must contain it.
And so, what’s our point of departure? If we approach from a place which is the norm, to think about it in this way, which is perfectly licit and valid in the province of the Old Era, then we will once again be boxed in, because from outset we fall into the trap - which is something that all the sacred writings caution. Christ himself mentions it in his teachings, even before the cross, never mind how he confirms this in his later teachings. All prophecies mention it, drawings, paintings, reliefs, maps left by all those we talked to us and taught us about the New Era.
So, what do they tell us?: The tell us plainly that any thought such as this one will make us bounce. Why? This thought in which we all start is called a “dialectic thought”. And the dialectic thought which in this case is ‘individual’ or ‘community’ is the precursor of divided forces, and with divided forces with maintain our energy, our psyche and our physicality within the limits that are established by the ego, by the I, by the paradigms that are generated by the Old Era.
The possibility to seriously understand a topic as significant as this one, which I am grateful for the opportunity to discuss - it’s not a topic that I can often talk about, unless it’s a seminar or a lecture where we can delve deeper rather than just releasing information - that’s why I am truly grateful than on this forum meant for sharing information we can talk about something so significant.
If we seriously considered from whence we must depart, the dialectic ‘individual-community (society)’ is the trap. I prepared some graphics for us today about the New Ear as I understood that was the topic you were interested in, and I am glad that I did. Since we must precisely understand this issue, there is no room for subjectivity or personal opinion…’I think…’ or ‘you think…’. This are clear teaching which, if not considered, there is no New Era. So with this in mind, I prepared these graphics which I would like you to be able to see on your screen as well. In particular, certain diagrams depicting ideas which, out of all of humanity’s history, it’s the “initiatic" societies, cultures, wisdom have accepted regarding the New Era; they have established and left for us as the maps to the New Era.
Let’s see. Here I am pinning one of these maps…. let’s see if we can see it… here it is! This is one of the maps. This is a map of New Era, the Old Era, and a circular time that encompasses any temporality of humanity. This is the map we mast understand if are to understand the New Era, and as you can see it’s very complete and complex, and ther initiatic cultures have left other maps, previous to this one, which are somewhat more direct to comprehend, if just was powerful.
We will get to this map, which is found in the Louvre, and it’s the Dendera Zodiac, but first we must traverse, we must pass through, we must understand other maps which are more direct, and if I can open the information here, we can place. Let’s see. I’m speaking specifically of this map. This map is the most direct graphic we have to answer to matters like the one you have just cited. Why? I don’t know if this map is known at all but we have worked a lot with it; for 10 years we have analyzed it, explained it, disclosed it, and cited it along with the sacred characters of each culture.
This map belongs to an aboriginal culture called HOPI, which resides within those 4 corners between the US and Mexico.
Colorado, Utah, New Mexico… That’s the area. There lives a community, what is left of it, that in its apogee were the guardians of the wisdom of the original initiatic culture, and what this original culture left us, prepared us for and warned us about the New Era. This is called the Most Sacred Rock of the Hopi. This is the Hopi Rock. That’s what it’s called. The Hopi Rock, this one in particular - obviously this one has an overlay of the graphic so we can see it better, although it’s engraved with a burin, to put it graphically. This rock displays a map and there is a very sacred story about it which we can discuss, but this relates to the New Era according to their prophecies, according to what the guardians of the wisdom of their culture say. For example, Thomas Banyacya, a guardian of the wisdom of his culture, who discovered and interpreted this rock.
Everyone agrees that this rock shows us the Old Era and the New Era. See how it seems dialectical? Can you see how there appear to be two lines? Here we can see clearly that if one follows the concept of dialectics, one can say, “yes, there are two lines.” Yes, but just a moment, the two lines co-exist, both lines are on the same rock, both lines appear together; and the lines do not converge but they also don’t displace each other. It’s not as if the Old Era has its own rock. This is found in a valley, surrounded by rocks which all show engravings with prophecies and intiatic teachings. There isn’t one rock for the Old Era and one for the New Era. However, the fact that they co-exist doesn’t mean we confuse the two.
We are going to minimally decipher the elements… I have spent entire days and weekends in seminars deciphering this little drawing which looks like a child’s drawing… we don't have the slightest notion, until we delve deeper, of the clues that are found here for us for today, for our lives, to generate the reality we want, to generate magic, thanks to clues such as this one which coincide wholly with the clues left by other cultures, such as the one we just saw, from Egypt.
Can you see the red dot? Does it appear on your screen when I move it? Excellent! This line - it’s easier to do it this way with the graph - is the line of the New Era, and this line is the line of the Old Era. As you can see, to a certain extent they are boxed-into the same, to put it graphically, but the New Era transcends what the Old Era had reached. This ray of light is the Plasma; this ray is the December 22, 2012. As you can see, December 22, 2012 puts an end to the Old Era. What does this mean? It puts an end to the 4 paradigms of the Old Era, which are represented by these 4 figures: Religion, Economics, Politics and Science.
These four paradigms are struck by this ray which breaks them up, on December 22, 2012. However, there is another path which unites both elements. If we were to look at the entire Hopi Rock, we have at the very outset, where you can see the red dot, the clue. This is the sacred image of all Initiatic cultures: Four Corners, Four Points. The Incas call it ___________________, in Christianity it is obviously the sign of the Cross. This is the Square which signals the integration of worlds - This is the Divine realm, this is the Human realm, and this is the Initiatic realm.
The unity of worlds, uniting what appears to be separated. See, here there are two poles which appear to be separated, but they unite up here. This is a Clue in Magic. Uniting forces that appear separate, for which we must see what common origin they have. If the appear opposite in their separation, it’s because they have a common origin. The most practical and direct example we have today is the United States and Iraq. Those Iraqis who became enemies of the States were trained in the States. This is a historical fact. This reminds me of a Shaman who said: “If two wolves are fighting each other, it’s because they are both tied to the same rock.”
If the wolves are freed, they don’t bump against each other any more. Two things which appear opposite, confronted, it’s because they are tied to the same conceptions, to the same paradigms. If can’t free myself from my partner’s betrayal at work, what Initiation teaches me is to reveal how I betray myself. If my betrayal outside and my betrayal inside collide with each other it’s because they are attached to a same focus, which in this case is betrayal.
Realizing this is very important, because, as we can see, here is a path that is not mistaken with the path of the Old Era, but both coexist within the same conception of time. They are two parallel temporal lines. What causes the end of one of these lines causes at the same time the birth of the following one. But the fact the both coexist on the same rock show us that we will have to coexist, Old Era - here it is - and New Era. Which means we will have to coexist, focusing concretely on the question, in community, socially. It’s not about living in caves isolated from our community, but rather the individual creation of our reality, using what this ray of plasma - which entered our solar system on December 22, 2012 - allows us to take advantage from the Old Era.
The clue resides in that there is something which makes that possible. What makes this possible? This, which has been circulating from divinity itself. If we now quickly rewind the movie, this down here is divinity itself. For them it is called [MAZO] and it’s divinity par excellence. It’s the HUIRACOCHA of the Q’eros, the HUIRACOCHA of the Incas, and it’s Zeus for the Greeks, etc.
Ok. What does this divinity offer us? This divinity offers all of us humans equally, in every age, an empty circle which demands of us to unite what we believe to be separate. See here there is a sign which unites TAHUANTINSUYO, as I mentioned, what here first appears to be separate and later unites, four extremes which must be united. This circle represents what we are talking about now: emptiness. If I want to enter the New Era without emptying myself - see how this emptiness circulates, which is always partially concealed, partially covered? Now this must manifest. This must be taught. This must be revealed here as it was here. This is the New Era:
Learning to empty ourselves of what prevents us from generating the reality we want. When today you ask me the question and at the outset I try to answer in this way it’s because this graphic - and other ones we will see now - holds the same clue. Which clue? If we don’t arrive here it from this emptiness we are going to drag with us our conceptions from the Old Era “plasmated” (that key word is “Plasma”), “amplified” by the Plasma, into the New Era. We will just be repeating the Era and that’s that.
The first thing we must find is this emptiness. And this emptiness has been circulating as the key to Initiation, concealed, or more exactly, semi-concealed, during the Old Era. This Old Era holds the key to emptiness semi-revealed by each Initiatic culture. What is ‘learning to empty ourselves’? This is what every Initiatic culture attempts to generate. Zen begins with a state of ‘Existential Emptiness’. Christ says explicitly ‘who doesn’t die first cannot be reborn in the Kingdom’. ‘To die first’ is emptiness. When you enter into ALCHEMY, the first state is called NIGREDO. Nigredo means BLACK, black as in Mourning, because first you must ‘die’ and empty yourself. I am trying to cite different cultures, which are completely separate from each other by millennia, and yet they all agree that without an existing emptiness we can’t generate a New Era.
We can put it in a hugely impacting way, at least it was for me when I first heard it. No one is prevented from generating what they want in their lives because of deficit, but because of an abundance. And that which is plentiful is what they need to learn to empty.
And how do we empty ourselves?
Precisely. There is the crux of the problem. The first thing we need, as you saw, is a change of paradigm. When I enter into the question from another paradigm, from the outset I am emptying myself of the paradigms of the Old Era which always talk to me in a dialectic.
One of the most direct ways to empty myself of what prevents me from achieving what I want, is to understand precisely that, what prevents me from achieving what I want keeps me separate from what I want. What is that called? DIALECTIC! If I am somewhere, and the reality I want to generate is somewhere else, what is that? A Dialectic. Of what do I need to empty myself? Of any and all dialectic which wants to install itself within me. What are dialectics? Dialectics are opposite poles which presents themselves automatically, and as we see here, the void prior to arriving in the New Era, had to traverse dialectics, opposite poles. This pole and this pole, this pole and this pole, they must be united and that means traversing dialectics. See? Journeying through the emptiness and bridging dialectics are the same thing.
‘Emptiness’ and ‘Dialectic’ are the same thing. Connected, because here they are united, unified in a central point. Here the emptiness, do you see what it does? It traverses dialectics. Which dialectic? Half concealed, half revealed. The New Era requires that this void does not allow dialectics. That’s why it’s not dialectic here. Do you understand what I’m saying?
Let’s see. We can see the same thing here… it’s not uploaded but we can see it here…. from the Q’ero Culture, its most sacred symbol, the CHACANA. In the centre of this, which is a map like this map on the screen, what is it? Again, a void. This void is what will allow us to journey, step by step, all the Eras. We can see that is the same teaching. The Incas never met the Hopi. The culture of TAHUANTINSUYO, the Andean culture, never met the Hopi culture. Nevertheless, they hold the same logic.
If you ask me, how I empty myself? What is it about? I have to find the most unified answer possible. Empty myself of what? Of Everything that Divides Me. I want this, but I can only that; I desire this but I only achieve the other; I feel this but I think that… How do I unify it? With this other symbol represented in this circle (here on the screen): the MOUTH. That is also a mouth. That mouth will demand I listen to myself when dialectics arise within me so that I can then change the paradigm which traps me in that dialectic. Let’s take it step by step.
This right here is the reality we’d all like to generate. What was it for the Hopi? This little drawing is an ear of wheat, it’s part of the reality they wanted. For us, in current terms, this could represent health, food, spirituality, all that which could be contained in an ear of wheat. It was health, it was food.. but it depending on being in harmony with the Divine. This symbolizes self reality. ‘Self’ means ‘Individual’ as you can see… here it is. Independent. But it does not mean solitary. It coexists with the forces… that is we must take advantage of Science, of Politics, Economy, Politics. But without getting stuck in the dialectics set out by them. What are these dialectics? This, yes - this, No. This is good, this is bad. This exists, this does not. When we are told “it has been scientifically proved that…” (one of the four paradigms) automatically in our heads we create a dialectic. “That is the truth.” It is not the truth. It is not the truth. The truth is another concept, it’s philosophical. We automatically create dialectics. It exists because Science says it does. If Science tells us… “no, it’s not proven scientifically that we can create reality from the Word.” We automatically create a dialectic. “This is a lie, this is the truth.”
JL, pardon me. So, this way in which we constantly create dialectics, is it something which is part of our nature, does it reside within us? Or is it something that we receive from these paradigms…? Does it come from outside or from inside?
See? There’s another dialectic again! Between Outside and Inside. See? Humans are trapped in dialectics!
But did we learn it or do we generate it?
Of course, now we’ll get into that. But do you see, that we always fall into the dialectic? We started with ‘Individual’ or ‘Collective’, ‘Outside’ or ‘Inside’. This is Fantastic! That we are able to see in situ from inside the same snow ball that drags us as humans, seeing from within that our thought always wants to resolve things in terms of ‘this pole or this other pole’? Well, to turn on the light bulb we need to connect both poles. If I am a very positive person and never consider the negative, I cannot turn on the light bulb. If I am negative and don’t consider the positive, I won’t turn on the light bulb. All Initiatic cultures warn me that whatever is outside is a bridge to what is inside.
In the Q’ero culture this is called AYNI. “reciprocity between outside and inside.” For the Greeks, It’s SYMMETRY. This principle of Symmetry tells me that I cannot differentiate inside from outside. I can answer you in a Mythological way which is the most exact, precise, beautiful and useful way (although it may not seem that way… we will see) to approach the topic.
Humans are divided and consistently generate confrontation, division, cultures… look at what happened.. the Europeans come to America, and what could have been the most important integration in the world’s history became that largest division in the world’s history.
Where did they bring the division from? Was it outside? It was within them. But they saw division outside. I have, if you want them, some matters to that regard that can prove very powerful to help us see that, even though they could see and recognized that they were superior to the Europeans in certain ways, they still had to destroy them. Where was the dialectic? Outside? No. It was within them. But what is the dialectic that’s found within us? Well, this is where we need… for this are all the myths written, all of the spoken, oral myths which say the same thing. Humans bounce consistently between dialectics, which they believe to be outside, because in their conception of Human is found the fundamental dialectic. Which one? The dialectic which divides the Human from the Divine.
While the Human and Divine remain divided within us we will continue to Demonize and Divinize. While in every origin, the Demon of every culture was no other than the other, dark face of the same deity, or as we know them, Yin and Yang. Yahweh, before becoming a deity, was a swamp demon in Jewish mythology. However, people believe that the Demon is one thing, and Yahweh is another. To unite the poles is to unite Human and Divine. It’s the central point of the moment on the cross when Christ unites the Human and Divine by uniting dialectics. That union of dialectics, within us, is actualized incarnation after incarnation. The BARDO TODOL cites this with total precision. That union (that’s what BARDO means: BAR - between, DO - two)… to be trapped in incarnations is to be trapped int he BARDO. What is that? To be trapped between Two. We live trapped between Two.
What every initiate has come to resolve, what Magic teaches us, with what to do Magic, and what Initiation teaches us, is exactly that. What? To detect both poles and to learn to reconcile them. The Greeks, to this end, had a tremendously powerful concept…….
which was found in Christ with his most - to put it so - representative word.
What is Christ’s most representative word? Anyone will tell you it’s “Love”. But the love the Christ talked about was this Love of which we speak now. Why? When Christ speaks about this Love which interests him, we have talked about this before, it is not automatic love. The love the a father feels for his son, or a son for his father, or the one we feel for our mother, or our brothers. No. He was talking about a love which is translated (without getting too technical) with the word AGAPE. AGAPE comes from AGALMA, and AGALAM is the same AGAL in Galaxy, see? the galaxies, Plasma, Light.
What is Agalma? Agalma is what the Greeks searched for to show them the Person who would generate a new reality; PACHAKUTEK to the Incas. A year-and-a-half ago the Q’eros appointed that this is the Pachakutek Teaching of the New Era. It’s the teaching that shows us to unify that which within us is separate. What is separate within us? The Greeks were very clear in this. When the Greeks talked about Agape, which today it’s translated in the most vicious, tendentious and untruthful ways, it is the union of what, for the Q’eros - it’s the same word, it’s incredible that it’s the same word for the Andean cultures - that word is MUNAY. For the Greeks it’s Agape. And what is it? They both mean the same: The decision of an act of will which says “my love”. What?
Desire, Will, love, all together? We believe that it can’t be that way. We believe that our Desire and our Love almost never go together. This is the human Drama. This is what Psychoanalysis was concerned with and what today Neurobiology is about. What is that? In our normal state the Left (Desire) and Right (Love) Hemispheres appear completely separate. People desire one thing but love another. We can see it from the simplest soap opera on television… she desires the neighbour but loves her husband, desires a different life but loves her children and must remain in that life.. the person who desires another country but loves their place of birth…
If we can see it, there’s such a clear clue which tells us: all division between Human and Divine, that is between Desire (Human) and Love (Divine) is what we are here to resolve. We cannot resolve the division between Human and Divine without resolving the division between Desire and Love. That is Agape. It means to Love the thing you Desire; Desire the thing you Love. If you ask me, “does this come from inside or outside?”. That’s what Psychoanalysis is for. It taught us that in our lives, we go through 3 stages, 3 myths - [?] Primitive, Narcissus and Oedipus - which teach us to separate what we Love from what we Desire.
…as one cannot Love and Desire one’s mother… we enter into deeply inner issues in our lives. It’s forbidden to Love and Desire the same person. One cannot Love and Desire one’s father. I can Love my mother and father, but I must Desire another. See? We need to Separate, to afterwards Unite in Another Person - this one I am allowed to Love and Desire. Here is this symbol we cited earlier. First, everything is Unified, as it was in they Myths, where Gods and Humans coexisted, they lived together. A separation was necessary. What for? So that we could remain separated? No. So that we could learn to unite within ourselves according to what we want to achieve. This is precisely what Christ came to teach when he places Love at the centre. He does not mean PHILOS love, which is one of the Loves mentioned in the Bible. He does not mean EROS -the Love for any person around us which engenders a desire. He uses a Love which must integrate Desire and Love.
Our lives are a long succession of missed Loves and Desires. In Myth, Love corresponded to God and Desire to Humans, the Union of Love and Desire is called MUNAY. That, precisely, is Sacred, Divine. It ignites the GAL (of Galaxy), it ignites the GAL (of Agalma): Brilliance, a special spark. When one Loves and Desires the same thing, there is a special shine. But immediately we come up against this inner division which says, “no, you can’t.” That’s why Love and Desire toward the same person have an expiry date.
Automatically it’s triggered within us that we cannot maintain that. Give time and it is well know - it’s neurologically proven - that initial falling in love where love and desire the same job, the same person, the same country…”finally, now I will have what I have always wanted…, I’ve finally found it it, I love and desire it…”… it lasts six months to two years. At six months it begins to wear away and after two years it’s naturally eroded. Now it’s time to do your work, to unify what you want to unify. If we understand this then we can understand why in the Bible, it’s in the sacred temples that we find Sexuality and Love together. This is precisely what thy tried to destroy in India during the Muslim invasion, and couldn’t destroy, because it indeed untouchable. Here is where Magic begins.
The temples in India where Sexuality and Love were united could not be touched by the Muslims. We could say that they were protected by Magic. In fact, they were protected by Magic to such an extent that there were incredible things happened to stop the Muslim armies. For example, the Muslim armies which had been invincible for two, three, four years, when they tried to ransack these temples, they were accosted by bees and would not let them pass. It’s like the legend of Alexander the Great and the mosquito. Magic was on the side of the place where there was Agalma, Brilliance, Plasma. It defends you, you can do Magic, when otherwise you could never succeed.
Why? Because Love and Desire where integrated in that place. It was the most sacred endeavour. The same is true in the Shamanic Cultures. There were people specifically instructed in uniting Love and Desire. Now, let’s not think of this as only Erotic; I am referring to every order of life. When one Desires one thing but Loves another, that’s the beginning of the Initiatic Journey. Give them time, and this can happen to anyone. This is the BARDOL - being ‘between two’.
It can be translated in many ways. I think one thing but say another. Out of Love I keep quiet about something I desire to say. At the root its the same thing - Desire - Love. I Desire this job, but out of Love for my family I must make a living, and so I’m divided again. And so we begin to branch out and out, dialectic upon dialectic, and in the end, you only have 10% of energy at your disposal, because everything is branched out and divided. Let’s rewind the movie, and what do we find? Everything is unified here, and the ramifications are unified once again here. That’s why this is a ray which unifies… like a sinus wave with separated crests… which are unified here, and thus we create the New Era.
If this is beginning to make sense, we can see the same concept in other maps from other cultures which I mentioned earlier, and all amazingly have the same key idea. I have to utilize culture, and yet the contrary is often true: culture conditions me as an individual and tells me what’s possible and what isn’t… so, forget about your divinity. You can forget about your own divinity if something else is telling you what’s possible and what isn’t. Why? Because nothing can tell the Divine what is possible and what isn’t.
If I allow the Economy to tell me that I can’t have a job because there’s unemployment, or there’s strikes, then I have renounced my Divinity. If I allow Politics to tell me that I can’t be financially stable because of the explosion of the real estate bubble, then I’ve renounced my Divinity. If I allow Religion to tell me that I can’t be Human and Divine at the same time, it’s a sin, then I’ve renounced my Divinity. If I allow Science to tell me that I cannot generate my reality, that reality is ‘out there’… these are all ways in which I am divided over and over.
So the most concrete thing we can cite, now that we are here, at the top of the unification, is this: the individual, by using the Social, the Collective… what is that? the four prevailing paradigms - Religion, Economy, Politics and Science - must generate his own reality. But what is the trap? See here? Superimposed on the New Era are the pre-fabricated dialectics from the Old Era. Dialectics that won’t survive 50, 100 years, because what seemed before to be a dialectic turned out not to be - like Wave and Particle, turned out not to be a dialectic; what we think and what we feel, they both have the same nucleus. In the heart there are neurons - I’m not delirious! It’s something that science has in fact discovered… that is, all that we believed to be dialectic exist because we accept the very paradigms that allow us to build a dialectic society.
If we question every dialectic within us we will discover that they can always be unified for our benefit, because the truth is that if a dialectic exists, it’s already unified. But it’s exists unified in a place where, as this shows, we must empty ourselves of that which divides us, to then use those two forces. This is what a Christ comes to teach us when he says: “Agape one another”. Agape. Love and Desire together. And teaches us to remain in that place which the Aramaic's called RAHMA, which is the love we are speaking of - that love which unifies all that is separated you.
We could say all churches, all religions, separate from the Divine because they place the Divine outside, in the great beyond after Death. If you way, “I want to be God,” that’s Narcissistic, it’s Lucifer’s sin. Then Christ was Narcissistic and followed Lucifer.
He said: “Be Holy, because I am Holy”. Then why not? Christ uttered that phrase. He invites you to unite dialectics. The fundamental dialectic inside all humans, the gravest, most terrible, most lasting division over the millennia, is the dialectic between Humanity and Divinity. Look at the Greeks, and you can create a myth of division: ZEUS and Prometheus. Humans, with our mental dialectic say: Zeus was bad, very bad: he didn’t allow Prometheus to carry the fire. But Zeus didn’t want to deprive him of fire; what he wanted was to protect the species by not allowing humans to reach fire because, because fire is a Divine concept - it’s Plasma. It’s this right here -
What is this? Let’s look at the facts.
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What happened in Humans with Fire? Humans made Fire with Fire - Wars, the Inquisition.
It wasn’t that Zeus - the Divine - didn’t want Humans to achieve Fire to keep them out as a species. What he wanted was, in fact, that the species find its Divinity to achieve it, because Fire was permitted only for the Gods. Look at what happens with Humans. We built a myth of Division: Zeus is bad, Prometheus good. And we end up condemning God again. This is Barrabas and Christ - the Thief and the Deity. And what do we do? Christ is bad, crucify him. Barrabas is good. Beyond all the symbolism there (I shared when I presented The Occult Life of Christ over 25 years ago in Argentina and four, five years ago in Europe again), beyond the symbolism it conveys a clear message. Which? The same as Zeus and Prometheus: God, Bad. Thief, Good! Prometheus is a thief, there is no discussion here. But Humans, in our divided minds, see that the pole ‘Human, Thief’ that would like to access the Divine without first becoming Divine, is Good. And the ‘Divine’ pole, that wanted to protect Humans, by not allowing them to reach Fire from the Human (Of course, Fire is Sacred, it must accessed from the Divine).
It’s one thing to go on the Initiatic Journey to access the Sacred Fire and it’s another to believe that the Gods wanted to keep us separate. From all paths, we begin to understand another logic. And it’s the Logic that speaks of a New Era. Why? Because in the New Era we get Plasma, and what does Plasma do? It amplifies that which is already there. If you are divided, you will be ever more divided. Look at what is going on now, from 2012 ti now: the world is more divided than ever. So divided, so divided, and they believed the solution was to tear down the walls, and now they’re building them again.
The chain link wall, the stone wall, Donald Trump’s Wall, if he wins in the US everything will be a wall, the wall of division between two Popes. So, what was within Humanity? Division. Plasma began to fall. Plasma does four things. Plasma accelerates what’s already there, it augments what’s already there, integrates what’s already there (that is, more years of your life in the same place), and unifies what’s already there. Is that a blessing or a curse? Depends on what’s already there. If there’s division within you, Humanity is divided; it’s more divided than ever. We have to go back a very long time to find the same phenomenon of division, of racism, of leaving out the immigrant… everything that today seems so normal to us, as much from the Middle East toward the West as from the West towards the Middle East.
The Middle East believes the enemy is the West, and the West believe the enemy is the Middle East.
I’m sorry Jose Luis, it occurs to me, if I understand correctly this scheme of the Hopi, their prevailing paradigms were four, which corresponded somehow to our modern prevailing paradigms. Did the Q’eros have that same system of paradigms?
That’s another segment… there’s another map which answers that. Here it is. Does it appear on the screen?
Yes, you shared this with us the last time we spoke.
See the four stars? They are also four paradigms. I don’t have here with me the material from India, but if I showed you that, you will see the same thing - four horses each pulling in a different direction. With that carriage you must invoke BRAHMA, and for that you need VISHNU and SHIVA.
Did they correspond to Science, Religion… the same ones?
In India they are called the FOUR SUNJAS . Only there are different ways … because in India there are more than 30 million Gods, there’s mythologies for everything… I studied the sacred writings of India and I can tell you that it’s great and it’s also hard to digest. You don’t find forces which explain nature; each force has been “deified” with a certain character, and eventually you learn its characteristics and realize it’s what in other cultures it’s called, let’s say, Love. And that character is Desire, and they unite.. etc.. Now, understand, in India there are two conceptions - MAHAYANA and HINAYANA.
One shows the paradigms as successive.
There was an era governed by priests, and then an era governed by the economists, those with money. There was an era where inventions governed - science - and there was an era where those powerful in the human sense - politicians - were in power. They always say the same - they [eras] all ended badly. It’s called “the succession of Sunjas”. SUNJA is each one of these eras, and if you look at the maps of India - the drawings of the eras of India - those Sunjas are always, as we saw with the Hopi Rock, within the same conception. However, within it there are two conceptions: one which says they succeed each other era after era (MAHAYANA) and the other, HINAYANA which is the original initiatic conception of India (Not Mahayana, which gave rise to religions).. Hinayana postulates that those four co-existed. So it’s very similar to what we are saying.
They give them names, they ascribe to them elements - lead, bronze, gold; they have colours. They use allegories referring to gold, money, the holy, incense… but it’s always the same. Let’s look at another mythology - the Aztec. I don’t have here the Stone of the Sun, but if you can visualize it, the one that has the Tongue in the centre, which shows clearly that the entire Universe is formed from the Word. What surrounds TONATIUH, the Sun God in the centre, who shows its tongue? There are four boxes - they are called the Four Nahuatl. And what are the Four Nahuatl? One is Science, one is Politics, another is Economy and another is Religion. They are always the same four. And those four, anywhere in the world, leave us always the same teaching. See, the Four Nahuatl surround Tonatiuh, you must use them with your word, but you mustn’t allow them to reach the centre. You mustn’t allow them to occupy the centre of your life. If Science tells says that your illness can’t be cured, perhaps that is true within Science; it’s Science which is divided. In other paradigms it’s possible.
That’s it. And so I invoke the paradigm wherein I am able to heal my Economy, heal my health, wherein I’m able to heal whatever needs healing. Those same four are right here in the centre as well. See these four stars? They are shared and detonated in reality. If you remember the last time we spoke, this below is the Colca, the Storage, what you have or aim to fulfill in your life - your bank account, a home with family, whatever it is. What must we do? We must use these four forces, but what is required first? Let’s see. These four forces are unified up here in the centre. Here, below, they’re already separate. How can I distribute them in my daily life to fill my Colca, my storage, with whatever I want? See how profound this is - an egg. What is this? A void! We see this again - it’s called Huiracochay Pachayachachi, which means that this huge egg is called “The Teacher of the World”. In the Kabbala this is called Da’at - the Eleventh Sephirot.
And it’s hidden. It’s a hole in the centre of the Tree of Life and it’s why so many people mistakenly say that there are ten Sephirot, when there are really eleven. The one that is hidden, and it’s called The Teacher and give you Knowledge. Da’at means Knowledge, but it’s hidden knowledge. When you look at the Tree of Life, that spot looks empty, and it’s the same thing here. So again, to make use of cosmic forces, the Plasma, which are unified though they appear separate - it’s the same we saw before as a rhomboid figure, now in the shape of a cross as in the Hopi Rock - to be able to use these forces, what do I need to do? Empty myself of everything that causes this. Look here - Sun, Moon. Inti, Quilla. What is this? Dialectic Day-Night. Dialectic Masculine-Feminine. Dialectic Sun-Moon.
In any case, the Moon reflects Sun light, so the dialectics, represented here too, Man-Woman but unified. That is, they have emptied themselves of the division of dialectics. Of course, this leads to a million misunderstandings: Transsexuality - no, that’s not the solution. Or any other inference. We are talking about subtle forces that we must unite within ourselves. We all have masculine and feminine forces within us. Whatever your sexuality is on the dense realm has nothing to do with it. Homosexuality, heterosexuality, have nothing to do with that. Alchemy is the merging of masculine and feminine energies within us, and homosexual, heterosexual, asexual, all must achieve this merging, not on the level of the dense, but of the subtle.
So what do we see here? The same logic. These figures which now have unified these forces, they use the four forces, they use the forces of Nature, they use the force of Economy, they use the force of Science which teaches them the use the clouds, the rain… they use all the paradigms, but first there’s a toll - I must empty myself and not allow the paradigms to dictate what I can and what I can’t. Now, if you want, we can see perhaps the most complex but also the most complete of all the maps that attempt to speak to us of this same topic. The most complex and complete of this maps is the Zodiac we mentioned earlier. This Zodiac has codified all this information, for Egypt. It’s so powerful what is taught here, and what codified, and at the same time it signifies so many Egyptian mythologies, like the Hindu ones we mentioned before. In Egypt, all teachings were given through mythology. TOTH are forces we must learn to mange, ERMES are forces we must learn to use, the eye of HORUS is a force that resides within you. Here is the Eye of Horus, right here. What is that Eye of Horus? It’s an eye connected to the ear, learning to ‘see’ by listening, rather than remain divided: seeing versus hearing. No. Learning to ‘see’ with our listening.
I will try - and you will tell me if this is of interest, where the topic goes; if not, we’ll take it so far and leave it there. If you allow me, the best answer I have to what the clues to the individual versus the collective, inside versus outside, I must versus I want, what I have versus what I can… every dialectics we are faced with in our lives, is here, for us to learnt to consider. For that, we must connect both poles, and we always do the opposite - this one, yes, and this one we cross out. In this way we divide our forces. Ok. It’s clearly mapped right here. It is CLEARLY mapped here. This maps marks for us the complete evolution of cosmological history, beyond the planet Earth - although here we will focus on the planet Earth - and for that we must understand the references here. If you allow me a few minutes to develop this topic, I am sure that it will provide a degree of comprehension and concreteness, to give us the confidence that if all the maps which have been left for us - today we are working with three: The Hopi Rock, the Q’ero Pachacuti Yamqui, and now the Zodiac of Dendera… such differing cultures like the Egyptians, the Hopi and Incas - they all coincide in the same teaching, and we can find the same clues in Christ.
And we go to Greece - today we sprinkled a little bit of each topic - and we see the same thing in all. Then there’s no doubt, this is what they wanted to teach us, beyond the picturesque and the mythology of each culture. Should we see what Egypt has left us in this regard? Many thanks, as it is also a vote of confidence.
Especially if it is key to integrate dialectics, then it’s important that we understand what it’s all about and how to do it.
That’s right. That’s right. And here, it’s been symbolized we could say, in a most naked and primitive way. I have been to the Louvre many times, the first time…. well… as I learned to connect things energetically - in Step 6 of the Method of Magic you learn how to use your energy. The first time I went to the Louvre and I connected my energy with the Zodiac of Dendera I felt absolutely nothing. How can that be? How could I be so ignorant, so insensitive! Eventually I learned that yes, I was thick, but not for the reason I believed. I didn’t know that the one there was not the original one. Sorry. I’m saying it backwards! When I went to Egypt, to the Temple of Karnak, which is where this was originally. Sorry. What I told you before applies to Egypt. I said it backwards. I’ll explain it better.
In Egypt, when I went the first time and I connected my energy with this drawing, which is hanging from the ceiling of the Temple today, I felt nothing. All the information I searched and the questions I had… nothing. Later, through my research, I found out that the original was at the Louvre. Napoleon took it there. That’s why I felt nothing. That is, I was ignorant, but not in the way I thought. I couldn’t connect energetically, and it was a good thing that I couldn’t get any answers from it, because it was a replica. So I went to the Louvre, and I was able to go many times with students from my school. It’s really pathetic to see what happens; it’s pathetic. What do we see? People walk right by it; they’re only interested in seeing La Gioconda. Of course, if they’re not trained as Initiates, then they’ll walk right by and their lives won’t be changed. This will change your life. Let’s start at the beginning.
Look. We were speaking of the four paradigms. Look: one, two, three, four hold everything up. These are the Four Isis with Veils which should be as they are here, without veils. They are the Four Veiled Paradigms, and you must not let them ‘veil’ the reality you want to achieve. And there four are precise what support everything up. This much is clear? These Four Isis sustain reality, the universe, and this universe corresponds to the reality in the scheme of Pachacuti Yamqui or the wheat blade in the Hopi Rock which condenses it all - the sacred, economic, scientific and political. Here is all of it. Perhaps a minimal reference to the beginning would help. This is called a Zodiac because we find all the mythological elements of the Zodiac. Let’s see… luckily we have this red button which will make it easier.
This is Aries. Here it is. Sorry, Aries, Taurus. Gemini, here are the twins. Cancer. Leo. Virgo, the Virtuous One. Libra, here’s the scale. Scorpio. Sagittarius. Capricorn. Aquarius, this is the Age of Aquarius, here is the water in the bowls. Pisces. Now we have a reference. People walk right by it, they don’t understand any of it. It’s hard to see, they can’t see it, and if there is a reason to go to the Louvre, it’s to see this. This contains - I’m going to be conservative - 12,500 years of culture. If you analyze this in their myths, this is in fact atemporal, because it comes from other planetary cycles. That is, we could say that it contains millions of years - millions of years - of condensed wisdom, and people walk right by, and they are bored and they yawn. It’s great, because when I go with students from my school, I love it, we have the room all to ourselves; nobody wants to see this. And this is what should be seen.
In fact, you can ask them what it is, and they have no idea. The sole fact that we have decoded the signs of the zodiac is a big plus, you can already see a logic. Now, this logic is infinite. Look what is in the centre of the Universe for the Egyptians: a tongue. There it is. [Draco] sticks out his [her] tongue. This is the Deity of Divinity, it’s Hippopotamus. And you might say, ‘but it’s brown’. It’s because in Nile the hippo is covered in mud, and when it emerges from the water, the sun is reflected off the hippo, round, big, gigantic, shiny, and it looks like an emerging sun. It’s a hippopotamus carrying a crocodile. What’s the difference? Can you see that it has the head of a crocodile? The crocodile has no ears, the hippo has ears: we must learn to speak and to listen to what I say. Everything is there! As you can see we could talk…. within each of these figures there are major clues for our lives. This is your life. This is what you want to achieve. It’s what in the other scheme were all the distributed forces.
If we go back to what you were asking about the new era, look, here is Pisces and Aquarius. This is the New Era. We must pass from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. Wow. If we can really look at this, everything is unveiled. Look at what’s happening between Aries and Taurus. The ram touches the horn of the bull - it’s very easy to go from Aries to Taurus, it’s just a matter of time. Look here: from Taurus to Gemini, from Gemini to Cancer, right next to it; from Cancer to Leo, from Leo to Virgo, from Virgo to Libra, from Libra to Scorpio, from Scorpio to Sagittarius, from Sagittarius to Aquarius… very easily pass from one to the next. The distance for some is slightly greater, the ages harder to traverse. But there is absolutely no doubt that the Egyptians here told us something huge. What? The hardest thing in the history of humanity is this leap. That’s why they left us - and again I’m being conservative - 12,500 years of teachings to take this leap. This leap is why you have incarnated. This leap is why I incarnated, this leap is why all who now are kind enough to be listening incarnated in this age.
If you incarnated in this era is to pass from Pisces to Aquarius. But you can see it’s very far, and there is a ‘shadow element’ in between, to put it simply. This has huge power, and how do we know it? Because it carries a crosier, it means that he has power, and in Greek mythology it’s called [ZAK ANAS] -[Sak Turno] - it’s the deity that divides us. The ‘divisor’. The ‘devil’. It divides. It divides what I say from what I speak - diabolo - he who divides. That’s who we must cross. Look at what happens. The Age of Pisces must pass to the Age of Aquarius, but to do that we must pass through the people of division par excellence. Without getting to sophisticated, Saturn here is wearing the hats of High Egypt and Low Egypt together, and yet there is separation. However, if look here below, then there is no distance between them. So, it is full of clues which tells one thing only (if we focus on the topic of the Old Era and the New Era): We pass from the Old Era to the New Era by going through dialectics. This figure is a great dialectic. Everything about it is dialectic.
Now, where is the clue? In the Pisces passes to Aquarius only if - and this is strange - (if there were master of the Zodiac, it was the Egyptians. The Zodiac as we know it is Egyptian. Other cultures have different Zodiacs. This is the Zodiac on which the weekly horoscopes are based). We all know that Pisces is two fish, but not like this. The Egyptians were dumb, they didn’t draw them properly. No. The drew the clue. The Era of Pisces begins with Christ and ends in 2012, we must cross these two thousand years. If we look at any drawing or picture of Pisces, we see two fish facing in opposite directions, and joined at the tail. It’s the same thing we mentioned before - opposing dialectics joined at the tail, joined at a hidden source, the tail, the part which neither fish can see. And look at the Egyptian drawing, they were either stupid or wise. What did they show us? That to move from one era to the next, the two fish must be reconciled.
There we go! The dialectics cannot oppose each other. The change of era cannot be this way. They themselves, masters of Astrology, masters of the Zodiac, left a clue. Both fish must face the same direction. And what is in the middle? A rhombus, as we saw before in the Q’ero depiction. It’s called the The Great Square of Pegasus, because in the middle of Pisces, in the sky, is the constellation of Pegasus. And who is Pegasus? It’s a horse that can fly; he unites worlds. And how does he do that? By using his wings = dialectics. See? It’s always the same message! Another day we can talk about why this is also called The Square of the Void. Pegasus is also called the Square of Memory… what we must empty ourselves of. That’s why, if you look carefully, you can see that there are empty lines within inside the box. We must empty ourselves. It’s the same. Ok. Now…
This tells us that to enter into the New Era we must reconcile dialectics, and for that we must unite what appears to be separate. This little drawing I’m pointing out here is the same we saw in the Hopi Rock, and that you will see in different cultures as sacred drawing of conciliation of that which appears to be separate. Good. So what is necessary to achieve this? The little empty circle, the void. Look at the images that frame Pisces. Here’s a circle, and inside is Pisces; this is another way to represent Pisces. It’s called Lizard Pisces; I won’t enter into the details but it’s a symbol for Pisces which incorporates something else at the same time. In English it’s known as Lizard or a similar animal which drags itself. The point is, Pisces, a water animal, joined with an earth animal. And here we had Pegasus which joins earth and sky. See? Everything unified. And what do we see here? Another circle!
This is another way to represent it: Pisces framed by a representation of emptying the concepts that create dialects in us. Like which? Fish and lizard must be united, that is water and earth, elements which seem separate. And what did we see here? An eye and ear, unified in Horus’ eye. See? Emptying ourselves of the dialectics that are separated. It’s all the same message! It’s always the same message. But this message teaches us something else. See what’s going on with Aquarius. The water pours from two separate bowls into the same single container down here. Again, divisions are reconciled, the same logic. These stars are the same that we saw in the map of the Pachacuti Yamqui. But what this offers is something even more transcendentally extraordinary, because there is such depth here, that once you see it here, you can detect it in the diagrams we saw before. But if you don’t see it here, then it’s harder to see it elsewhere.
See what happens. We said there are two circles, and these circles, coincidentally are full, of what? Of reconciled dialectics. Fish and lizard, that is water and earth; hearing and vision, which are right and left hemispheres… it’s all unified, Horus’ Eye. Now see how curious this is: these circles which represent emptying ourselves of separate dialectics are strategically placed on the periphery. Around the periphery we have all these deities called [1:07:35] another day we can talk about these; there are 36. Now see how curious this is. It’s a very interesting logic. The Old Era does not require the void. There is one symbol of emptiness between Aries and Taurus. Now let’s keep going: Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Leo… nothing, nothing… until we travel half of the zodiac and then we see a shy little circle signifying the importance of learning to empty ourselves. It’s a spectacular rationale.
Like we saw in the Hopi Rock, it was represented in a gradual way along the timeline, half hidden and half unveiled. Here the diagram shows all creation begins with a void, much as Quantum Physics teaches, but it is not very visible until we come to the middle of the zodiac, as we get closer to the New Era. See? Emptiness, and here again emptiness, and here… and then eventually it’s represented literally empty in the relief. And of course I didn’t draw this, it’s shared on the internet… eventually it’s even drawn as empty. And look at this incredible event: we can’t access the Age of Aquarius without a profound emptying, of what? One, two, three, four, one, two, three, four.. see? An emptying, in the manifest and in the occult, of four issues. Each one of these represents the four prevailing paradigms - religion, economy, politics… but you see, the void framing it. But they didn’t erase it from the Zodiac, we must prevent those paradigms from permeating Aquarius.
And where is the dialectic? We said the reconciled dialectic is right here - the two fish face the same direction. The most powerful clue we find right here. To pass from the Old Era to the New we must go through these strange characters. And we do this by reconciling dialectics, emptying ourselves of dialectics, learning to reconcile the forces within us, and all of that is condensed within the image of two fish which strangely face in the same direction. How amazing were the Egyptians that they were able to locate the tongue in the centre, the reconciled fish, the distances between eras… an extraordinary wisdom which in turn coincides with all other diagrams. They couldn’t just have the fish facing in any direction. It must have been of utter importance where they are facing. We have already detected the first clue: if they face the same direction then there are no more opposing dialectics. We can say right and left hemispheres reconciled, east and west reconciled, love and desire reconciled… That is the key to enter into the New Era.
Now, where the fish are facing must be very important. Where are they facing? Let’s follow the line of the two fish - here and here. In addition, before we go further I want to make something understood, which is very important. See this character here, with the little star right on its head is “Intuitive Intelligence” - intelligence and intuition united, which is the same as reconciled dialectics. This character which represents Intuitive Intelligence finds itself with these two other characters here, which the fish are facing, and which themselves are positioned how? In opposing or reconciled dialectics? Opposed! Sagittarius is trying to shoot his arrow at Scorpio, and Scorpio is trying to hit Sagittarius with its stinger. What is this? A fight. This is war. This is Training of dialectics.
Between Scorpio and Sagittarius we find the whole history which is within us, inside, as it is pictured all around here, outside. So what is this? Scorpio represents - anyone who knows Astrology knows this - Desire. They say people who Scorpios are very ‘fiery’ for example. And Sagittarius represents the intellect. Left and Right Hemispheres. It represents the dialectic between intellect and desire. So what is this? A war of dialectics. A war between two concepts which constantly fight each other. Why is this so important? Because here we find the solution - if it gets too sophisticated you will tell me, but I think that we can understand it - for that place where, if you are able to reconcile this, all other dialectics will be reconciled as well. See, the tail of the Scorpion? In the original engraving it is slightly more curved, and here is an arrow. For the Egyptians this represents the ‘Linear’ and the ‘Circular’. In other words, intellect (linear) and the affects (circular).
The concept that within us takes both a linear and circular form which constantly fight each other, which here is represented as the arrow attempting to cut the Scorpion’s stinger; what is that? That which Neurology has discovered is within us, and which Egypt and the Greeks wrote into the mythology as a concept both linear and circular. A concept which has the power to change all reality - if you change it, you change your whole reality: the concept of TIME. All of us are trapped in a linear concept of time, “Chronological” for the Greeks, and in a circular concept of time, “Kaironic” for the Greeks. Kaironic first, and Aeonic when it becomes Divine, and reconciles the two. Aeon is the God which manages Chronos and Kairos; Aeon is the temporality of the superior focus. This, in the way it’s represented, tells us which is the fundamental dialectic we need to go through. Desire / Love, Intellect / Affection, Linear/ Circular, but also the dialectic of linear and circular time reconciled within you.
What does this mean? An absolute limit to confusing New Era with New Age, because the New Age is the enemy of the New Era, like Christianity and Christ, like Buddhism and Buddha, like the Muslims and Mohammed… the ones who, in the name of Christ, taught everything that went against what he taught.
O World Project:
The topic that Randall wanted to cover is the New Era. And a question that always comes up is.. the exercise of creation, that is, as creators we have the potential to create what we can imagine, is it an individual exercise, or do you see it as creation in community among individuals?
Jose Luis Parise:
It’s a very good topic. Actually it is not a topic we can discuss very often, and it is essential to talk about it, especially now and in light of what’s been happening since 2012. I understand now what had been set out in the question.
The issue is that this point of departure will generate a diversion if we think of it this way. This is key in the New Era - this central issue which requires first that we empty ourselves of the points of view from the Old Era which have boxed us in and prevented us from effecting a change of Era; which have perpetuated our human problems.
If you allow me, I will take the liberty, and I propose that we take the long circuit of thinking about it from the teachings of the prophecies of the New Era itself. Because if we think about it from the question itself as it is, truly it is not possible to give a serious, consistent answer, rather it would be a superficial answer: “Yes, individual.” “Yes, in community”.
3:05 It doesn’t work like that. If you agree, then we’ll take the journey which can open all our minds in such a way that we can think about it already as a concept of the New Era, rather than something to be attained. This is one of the keys of Magic - if you don’t place it in the “from whence” you won’t attain it as a result. If you don’t place it in the “from whence” you won’t attain it as a result. That which is not contained in the seed will not be present in the fruit. (or Nothing which is not contained in the seed will be present in the fruit. The seed must contain it.
And so, what’s our point of departure? If we approach from a place which is the norm, to think about it in this way, which is perfectly licit and valid in the province of the Old Era, then we will once again be boxed in, because from outset we fall into the trap - which is something that all the sacred writings caution. Christ himself mentions it in his teachings, even before the cross, never mind how he confirms this in his later teachings. All prophecies mention it, drawings, paintings, reliefs, maps left by all those we talked to us and taught us about the New Era.
So, what do they tell us?: The tell us plainly that any thought such as this one will make us bounce. Why? This thought in which we all start is called a “dialectic thought”. And the dialectic thought which in this case is ‘individual’ or ‘community’ is the precursor of divided forces, and with divided forces with maintain our energy, our psyche and our physicality within the limits that are established by the ego, by the I, by the paradigms that are generated by the Old Era.
The possibility to seriously understand a topic as significant as this one, which I am grateful for the opportunity to discuss - it’s not a topic that I can often talk about, unless it’s a seminar or a lecture where we can delve deeper rather than just releasing information - that’s why I am truly grateful than on this forum meant for sharing information we can talk about something so significant.
If we seriously considered from whence we must depart, the dialectic ‘individual-community (society)’ is the trap. I prepared some graphics for us today about the New Ear as I understood that was the topic you were interested in, and I am glad that I did. Since we must precisely understand this issue, there is no room for subjectivity or personal opinion…’I think…’ or ‘you think…’. This are clear teaching which, if not considered, there is no New Era. So with this in mind, I prepared these graphics which I would like you to be able to see on your screen as well. In particular, certain diagrams depicting ideas which, out of all of humanity’s history, it’s the “initiatic" societies, cultures, wisdom have accepted regarding the New Era; they have established and left for us as the maps to the New Era.
Let’s see. Here I am pinning one of these maps…. let’s see if we can see it… here it is! This is one of the maps. This is a map of New Era, the Old Era, and a circular time that encompasses any temporality of humanity. This is the map we mast understand if are to understand the New Era, and as you can see it’s very complete and complex, and ther initiatic cultures have left other maps, previous to this one, which are somewhat more direct to comprehend, if just was powerful.
We will get to this map, which is found in the Louvre, and it’s the Dendera Zodiac, but first we must traverse, we must pass through, we must understand other maps which are more direct, and if I can open the information here, we can place. Let’s see. I’m speaking specifically of this map. This map is the most direct graphic we have to answer to matters like the one you have just cited. Why? I don’t know if this map is known at all but we have worked a lot with it; for 10 years we have analyzed it, explained it, disclosed it, and cited it along with the sacred characters of each culture.
This map belongs to an aboriginal culture called HOPI, which resides within those 4 corners between the US and Mexico.
Colorado, Utah, New Mexico… That’s the area. There lives a community, what is left of it, that in its apogee were the guardians of the wisdom of the original initiatic culture, and what this original culture left us, prepared us for and warned us about the New Era. This is called the Most Sacred Rock of the Hopi. This is the Hopi Rock. That’s what it’s called. The Hopi Rock, this one in particular - obviously this one has an overlay of the graphic so we can see it better, although it’s engraved with a burin, to put it graphically. This rock displays a map and there is a very sacred story about it which we can discuss, but this relates to the New Era according to their prophecies, according to what the guardians of the wisdom of their culture say. For example, Thomas Banyacya, a guardian of the wisdom of his culture, who discovered and interpreted this rock.
Everyone agrees that this rock shows us the Old Era and the New Era. See how it seems dialectical? Can you see how there appear to be two lines? Here we can see clearly that if one follows the concept of dialectics, one can say, “yes, there are two lines.” Yes, but just a moment, the two lines co-exist, both lines are on the same rock, both lines appear together; and the lines do not converge but they also don’t displace each other. It’s not as if the Old Era has its own rock. This is found in a valley, surrounded by rocks which all show engravings with prophecies and intiatic teachings. There isn’t one rock for the Old Era and one for the New Era. However, the fact that they co-exist doesn’t mean we confuse the two.
We are going to minimally decipher the elements… I have spent entire days and weekends in seminars deciphering this little drawing which looks like a child’s drawing… we don't have the slightest notion, until we delve deeper, of the clues that are found here for us for today, for our lives, to generate the reality we want, to generate magic, thanks to clues such as this one which coincide wholly with the clues left by other cultures, such as the one we just saw, from Egypt.
Can you see the red dot? Does it appear on your screen when I move it? Excellent! This line - it’s easier to do it this way with the graph - is the line of the New Era, and this line is the line of the Old Era. As you can see, to a certain extent they are boxed-into the same, to put it graphically, but the New Era transcends what the Old Era had reached. This ray of light is the Plasma; this ray is the December 22, 2012. As you can see, December 22, 2012 puts an end to the Old Era. What does this mean? It puts an end to the 4 paradigms of the Old Era, which are represented by these 4 figures: Religion, Economics, Politics and Science.
These four paradigms are struck by this ray which breaks them up, on December 22, 2012. However, there is another path which unites both elements. If we were to look at the entire Hopi Rock, we have at the very outset, where you can see the red dot, the clue. This is the sacred image of all Initiatic cultures: Four Corners, Four Points. The Incas call it ___________________, in Christianity it is obviously the sign of the Cross. This is the Square which signals the integration of worlds - This is the Divine realm, this is the Human realm, and this is the Initiatic realm.
The unity of worlds, uniting what appears to be separated. See, here there are two poles which appear to be separated, but they unite up here. This is a Clue in Magic. Uniting forces that appear separate, for which we must see what common origin they have. If the appear opposite in their separation, it’s because they have a common origin. The most practical and direct example we have today is the United States and Iraq. Those Iraqis who became enemies of the States were trained in the States. This is a historical fact. This reminds me of a Shaman who said: “If two wolves are fighting each other, it’s because they are both tied to the same rock.”
If the wolves are freed, they don’t bump against each other any more. Two things which appear opposite, confronted, it’s because they are tied to the same conceptions, to the same paradigms. If can’t free myself from my partner’s betrayal at work, what Initiation teaches me is to reveal how I betray myself. If my betrayal outside and my betrayal inside collide with each other it’s because they are attached to a same focus, which in this case is betrayal.
Realizing this is very important, because, as we can see, here is a path that is not mistaken with the path of the Old Era, but both coexist within the same conception of time. They are two parallel temporal lines. What causes the end of one of these lines causes at the same time the birth of the following one. But the fact the both coexist on the same rock show us that we will have to coexist, Old Era - here it is - and New Era. Which means we will have to coexist, focusing concretely on the question, in community, socially. It’s not about living in caves isolated from our community, but rather the individual creation of our reality, using what this ray of plasma - which entered our solar system on December 22, 2012 - allows us to take advantage from the Old Era.
The clue resides in that there is something which makes that possible. What makes this possible? This, which has been circulating from divinity itself. If we now quickly rewind the movie, this down here is divinity itself. For them it is called [MAZO] and it’s divinity par excellence. It’s the HUIRACOCHA of the Q’eros, the HUIRACOCHA of the Incas, and it’s Zeus for the Greeks, etc.
Ok. What does this divinity offer us? This divinity offers all of us humans equally, in every age, an empty circle which demands of us to unite what we believe to be separate. See here there is a sign which unites TAHUANTINSUYO, as I mentioned, what here first appears to be separate and later unites, four extremes which must be united. This circle represents what we are talking about now: emptiness. If I want to enter the New Era without emptying myself - see how this emptiness circulates, which is always partially concealed, partially covered? Now this must manifest. This must be taught. This must be revealed here as it was here. This is the New Era:
Learning to empty ourselves of what prevents us from generating the reality we want. When today you ask me the question and at the outset I try to answer in this way it’s because this graphic - and other ones we will see now - holds the same clue. Which clue? If we don’t arrive here it from this emptiness we are going to drag with us our conceptions from the Old Era “plasmated” (that key word is “Plasma”), “amplified” by the Plasma, into the New Era. We will just be repeating the Era and that’s that.
The first thing we must find is this emptiness. And this emptiness has been circulating as the key to Initiation, concealed, or more exactly, semi-concealed, during the Old Era. This Old Era holds the key to emptiness semi-revealed by each Initiatic culture. What is ‘learning to empty ourselves’? This is what every Initiatic culture attempts to generate. Zen begins with a state of ‘Existential Emptiness’. Christ says explicitly ‘who doesn’t die first cannot be reborn in the Kingdom’. ‘To die first’ is emptiness. When you enter into ALCHEMY, the first state is called NIGREDO. Nigredo means BLACK, black as in Mourning, because first you must ‘die’ and empty yourself. I am trying to cite different cultures, which are completely separate from each other by millennia, and yet they all agree that without an existing emptiness we can’t generate a New Era.
We can put it in a hugely impacting way, at least it was for me when I first heard it. No one is prevented from generating what they want in their lives because of deficit, but because of an abundance. And that which is plentiful is what they need to learn to empty.
And how do we empty ourselves?
Precisely. There is the crux of the problem. The first thing we need, as you saw, is a change of paradigm. When I enter into the question from another paradigm, from the outset I am emptying myself of the paradigms of the Old Era which always talk to me in a dialectic.
One of the most direct ways to empty myself of what prevents me from achieving what I want, is to understand precisely that, what prevents me from achieving what I want keeps me separate from what I want. What is that called? DIALECTIC! If I am somewhere, and the reality I want to generate is somewhere else, what is that? A Dialectic. Of what do I need to empty myself? Of any and all dialectic which wants to install itself within me. What are dialectics? Dialectics are opposite poles which presents themselves automatically, and as we see here, the void prior to arriving in the New Era, had to traverse dialectics, opposite poles. This pole and this pole, this pole and this pole, they must be united and that means traversing dialectics. See? Journeying through the emptiness and bridging dialectics are the same thing.
‘Emptiness’ and ‘Dialectic’ are the same thing. Connected, because here they are united, unified in a central point. Here the emptiness, do you see what it does? It traverses dialectics. Which dialectic? Half concealed, half revealed. The New Era requires that this void does not allow dialectics. That’s why it’s not dialectic here. Do you understand what I’m saying?
Let’s see. We can see the same thing here… it’s not uploaded but we can see it here…. from the Q’ero Culture, its most sacred symbol, the CHACANA. In the centre of this, which is a map like this map on the screen, what is it? Again, a void. This void is what will allow us to journey, step by step, all the Eras. We can see that is the same teaching. The Incas never met the Hopi. The culture of TAHUANTINSUYO, the Andean culture, never met the Hopi culture. Nevertheless, they hold the same logic.
If you ask me, how I empty myself? What is it about? I have to find the most unified answer possible. Empty myself of what? Of Everything that Divides Me. I want this, but I can only that; I desire this but I only achieve the other; I feel this but I think that… How do I unify it? With this other symbol represented in this circle (here on the screen): the MOUTH. That is also a mouth. That mouth will demand I listen to myself when dialectics arise within me so that I can then change the paradigm which traps me in that dialectic. Let’s take it step by step.
This right here is the reality we’d all like to generate. What was it for the Hopi? This little drawing is an ear of wheat, it’s part of the reality they wanted. For us, in current terms, this could represent health, food, spirituality, all that which could be contained in an ear of wheat. It was health, it was food.. but it depending on being in harmony with the Divine. This symbolizes self reality. ‘Self’ means ‘Individual’ as you can see… here it is. Independent. But it does not mean solitary. It coexists with the forces… that is we must take advantage of Science, of Politics, Economy, Politics. But without getting stuck in the dialectics set out by them. What are these dialectics? This, yes - this, No. This is good, this is bad. This exists, this does not. When we are told “it has been scientifically proved that…” (one of the four paradigms) automatically in our heads we create a dialectic. “That is the truth.” It is not the truth. It is not the truth. The truth is another concept, it’s philosophical. We automatically create dialectics. It exists because Science says it does. If Science tells us… “no, it’s not proven scientifically that we can create reality from the Word.” We automatically create a dialectic. “This is a lie, this is the truth.”
JL, pardon me. So, this way in which we constantly create dialectics, is it something which is part of our nature, does it reside within us? Or is it something that we receive from these paradigms…? Does it come from outside or from inside?
See? There’s another dialectic again! Between Outside and Inside. See? Humans are trapped in dialectics!
But did we learn it or do we generate it?
Of course, now we’ll get into that. But do you see, that we always fall into the dialectic? We started with ‘Individual’ or ‘Collective’, ‘Outside’ or ‘Inside’. This is Fantastic! That we are able to see in situ from inside the same snow ball that drags us as humans, seeing from within that our thought always wants to resolve things in terms of ‘this pole or this other pole’? Well, to turn on the light bulb we need to connect both poles. If I am a very positive person and never consider the negative, I cannot turn on the light bulb. If I am negative and don’t consider the positive, I won’t turn on the light bulb. All Initiatic cultures warn me that whatever is outside is a bridge to what is inside.
In the Q’ero culture this is called AYNI. “reciprocity between outside and inside.” For the Greeks, It’s SYMMETRY. This principle of Symmetry tells me that I cannot differentiate inside from outside. I can answer you in a Mythological way which is the most exact, precise, beautiful and useful way (although it may not seem that way… we will see) to approach the topic.
Humans are divided and consistently generate confrontation, division, cultures… look at what happened.. the Europeans come to America, and what could have been the most important integration in the world’s history became that largest division in the world’s history.
Where did they bring the division from? Was it outside? It was within them. But they saw division outside. I have, if you want them, some matters to that regard that can prove very powerful to help us see that, even though they could see and recognized that they were superior to the Europeans in certain ways, they still had to destroy them. Where was the dialectic? Outside? No. It was within them. But what is the dialectic that’s found within us? Well, this is where we need… for this are all the myths written, all of the spoken, oral myths which say the same thing. Humans bounce consistently between dialectics, which they believe to be outside, because in their conception of Human is found the fundamental dialectic. Which one? The dialectic which divides the Human from the Divine.
While the Human and Divine remain divided within us we will continue to Demonize and Divinize. While in every origin, the Demon of every culture was no other than the other, dark face of the same deity, or as we know them, Yin and Yang. Yahweh, before becoming a deity, was a swamp demon in Jewish mythology. However, people believe that the Demon is one thing, and Yahweh is another. To unite the poles is to unite Human and Divine. It’s the central point of the moment on the cross when Christ unites the Human and Divine by uniting dialectics. That union of dialectics, within us, is actualized incarnation after incarnation. The BARDO TODOL cites this with total precision. That union (that’s what BARDO means: BAR - between, DO - two)… to be trapped in incarnations is to be trapped int he BARDO. What is that? To be trapped between Two. We live trapped between Two.
What every initiate has come to resolve, what Magic teaches us, with what to do Magic, and what Initiation teaches us, is exactly that. What? To detect both poles and to learn to reconcile them. The Greeks, to this end, had a tremendously powerful concept…….
which was found in Christ with his most - to put it so - representative word.
What is Christ’s most representative word? Anyone will tell you it’s “Love”. But the love the Christ talked about was this Love of which we speak now. Why? When Christ speaks about this Love which interests him, we have talked about this before, it is not automatic love. The love the a father feels for his son, or a son for his father, or the one we feel for our mother, or our brothers. No. He was talking about a love which is translated (without getting too technical) with the word AGAPE. AGAPE comes from AGALMA, and AGALAM is the same AGAL in Galaxy, see? the galaxies, Plasma, Light.
What is Agalma? Agalma is what the Greeks searched for to show them the Person who would generate a new reality; PACHAKUTEK to the Incas. A year-and-a-half ago the Q’eros appointed that this is the Pachakutek Teaching of the New Era. It’s the teaching that shows us to unify that which within us is separate. What is separate within us? The Greeks were very clear in this. When the Greeks talked about Agape, which today it’s translated in the most vicious, tendentious and untruthful ways, it is the union of what, for the Q’eros - it’s the same word, it’s incredible that it’s the same word for the Andean cultures - that word is MUNAY. For the Greeks it’s Agape. And what is it? They both mean the same: The decision of an act of will which says “my love”. What?
Desire, Will, love, all together? We believe that it can’t be that way. We believe that our Desire and our Love almost never go together. This is the human Drama. This is what Psychoanalysis was concerned with and what today Neurobiology is about. What is that? In our normal state the Left (Desire) and Right (Love) Hemispheres appear completely separate. People desire one thing but love another. We can see it from the simplest soap opera on television… she desires the neighbour but loves her husband, desires a different life but loves her children and must remain in that life.. the person who desires another country but loves their place of birth…
If we can see it, there’s such a clear clue which tells us: all division between Human and Divine, that is between Desire (Human) and Love (Divine) is what we are here to resolve. We cannot resolve the division between Human and Divine without resolving the division between Desire and Love. That is Agape. It means to Love the thing you Desire; Desire the thing you Love. If you ask me, “does this come from inside or outside?”. That’s what Psychoanalysis is for. It taught us that in our lives, we go through 3 stages, 3 myths - [?] Primitive, Narcissus and Oedipus - which teach us to separate what we Love from what we Desire.
…as one cannot Love and Desire one’s mother… we enter into deeply inner issues in our lives. It’s forbidden to Love and Desire the same person. One cannot Love and Desire one’s father. I can Love my mother and father, but I must Desire another. See? We need to Separate, to afterwards Unite in Another Person - this one I am allowed to Love and Desire. Here is this symbol we cited earlier. First, everything is Unified, as it was in they Myths, where Gods and Humans coexisted, they lived together. A separation was necessary. What for? So that we could remain separated? No. So that we could learn to unite within ourselves according to what we want to achieve. This is precisely what Christ came to teach when he places Love at the centre. He does not mean PHILOS love, which is one of the Loves mentioned in the Bible. He does not mean EROS -the Love for any person around us which engenders a desire. He uses a Love which must integrate Desire and Love.
Our lives are a long succession of missed Loves and Desires. In Myth, Love corresponded to God and Desire to Humans, the Union of Love and Desire is called MUNAY. That, precisely, is Sacred, Divine. It ignites the GAL (of Galaxy), it ignites the GAL (of Agalma): Brilliance, a special spark. When one Loves and Desires the same thing, there is a special shine. But immediately we come up against this inner division which says, “no, you can’t.” That’s why Love and Desire toward the same person have an expiry date.
Automatically it’s triggered within us that we cannot maintain that. Give time and it is well know - it’s neurologically proven - that initial falling in love where love and desire the same job, the same person, the same country…”finally, now I will have what I have always wanted…, I’ve finally found it it, I love and desire it…”… it lasts six months to two years. At six months it begins to wear away and after two years it’s naturally eroded. Now it’s time to do your work, to unify what you want to unify. If we understand this then we can understand why in the Bible, it’s in the sacred temples that we find Sexuality and Love together. This is precisely what thy tried to destroy in India during the Muslim invasion, and couldn’t destroy, because it indeed untouchable. Here is where Magic begins.
The temples in India where Sexuality and Love were united could not be touched by the Muslims. We could say that they were protected by Magic. In fact, they were protected by Magic to such an extent that there were incredible things happened to stop the Muslim armies. For example, the Muslim armies which had been invincible for two, three, four years, when they tried to ransack these temples, they were accosted by bees and would not let them pass. It’s like the legend of Alexander the Great and the mosquito. Magic was on the side of the place where there was Agalma, Brilliance, Plasma. It defends you, you can do Magic, when otherwise you could never succeed.
Why? Because Love and Desire where integrated in that place. It was the most sacred endeavour. The same is true in the Shamanic Cultures. There were people specifically instructed in uniting Love and Desire. Now, let’s not think of this as only Erotic; I am referring to every order of life. When one Desires one thing but Loves another, that’s the beginning of the Initiatic Journey. Give them time, and this can happen to anyone. This is the BARDOL - being ‘between two’.
It can be translated in many ways. I think one thing but say another. Out of Love I keep quiet about something I desire to say. At the root its the same thing - Desire - Love. I Desire this job, but out of Love for my family I must make a living, and so I’m divided again. And so we begin to branch out and out, dialectic upon dialectic, and in the end, you only have 10% of energy at your disposal, because everything is branched out and divided. Let’s rewind the movie, and what do we find? Everything is unified here, and the ramifications are unified once again here. That’s why this is a ray which unifies… like a sinus wave with separated crests… which are unified here, and thus we create the New Era.
If this is beginning to make sense, we can see the same concept in other maps from other cultures which I mentioned earlier, and all amazingly have the same key idea. I have to utilize culture, and yet the contrary is often true: culture conditions me as an individual and tells me what’s possible and what isn’t… so, forget about your divinity. You can forget about your own divinity if something else is telling you what’s possible and what isn’t. Why? Because nothing can tell the Divine what is possible and what isn’t.
If I allow the Economy to tell me that I can’t have a job because there’s unemployment, or there’s strikes, then I have renounced my Divinity. If I allow Politics to tell me that I can’t be financially stable because of the explosion of the real estate bubble, then I’ve renounced my Divinity. If I allow Religion to tell me that I can’t be Human and Divine at the same time, it’s a sin, then I’ve renounced my Divinity. If I allow Science to tell me that I cannot generate my reality, that reality is ‘out there’… these are all ways in which I am divided over and over.
So the most concrete thing we can cite, now that we are here, at the top of the unification, is this: the individual, by using the Social, the Collective… what is that? the four prevailing paradigms - Religion, Economy, Politics and Science - must generate his own reality. But what is the trap? See here? Superimposed on the New Era are the pre-fabricated dialectics from the Old Era. Dialectics that won’t survive 50, 100 years, because what seemed before to be a dialectic turned out not to be - like Wave and Particle, turned out not to be a dialectic; what we think and what we feel, they both have the same nucleus. In the heart there are neurons - I’m not delirious! It’s something that science has in fact discovered… that is, all that we believed to be dialectic exist because we accept the very paradigms that allow us to build a dialectic society.
If we question every dialectic within us we will discover that they can always be unified for our benefit, because the truth is that if a dialectic exists, it’s already unified. But it’s exists unified in a place where, as this shows, we must empty ourselves of that which divides us, to then use those two forces. This is what a Christ comes to teach us when he says: “Agape one another”. Agape. Love and Desire together. And teaches us to remain in that place which the Aramaic's called RAHMA, which is the love we are speaking of - that love which unifies all that is separated you.
We could say all churches, all religions, separate from the Divine because they place the Divine outside, in the great beyond after Death. If you way, “I want to be God,” that’s Narcissistic, it’s Lucifer’s sin. Then Christ was Narcissistic and followed Lucifer.
He said: “Be Holy, because I am Holy”. Then why not? Christ uttered that phrase. He invites you to unite dialectics. The fundamental dialectic inside all humans, the gravest, most terrible, most lasting division over the millennia, is the dialectic between Humanity and Divinity. Look at the Greeks, and you can create a myth of division: ZEUS and Prometheus. Humans, with our mental dialectic say: Zeus was bad, very bad: he didn’t allow Prometheus to carry the fire. But Zeus didn’t want to deprive him of fire; what he wanted was to protect the species by not allowing humans to reach fire because, because fire is a Divine concept - it’s Plasma. It’s this right here -
What is this? Let’s look at the facts.
40: 31
What happened in Humans with Fire? Humans made Fire with Fire - Wars, the Inquisition.
It wasn’t that Zeus - the Divine - didn’t want Humans to achieve Fire to keep them out as a species. What he wanted was, in fact, that the species find its Divinity to achieve it, because Fire was permitted only for the Gods. Look at what happens with Humans. We built a myth of Division: Zeus is bad, Prometheus good. And we end up condemning God again. This is Barrabas and Christ - the Thief and the Deity. And what do we do? Christ is bad, crucify him. Barrabas is good. Beyond all the symbolism there (I shared when I presented The Occult Life of Christ over 25 years ago in Argentina and four, five years ago in Europe again), beyond the symbolism it conveys a clear message. Which? The same as Zeus and Prometheus: God, Bad. Thief, Good! Prometheus is a thief, there is no discussion here. But Humans, in our divided minds, see that the pole ‘Human, Thief’ that would like to access the Divine without first becoming Divine, is Good. And the ‘Divine’ pole, that wanted to protect Humans, by not allowing them to reach Fire from the Human (Of course, Fire is Sacred, it must accessed from the Divine).
It’s one thing to go on the Initiatic Journey to access the Sacred Fire and it’s another to believe that the Gods wanted to keep us separate. From all paths, we begin to understand another logic. And it’s the Logic that speaks of a New Era. Why? Because in the New Era we get Plasma, and what does Plasma do? It amplifies that which is already there. If you are divided, you will be ever more divided. Look at what is going on now, from 2012 ti now: the world is more divided than ever. So divided, so divided, and they believed the solution was to tear down the walls, and now they’re building them again.
The chain link wall, the stone wall, Donald Trump’s Wall, if he wins in the US everything will be a wall, the wall of division between two Popes. So, what was within Humanity? Division. Plasma began to fall. Plasma does four things. Plasma accelerates what’s already there, it augments what’s already there, integrates what’s already there (that is, more years of your life in the same place), and unifies what’s already there. Is that a blessing or a curse? Depends on what’s already there. If there’s division within you, Humanity is divided; it’s more divided than ever. We have to go back a very long time to find the same phenomenon of division, of racism, of leaving out the immigrant… everything that today seems so normal to us, as much from the Middle East toward the West as from the West towards the Middle East.
The Middle East believes the enemy is the West, and the West believe the enemy is the Middle East.
I’m sorry Jose Luis, it occurs to me, if I understand correctly this scheme of the Hopi, their prevailing paradigms were four, which corresponded somehow to our modern prevailing paradigms. Did the Q’eros have that same system of paradigms?
That’s another segment… there’s another map which answers that. Here it is. Does it appear on the screen?
Yes, you shared this with us the last time we spoke.
See the four stars? They are also four paradigms. I don’t have here with me the material from India, but if I showed you that, you will see the same thing - four horses each pulling in a different direction. With that carriage you must invoke BRAHMA, and for that you need VISHNU and SHIVA.
Did they correspond to Science, Religion… the same ones?
In India they are called the FOUR SUNJAS . Only there are different ways … because in India there are more than 30 million Gods, there’s mythologies for everything… I studied the sacred writings of India and I can tell you that it’s great and it’s also hard to digest. You don’t find forces which explain nature; each force has been “deified” with a certain character, and eventually you learn its characteristics and realize it’s what in other cultures it’s called, let’s say, Love. And that character is Desire, and they unite.. etc.. Now, understand, in India there are two conceptions - MAHAYANA and HINAYANA.
One shows the paradigms as successive.
There was an era governed by priests, and then an era governed by the economists, those with money. There was an era where inventions governed - science - and there was an era where those powerful in the human sense - politicians - were in power. They always say the same - they [eras] all ended badly. It’s called “the succession of Sunjas”. SUNJA is each one of these eras, and if you look at the maps of India - the drawings of the eras of India - those Sunjas are always, as we saw with the Hopi Rock, within the same conception. However, within it there are two conceptions: one which says they succeed each other era after era (MAHAYANA) and the other, HINAYANA which is the original initiatic conception of India (Not Mahayana, which gave rise to religions).. Hinayana postulates that those four co-existed. So it’s very similar to what we are saying.
They give them names, they ascribe to them elements - lead, bronze, gold; they have colours. They use allegories referring to gold, money, the holy, incense… but it’s always the same. Let’s look at another mythology - the Aztec. I don’t have here the Stone of the Sun, but if you can visualize it, the one that has the Tongue in the centre, which shows clearly that the entire Universe is formed from the Word. What surrounds TONATIUH, the Sun God in the centre, who shows its tongue? There are four boxes - they are called the Four Nahuatl. And what are the Four Nahuatl? One is Science, one is Politics, another is Economy and another is Religion. They are always the same four. And those four, anywhere in the world, leave us always the same teaching. See, the Four Nahuatl surround Tonatiuh, you must use them with your word, but you mustn’t allow them to reach the centre. You mustn’t allow them to occupy the centre of your life. If Science tells says that your illness can’t be cured, perhaps that is true within Science; it’s Science which is divided. In other paradigms it’s possible.
That’s it. And so I invoke the paradigm wherein I am able to heal my Economy, heal my health, wherein I’m able to heal whatever needs healing. Those same four are right here in the centre as well. See these four stars? They are shared and detonated in reality. If you remember the last time we spoke, this below is the Colca, the Storage, what you have or aim to fulfill in your life - your bank account, a home with family, whatever it is. What must we do? We must use these four forces, but what is required first? Let’s see. These four forces are unified up here in the centre. Here, below, they’re already separate. How can I distribute them in my daily life to fill my Colca, my storage, with whatever I want? See how profound this is - an egg. What is this? A void! We see this again - it’s called Huiracochay Pachayachachi, which means that this huge egg is called “The Teacher of the World”. In the Kabbala this is called Da’at - the Eleventh Sephirot.
And it’s hidden. It’s a hole in the centre of the Tree of Life and it’s why so many people mistakenly say that there are ten Sephirot, when there are really eleven. The one that is hidden, and it’s called The Teacher and give you Knowledge. Da’at means Knowledge, but it’s hidden knowledge. When you look at the Tree of Life, that spot looks empty, and it’s the same thing here. So again, to make use of cosmic forces, the Plasma, which are unified though they appear separate - it’s the same we saw before as a rhomboid figure, now in the shape of a cross as in the Hopi Rock - to be able to use these forces, what do I need to do? Empty myself of everything that causes this. Look here - Sun, Moon. Inti, Quilla. What is this? Dialectic Day-Night. Dialectic Masculine-Feminine. Dialectic Sun-Moon.
In any case, the Moon reflects Sun light, so the dialectics, represented here too, Man-Woman but unified. That is, they have emptied themselves of the division of dialectics. Of course, this leads to a million misunderstandings: Transsexuality - no, that’s not the solution. Or any other inference. We are talking about subtle forces that we must unite within ourselves. We all have masculine and feminine forces within us. Whatever your sexuality is on the dense realm has nothing to do with it. Homosexuality, heterosexuality, have nothing to do with that. Alchemy is the merging of masculine and feminine energies within us, and homosexual, heterosexual, asexual, all must achieve this merging, not on the level of the dense, but of the subtle.
So what do we see here? The same logic. These figures which now have unified these forces, they use the four forces, they use the forces of Nature, they use the force of Economy, they use the force of Science which teaches them the use the clouds, the rain… they use all the paradigms, but first there’s a toll - I must empty myself and not allow the paradigms to dictate what I can and what I can’t. Now, if you want, we can see perhaps the most complex but also the most complete of all the maps that attempt to speak to us of this same topic. The most complex and complete of this maps is the Zodiac we mentioned earlier. This Zodiac has codified all this information, for Egypt. It’s so powerful what is taught here, and what codified, and at the same time it signifies so many Egyptian mythologies, like the Hindu ones we mentioned before. In Egypt, all teachings were given through mythology. TOTH are forces we must learn to mange, ERMES are forces we must learn to use, the eye of HORUS is a force that resides within you. Here is the Eye of Horus, right here. What is that Eye of Horus? It’s an eye connected to the ear, learning to ‘see’ by listening, rather than remain divided: seeing versus hearing. No. Learning to ‘see’ with our listening.
I will try - and you will tell me if this is of interest, where the topic goes; if not, we’ll take it so far and leave it there. If you allow me, the best answer I have to what the clues to the individual versus the collective, inside versus outside, I must versus I want, what I have versus what I can… every dialectics we are faced with in our lives, is here, for us to learnt to consider. For that, we must connect both poles, and we always do the opposite - this one, yes, and this one we cross out. In this way we divide our forces. Ok. It’s clearly mapped right here. It is CLEARLY mapped here. This maps marks for us the complete evolution of cosmological history, beyond the planet Earth - although here we will focus on the planet Earth - and for that we must understand the references here. If you allow me a few minutes to develop this topic, I am sure that it will provide a degree of comprehension and concreteness, to give us the confidence that if all the maps which have been left for us - today we are working with three: The Hopi Rock, the Q’ero Pachacuti Yamqui, and now the Zodiac of Dendera… such differing cultures like the Egyptians, the Hopi and Incas - they all coincide in the same teaching, and we can find the same clues in Christ.
And we go to Greece - today we sprinkled a little bit of each topic - and we see the same thing in all. Then there’s no doubt, this is what they wanted to teach us, beyond the picturesque and the mythology of each culture. Should we see what Egypt has left us in this regard? Many thanks, as it is also a vote of confidence.
Especially if it is key to integrate dialectics, then it’s important that we understand what it’s all about and how to do it.
That’s right. That’s right. And here, it’s been symbolized we could say, in a most naked and primitive way. I have been to the Louvre many times, the first time…. well… as I learned to connect things energetically - in Step 6 of the Method of Magic you learn how to use your energy. The first time I went to the Louvre and I connected my energy with the Zodiac of Dendera I felt absolutely nothing. How can that be? How could I be so ignorant, so insensitive! Eventually I learned that yes, I was thick, but not for the reason I believed. I didn’t know that the one there was not the original one. Sorry. I’m saying it backwards! When I went to Egypt, to the Temple of Karnak, which is where this was originally. Sorry. What I told you before applies to Egypt. I said it backwards. I’ll explain it better.
In Egypt, when I went the first time and I connected my energy with this drawing, which is hanging from the ceiling of the Temple today, I felt nothing. All the information I searched and the questions I had… nothing. Later, through my research, I found out that the original was at the Louvre. Napoleon took it there. That’s why I felt nothing. That is, I was ignorant, but not in the way I thought. I couldn’t connect energetically, and it was a good thing that I couldn’t get any answers from it, because it was a replica. So I went to the Louvre, and I was able to go many times with students from my school. It’s really pathetic to see what happens; it’s pathetic. What do we see? People walk right by it; they’re only interested in seeing La Gioconda. Of course, if they’re not trained as Initiates, then they’ll walk right by and their lives won’t be changed. This will change your life. Let’s start at the beginning.
Look. We were speaking of the four paradigms. Look: one, two, three, four hold everything up. These are the Four Isis with Veils which should be as they are here, without veils. They are the Four Veiled Paradigms, and you must not let them ‘veil’ the reality you want to achieve. And there four are precise what support everything up. This much is clear? These Four Isis sustain reality, the universe, and this universe corresponds to the reality in the scheme of Pachacuti Yamqui or the wheat blade in the Hopi Rock which condenses it all - the sacred, economic, scientific and political. Here is all of it. Perhaps a minimal reference to the beginning would help. This is called a Zodiac because we find all the mythological elements of the Zodiac. Let’s see… luckily we have this red button which will make it easier.
This is Aries. Here it is. Sorry, Aries, Taurus. Gemini, here are the twins. Cancer. Leo. Virgo, the Virtuous One. Libra, here’s the scale. Scorpio. Sagittarius. Capricorn. Aquarius, this is the Age of Aquarius, here is the water in the bowls. Pisces. Now we have a reference. People walk right by it, they don’t understand any of it. It’s hard to see, they can’t see it, and if there is a reason to go to the Louvre, it’s to see this. This contains - I’m going to be conservative - 12,500 years of culture. If you analyze this in their myths, this is in fact atemporal, because it comes from other planetary cycles. That is, we could say that it contains millions of years - millions of years - of condensed wisdom, and people walk right by, and they are bored and they yawn. It’s great, because when I go with students from my school, I love it, we have the room all to ourselves; nobody wants to see this. And this is what should be seen.
In fact, you can ask them what it is, and they have no idea. The sole fact that we have decoded the signs of the zodiac is a big plus, you can already see a logic. Now, this logic is infinite. Look what is in the centre of the Universe for the Egyptians: a tongue. There it is. [Draco] sticks out his [her] tongue. This is the Deity of Divinity, it’s Hippopotamus. And you might say, ‘but it’s brown’. It’s because in Nile the hippo is covered in mud, and when it emerges from the water, the sun is reflected off the hippo, round, big, gigantic, shiny, and it looks like an emerging sun. It’s a hippopotamus carrying a crocodile. What’s the difference? Can you see that it has the head of a crocodile? The crocodile has no ears, the hippo has ears: we must learn to speak and to listen to what I say. Everything is there! As you can see we could talk…. within each of these figures there are major clues for our lives. This is your life. This is what you want to achieve. It’s what in the other scheme were all the distributed forces.
If we go back to what you were asking about the new era, look, here is Pisces and Aquarius. This is the New Era. We must pass from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. Wow. If we can really look at this, everything is unveiled. Look at what’s happening between Aries and Taurus. The ram touches the horn of the bull - it’s very easy to go from Aries to Taurus, it’s just a matter of time. Look here: from Taurus to Gemini, from Gemini to Cancer, right next to it; from Cancer to Leo, from Leo to Virgo, from Virgo to Libra, from Libra to Scorpio, from Scorpio to Sagittarius, from Sagittarius to Aquarius… very easily pass from one to the next. The distance for some is slightly greater, the ages harder to traverse. But there is absolutely no doubt that the Egyptians here told us something huge. What? The hardest thing in the history of humanity is this leap. That’s why they left us - and again I’m being conservative - 12,500 years of teachings to take this leap. This leap is why you have incarnated. This leap is why I incarnated, this leap is why all who now are kind enough to be listening incarnated in this age.
If you incarnated in this era is to pass from Pisces to Aquarius. But you can see it’s very far, and there is a ‘shadow element’ in between, to put it simply. This has huge power, and how do we know it? Because it carries a crosier, it means that he has power, and in Greek mythology it’s called [ZAK ANAS] -[Sak Turno] - it’s the deity that divides us. The ‘divisor’. The ‘devil’. It divides. It divides what I say from what I speak - diabolo - he who divides. That’s who we must cross. Look at what happens. The Age of Pisces must pass to the Age of Aquarius, but to do that we must pass through the people of division par excellence. Without getting to sophisticated, Saturn here is wearing the hats of High Egypt and Low Egypt together, and yet there is separation. However, if look here below, then there is no distance between them. So, it is full of clues which tells one thing only (if we focus on the topic of the Old Era and the New Era): We pass from the Old Era to the New Era by going through dialectics. This figure is a great dialectic. Everything about it is dialectic.
Now, where is the clue? In the Pisces passes to Aquarius only if - and this is strange - (if there were master of the Zodiac, it was the Egyptians. The Zodiac as we know it is Egyptian. Other cultures have different Zodiacs. This is the Zodiac on which the weekly horoscopes are based). We all know that Pisces is two fish, but not like this. The Egyptians were dumb, they didn’t draw them properly. No. The drew the clue. The Era of Pisces begins with Christ and ends in 2012, we must cross these two thousand years. If we look at any drawing or picture of Pisces, we see two fish facing in opposite directions, and joined at the tail. It’s the same thing we mentioned before - opposing dialectics joined at the tail, joined at a hidden source, the tail, the part which neither fish can see. And look at the Egyptian drawing, they were either stupid or wise. What did they show us? That to move from one era to the next, the two fish must be reconciled.
There we go! The dialectics cannot oppose each other. The change of era cannot be this way. They themselves, masters of Astrology, masters of the Zodiac, left a clue. Both fish must face the same direction. And what is in the middle? A rhombus, as we saw before in the Q’ero depiction. It’s called the The Great Square of Pegasus, because in the middle of Pisces, in the sky, is the constellation of Pegasus. And who is Pegasus? It’s a horse that can fly; he unites worlds. And how does he do that? By using his wings = dialectics. See? It’s always the same message! Another day we can talk about why this is also called The Square of the Void. Pegasus is also called the Square of Memory… what we must empty ourselves of. That’s why, if you look carefully, you can see that there are empty lines within inside the box. We must empty ourselves. It’s the same. Ok. Now…
This tells us that to enter into the New Era we must reconcile dialectics, and for that we must unite what appears to be separate. This little drawing I’m pointing out here is the same we saw in the Hopi Rock, and that you will see in different cultures as sacred drawing of conciliation of that which appears to be separate. Good. So what is necessary to achieve this? The little empty circle, the void. Look at the images that frame Pisces. Here’s a circle, and inside is Pisces; this is another way to represent Pisces. It’s called Lizard Pisces; I won’t enter into the details but it’s a symbol for Pisces which incorporates something else at the same time. In English it’s known as Lizard or a similar animal which drags itself. The point is, Pisces, a water animal, joined with an earth animal. And here we had Pegasus which joins earth and sky. See? Everything unified. And what do we see here? Another circle!
This is another way to represent it: Pisces framed by a representation of emptying the concepts that create dialects in us. Like which? Fish and lizard must be united, that is water and earth, elements which seem separate. And what did we see here? An eye and ear, unified in Horus’ eye. See? Emptying ourselves of the dialectics that are separated. It’s all the same message! It’s always the same message. But this message teaches us something else. See what’s going on with Aquarius. The water pours from two separate bowls into the same single container down here. Again, divisions are reconciled, the same logic. These stars are the same that we saw in the map of the Pachacuti Yamqui. But what this offers is something even more transcendentally extraordinary, because there is such depth here, that once you see it here, you can detect it in the diagrams we saw before. But if you don’t see it here, then it’s harder to see it elsewhere.
See what happens. We said there are two circles, and these circles, coincidentally are full, of what? Of reconciled dialectics. Fish and lizard, that is water and earth; hearing and vision, which are right and left hemispheres… it’s all unified, Horus’ Eye. Now see how curious this is: these circles which represent emptying ourselves of separate dialectics are strategically placed on the periphery. Around the periphery we have all these deities called [1:07:35] another day we can talk about these; there are 36. Now see how curious this is. It’s a very interesting logic. The Old Era does not require the void. There is one symbol of emptiness between Aries and Taurus. Now let’s keep going: Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Leo… nothing, nothing… until we travel half of the zodiac and then we see a shy little circle signifying the importance of learning to empty ourselves. It’s a spectacular rationale.
Like we saw in the Hopi Rock, it was represented in a gradual way along the timeline, half hidden and half unveiled. Here the diagram shows all creation begins with a void, much as Quantum Physics teaches, but it is not very visible until we come to the middle of the zodiac, as we get closer to the New Era. See? Emptiness, and here again emptiness, and here… and then eventually it’s represented literally empty in the relief. And of course I didn’t draw this, it’s shared on the internet… eventually it’s even drawn as empty. And look at this incredible event: we can’t access the Age of Aquarius without a profound emptying, of what? One, two, three, four, one, two, three, four.. see? An emptying, in the manifest and in the occult, of four issues. Each one of these represents the four prevailing paradigms - religion, economy, politics… but you see, the void framing it. But they didn’t erase it from the Zodiac, we must prevent those paradigms from permeating Aquarius.
And where is the dialectic? We said the reconciled dialectic is right here - the two fish face the same direction. The most powerful clue we find right here. To pass from the Old Era to the New we must go through these strange characters. And we do this by reconciling dialectics, emptying ourselves of dialectics, learning to reconcile the forces within us, and all of that is condensed within the image of two fish which strangely face in the same direction. How amazing were the Egyptians that they were able to locate the tongue in the centre, the reconciled fish, the distances between eras… an extraordinary wisdom which in turn coincides with all other diagrams. They couldn’t just have the fish facing in any direction. It must have been of utter importance where they are facing. We have already detected the first clue: if they face the same direction then there are no more opposing dialectics. We can say right and left hemispheres reconciled, east and west reconciled, love and desire reconciled… That is the key to enter into the New Era.
Now, where the fish are facing must be very important. Where are they facing? Let’s follow the line of the two fish - here and here. In addition, before we go further I want to make something understood, which is very important. See this character here, with the little star right on its head is “Intuitive Intelligence” - intelligence and intuition united, which is the same as reconciled dialectics. This character which represents Intuitive Intelligence finds itself with these two other characters here, which the fish are facing, and which themselves are positioned how? In opposing or reconciled dialectics? Opposed! Sagittarius is trying to shoot his arrow at Scorpio, and Scorpio is trying to hit Sagittarius with its stinger. What is this? A fight. This is war. This is Training of dialectics.
Between Scorpio and Sagittarius we find the whole history which is within us, inside, as it is pictured all around here, outside. So what is this? Scorpio represents - anyone who knows Astrology knows this - Desire. They say people who Scorpios are very ‘fiery’ for example. And Sagittarius represents the intellect. Left and Right Hemispheres. It represents the dialectic between intellect and desire. So what is this? A war of dialectics. A war between two concepts which constantly fight each other. Why is this so important? Because here we find the solution - if it gets too sophisticated you will tell me, but I think that we can understand it - for that place where, if you are able to reconcile this, all other dialectics will be reconciled as well. See, the tail of the Scorpion? In the original engraving it is slightly more curved, and here is an arrow. For the Egyptians this represents the ‘Linear’ and the ‘Circular’. In other words, intellect (linear) and the affects (circular).
The concept that within us takes both a linear and circular form which constantly fight each other, which here is represented as the arrow attempting to cut the Scorpion’s stinger; what is that? That which Neurology has discovered is within us, and which Egypt and the Greeks wrote into the mythology as a concept both linear and circular. A concept which has the power to change all reality - if you change it, you change your whole reality: the concept of TIME. All of us are trapped in a linear concept of time, “Chronological” for the Greeks, and in a circular concept of time, “Kaironic” for the Greeks. Kaironic first, and Aeonic when it becomes Divine, and reconciles the two. Aeon is the God which manages Chronos and Kairos; Aeon is the temporality of the superior focus. This, in the way it’s represented, tells us which is the fundamental dialectic we need to go through. Desire / Love, Intellect / Affection, Linear/ Circular, but also the dialectic of linear and circular time reconciled within you.
What does this mean? An absolute limit to confusing New Era with New Age, because the New Age is the enemy of the New Era, like Christianity and Christ, like Buddhism and Buddha, like the Muslims and Mohammed… the ones who, in the name of Christ, taught everything that went against what he taught.