Interview 2 - The 11 Steps of Magic
Thank you, truly. It’s time for the world to learn about this.
Good. Onwards, then.
Understanding that all prophecies of the original cultures warn us that, at this time we have a unique opportunity in the history of humanity, is something important in and of itself.
In other words, we are talking about a change of era that all original cultures, that is, all cultures which had a tradition of teaching which attempted to generate reality by connecting the material world from the spiritual world…. Those teachings left us maps, myths, legends, explicit teachings all pointing toward this particular time. This is monumental, it’s amazing.
I have had the pleasure to travel to the necessary parts of the world, and I can say: if you go to Egypt you find the Dendera Zodiac. The Dendera Zodiac specifically places this particular change of era, as the most difficult passage of all eras.
If you go to Sumeria – now at the Louvre – the Rock of Narancin talks about this change of era. The Hopi rocks, in the middle of the New Mexico desert, talks about this change of era. I have seen this all over the world; we don’t find as much information and warning about any other change of era.
I don’t exaggerate when I say that, what this prophecy warns us of, is that this change of era is much more difficult than the one that Christ ushered in 2000 years ago, or any other in the history of humanity.
In fact, there are specific teachings which say that they prepared us for this change of era, because there has never been as much Plasma as there will be now with which to commit ourselves to generate our own reality. That is where our Divinity is called to the stage. Everything I have been able to investigate, first reading for so many years so many hours a day, and then traveling for so many years and even today, to see what we have been taught by those who generated that which before existed in very small quantities, in minimal drops, those few moments of Plasma invasion for humanity …
And whatever little they knew and could do - which they named from their own cultures as Prana, Manah, Khi, Ether for the Greeks – the little the knew and could do produced magnificent changes, at least within its radius of influence. Except that now, the change has to come from humanity as a whole.
Knowing that we need the square root of 1%, and that gives us a round number of about 8000 people, and that we (and I include myself, because I make a personal commitment to this) can show the world that we can generate our own reality, gives us a place of entry, allows us to put our toes into the new era, to generate for humanity what many prophecies call the “Lighthouse”… ‘to allow us to see in the midst of the fog in the ocean.’
What is the problem? The main problem is not that people are not aware of the new paradigm, which is nothing more than the union of both cerebral hemispheres. For that we needed, in round number, 500 years of science activating our Left Hemisphere. But now we can’t let the Left Hemisphere bury the Right Hemisphere, the way that science tried to do with what we today call Magic. And, we cannot allow Magic to turn us into New Age that says ‘we don’t need to think’; we don’t have an ‘extra’ half brain, there is no design error in the universe whereby one hemisphere is extra.
What’s truly revolutionary, what’s different, is that humans, in effect, generate a reality which requires an increasingly expanded state of awareness, which really is the synchronization of elements of the two cerebral hemispheres.
The word ‘synchronization’ in this – made fashionable by Jung, but it wasn’t Jung who invented it – is key. There is precisely an effect, a phenomenon, produced in every day life that holds the key to the change of era. And that phenomenon is what we called today – again, a term that Jung brought back but which was very old, came from the Greeks – Synchronicity.
Synchronicity names both things. It names what occurs in our brain – the hemispheres synchronize – and it names what occurs Outside when that synchronicity occurs in our brain. It’s a bridge between Inside and Outside, as much as it is a bridge between Eras.
Synchronicity is how we attempt to name the phenomenon which we avoid naming with the ‘other’ word; a word that is feared, full of judgments, that even today – I speak about this all the time, and even Quantum physicists who are at the vanguard of science, still avoid using this word. The word is, if we are to call things by their name, Causality.
We prefer to use the word Synchronicity to hide, to cover the fact that what we are studying is what it is that causes Causality. Here is where we run into trouble with Science. And here we are in the first Paradigm. Science forces upon us dialectic that divides our mind; it divides our mind precisely between the Particular and the General, between the Subject and the Other, the community, the external. Then we begin to think with a mind divided when we try to understand, Causality or Coincidence? We are already lost.
When we enter into that, we are lost. Why? Because that is how, precisely, we make decisions. Right hemisphere or Left hemisphere? How are we thinking about this? Coincidence is a phenomenon that we can’t understand – Right Hemisphere. And Causality is what we understand as Cause and Effect – Left Hemisphere.
Ok. The Paradigm of Initiation, which is Initiatory Magic – I will say it with every letter, that is, Magic. But with an internal journey that requires that you precisely do not mistake it for New Age. The Paradigm of the New Era – the best way I find to label it is Initiatory Magic – tells us very clearly that we must learn to Cause Coincidences.
That’s where I focused my studies as a point of departure. There are11 steps with which someone can learn to generate their own reality, a method I developed. In all cultures you find 11 steps – in some there are only 7 steps, but I don’t want to complicate it. But why? Because in some cultures the initiation begins when they are very little and so they don’t require more than 7 steps.
You and I, we, and all that are able to participate of this conversation, will generate Coincidences that are in fact, One step, not the final step. The 7th step in generating coincidence is the final one in some cultures. The Kybalion, for example, as representative of a culture, or the Hopi, have 7 steps. But there are 4 more steps, once you generate the coincidence. That’s why I speak of 11 steps. Because if once you generate the phenomenon of Magic, you can’t sustain it in your every day life, it dissipates, it’s gone.
And you’re left with a worse frustration than before. Let’s understand, what is it all about? It’s about learning to Cause Coincidences; there is no contradiction. You can learn to Cause something in Seven Steps – from 1 to 7 – and from 7 to 11 you learn to ground that Coincidence (bring it to Earth), to maintain it and make it grow, and to prevent the I – the ego – from generating again with the previous reality.
Which is like when someone has a bout of good fortune and later they experience a catastrophe, which is something very normal and common. Freud called people who had this experience “those who failed in their triumph”. This has a high occurrence. That is what one learns to control in steps 7 to 11.
Ok. Learning to cause Coincidence, learning to cause Synchronicity, from the outset, is the grand proposal of Magic. Why? Because it does not allow me to fall into a divided mind. Causality or Coincidence? I have to learn to Cause Coincidence. I know, it’s obvious, too many years on this theme, the obvious question that arises is that “why, then, do we call it Coincidence, if I am causing it? That’s where I require deep methodical coordinates that will not confuse me.
Coincidence is How it will happen. I cannot decide How it will come to pass. Causality is What will happen. There is a Method for this. What will come to pass is called the 2nd step in the Method of Magic. How it will happen, is not my responsibility; I do not need to concern myself with that. That is the 3rd step.
‘What’ is the 2nd step. ‘How’ is the 3rd step. And the first step, which is the key to everything, with which I will achieve it or not, from where do I want to achieve it. If I want to achieve it from a mind that is conditioned from the outset by the prevailing paradigms and dialectics, then my mind is already telling me ‘it’s not possible, it won’t happen.’
Then, Step One: From where, from which conception, from which Cosmology; if I want to use a provoking term, from which Myth. With that, I’m putting Science in its rightful place – one more myth among many myths. A beautiful, fantastic myth, but let’s not forget anthropologist Levi-Strauss’s warning – all who live inside a myth believe that theirs is not a myth.
Their experience is real; every one else’s is a myth. We live inside the Scientific myth and observe its laws. “Science can demonstrate” “Science does experiments” – when you delve deeper into what Scientific demonstration you realize is nothing more than conventions that sets aside anything that might contradict it. That’s dogma.
When you see that Science leans on the same precepts as religions – what do religions lean on? Ten commandments. Ok. I didn’t make this up, I swear. What does Science rely on? Ten axioms, which Euclid invented. Science relies on ten axioms. What is an Axiom? Something un-provable. Something you have to accept on faith. I don’t want to enter into too much detail, but Euclid’s 4th Axiom deliberately accepts that it will never be proven. That is Faith. That is a Myth.
What does Science lean on? On great prophetic dreams which today we call ‘scientific’. Newton dreamed a reality – at night, a dream – from which he gleans information. Decartes dreamed his Three Cartesian Coordinates. Giordano Bruno dream of a universe whose ‘firmament’ was not ‘firm’. Where do all religions come from? Prophetic dreams. In this sense, I am trying to help you understand that while our mind believes that reality is what Science tells us it is, or what Politics tells us it is (ie., no employment, no jobs, and that’s the reality), or what the Economy tells us it is (we’re in an economic depression, etc.), or what Religion tells us it is (God is on the ‘other side’ of life; not here; God is out there)… while our minds are conditioned and From Where we are thinking (Step One) prevents us from generating What (Step Two) we want to generate.
The first thing that comes up for humans is precisely (and I’ll tell you the way I have been told by all wise men in these cultures) a “Fool’s Question”. If I said to you “next week I’m going to India again, and I’d like you to come with me and to generate and experience together,” the first question the arises is “How can I do that?” That belongs to the Third Step of generating our reality, and we are placing it as the First Step. “What do you want me to do … I can’t.” Ok.
When you tell the Universe “What” you want (Second Step) the Universe generates “How” you will bring it about, if the First Step didn’t contradict that order …”no, it can’t be done, I won’t be able to”. Here we now seem to have some order in what appears to be a daily chaos. For this, we must accept that the “How” won’t be limited by our suppositions.
In the middle of the Peruvian jungle, a Shaman told me, “Jose Luis, the Universe counts with a couple more resources than you think.” I thought it was a fantastic saying. One thinks that ‘it can’t be done’… the Universe has a few more resources to bring about what you’re telling it needs to happen. But for this, we must first find out What we want. And that’s the big issue.
Why? Because we are subject to a division imposed on us by science, by placing the particular versus the general, where the particular has no bearing on the general, ie., you might like it to rain or not, it doesn’t matter – whether it rains or not, it has nothing to do with you. You may be optimistic but it doesn’t mean there will be more jobs. In other words, from the outset, Science gives us that fundamental opposition, the same as Politics.
We are talking about two of the four paradigms. Politics: the Particular versus the General; the individual good versus the collective good, but first, the collective good. Well, Aristotle, who invented Politics – and who was an initiate (into Magic) conceived it as the opposite. Politics depended on Virtue (and that’s why they spoke of Virtus and not of Humans) and we have been told that being Human is a virtue; today we think that being Human is of great value. To the Greeks, being human was a problem to be surpassed.
They had to choose: Virtuous or Human. Humus – like the Bible mentions – is a despicable thing. Who was the virtuous one? And here we enter into the Second Step: the virtuous one was he who had access to something which the normal human had no access to. They called it “Voice and Vote”. That is, he had a Voice, he had the ‘word’. That’s where the game starts. We need to tell Reality What we want. That’s the Second Step. We need to say it. We avoid this at all costs: ‘thinking it is enough’, ‘it is clear in my own head’, ‘I said this way but I’m clear as to what I want’. We avoid saying it and instead memorize ridiculous affirmations, affirmations people learn to avoid having to say it. Why do we avoid saying it?
Because it’s very difficult to speak what we want to achieve. For over 30 years I’ve had the pleasure of leading group and individual experiences, seminars with hundreds of people, and when I give people the mic so they can speak it, “You have Aladdin’s lamp. Go on. It’s the Method of Magic. Tell it what you Want.” It proves very difficult for people to be in agreement between their First Step (their mind, their ideas, their Myth) and the Second Step (their Word). One believes they are telling the Universe What they want, when in fact they are saying something completely different.
“Tomorrow I’m going to look for work”. That’s it. I told the universe what I want. Am I going to find work? No. Because I’m ‘wanting’ to Look for work, not Find work. How is my word going to ‘become,’ and produce a whole lot of coincidences. Coincidences such as finding that the position has been given to someone else, that I had the wrong address, that there was an error in the newspaper ad… many “Hows” will be generated and I’m going to believe that Magic didn’t work. And what was really at fault is my internal journey.
I don’t listen to myself as I speak. If I don’t listen to myself, what I’m telling Reality, The Universe, that I want to achieve, won’t be created. And now, in this time of high Plasma influx, things are created from one day to the next. Before, you needed to focus on the idea for much longer; today it’s easy to create. Why? You see what’s been happening since 2012… the Pope resigns, Kings abdicate the throne … the representations of the prevailing paradigms which in the past were not easy to change, are falling now. The resignation of one Pope for another, is clearly something that had never occurred before. The resignation of Kings which we have witnessed and which had never happened before, now is happening more easily, because the Prophecies foretell those falls.
Now. For me to accept with my mind and be able to stick to my word, I will need a profound internal journey. That’s the beginning that all initiates have told us about. Buddha’s first question to his disciples was “Who moves your tongue when you speak?” When Christ places such emphasis on the power of the word and says “By your Word you will be judged, and by your Word you will be freed” he’s giving us a practical course in Magic.
It’s good to remember about Abracadabra, which means “I create my reality as I speak”. But what is the problem? While the Political paradigm convinces me that the ‘particular’ has no influence on the ‘general’ but that changes have to come from the general into the particular, it takes my power away. And if I accept that paradigm in the First Step, then in the Second Step, my power is divided. And there is a precept of Magic which says that with divided forces we cannot execute Magic.
We need to unify in one single result the Psychic, Energetic and Physical forces. The Psychic forces are the first three steps the Method of Magic; energetic forces encompass steps Four to Six; physical forces enter with the Seventh Step. What is the Seventh Step? The explosion of Magic! Coincidences explote according to I’ve been telling the Universe since the Second Step. But in the middle, there are a series of levels that will force me to delve deeper into my inner journey.
Why? Because as I start to want tell the Universe what I Want, an overwhelming experience … I remember my early journeys in some jungle or mountain forest, when we were creating some experience or ritual with fire and it was raining. So our ‘reality’ was that it was raining and therefore couldn’t perform the ritual, but the Shaman does not give anyone a break. “I couldn’t get there because the jungle was flooded. What can I do?” And their answer would be a question “And how come he was able to come and not you?”
That is, there is something within you that generated this obstacle. This is also the case with our inability to find a job … “Why does he have a job and not you?” Eventually the “I” runs out of excuses. And the I does not want to run out of excuses. When I was in the jungle to have certain experiences with fire and it rained, a question which really open my mind at the time (this is many decades ago, but they are the same steps we all must go through) was “Have you told the Sun what you Want? Have you told the Sun you want him to be here?” That’s Step Two to Step Three. Why? Because, if Step Three is “How it will be generated on the outside, How will what I want be generated outside, the inner mirror of that outward “How” is “How Do I Feel?”
If I feel ridiculous ‘talking’ to Mr. Sun, that precisely has an impact, and it lessens the power of the invocation, it lessens the power of what I’m saying In-Voca (‘in mouth’). That’s why it’s called an “invocation”, because it’s not ‘In-Mind’, it’s ‘in Mouth’. Even God was alone, in every Myth he begins by speaking out loud; the beginning is the Verb, not the Mind. One believes that thinking is enough; it is not. We must speak out loud what we want. After we’ve said it out loud, then we have the Third Step. HOW do you feel?
“I’m speaking it but I’m sure it won’t happen”, “I will tell him but I’m unsure, I feel ridiculous”… that’s where the inner journey begins. And here is the next Paradigm that is our obstacle: the specific scientific paradigm which tells us that we are divided into Left and Right hemispheres, tells you that you have no control over how you Feel, that you are not free to Choose how you Feel, that feelings follow a neuro-vegetative system that you don’t control, that is, a total resignation to how you are feeling.
The idea that I cannot choose how I feel is generating reality up to Step Three. In Magic, it’s necessary, it’s essential, that you Feel however is most convenient for you to achieve the result you want. Is this self-suggestion? No. That is not the way. If it were I would say so, but that’s not the way. What is this? Self-deceit? No, that’s not the way. To act as if it had already been achieved? No, that’s not the way. You’re asked to become a Magician, not an idiot.
Play-acting as if you had already generated your reality is not the way. That is being an idiot, and it’s important, because an Idiot is that who follows the “Id”. The Id is one of the Latin forms for the “I”, the “ego”. Ok. Once we know this, there is an inner step whereby I need to learn to Feel however I Want to Feel; to Feel How I want in regards to What I want. But I won’t be able to maintain that Third Step if I am limited by the Scientific Paradigm, because science tells me it’s not possible.
And Science tells me it’s not possible for Mythological Religious motives. Can I choose who I fall in love with? Science has convinced me that I can’t. So there we are. What Myth do we resort to? The Greeks, who invented Love the way we understand it today, had a Myth which Science took up: the Myth of Cupid, where I’m struck by an arrow and I’m victim of Love, and I fall in Love with the wrong person.
But the Greeks had other Myths for Love, better ones even, like Perseus, who Chose who to love. Science has convinced us that we cannot manage our feelings.
As long as we believe that, our reality will be stuck at the Third Step. And what is the Third Step? Let’s not forget. It’s the “how”. That is, How do I feel inwardly. And outwardly, How will the Universe surprise me by generating coincidences that I could never even imagine. I can share with you infinite number of anecdotes, mine and the people who are learning the method… testimonies are abundant. Testimonies of what? Of the effect of aligning thought, word and emotions. Perhaps a footnote is worthwhile here: all the Dead Sea Manuscripts that were found in [], in Egypt in the1940s – that is they haven’t been changed according to the will of Kings or Popes, they’re trustworthy documents – show the so-called Wise Teacher, Christ being one of them, teaching always the same: “Don’t start any action until your World, Thought and Emotions are aligned.”
It’s amazing. When I met these Wise men in other lands, they taught me the same concept, and surely they never read the Dead Sea manuscripts. I’m talking about Shamans, about Aborigines, Egyptians, who most likely never no access because they couldn’t even read, and they said the same thing. “Look to where you want to go”, and I would point with my finger. They would grab my hand –much like the occidental game which is not that unkown –“Where are you pointing?” “There.” (outwardly) “No. Here” (inwardly).
One (finger) points outwardly, three (fingers) point inwardly. What are these three? Steps One, Two and Three. Thought, Word, and Emotion, aligned within you so that, outside, Step Four may follow. What is the Fourth Step? It’s the step that gives us Signs to show outside if you are aligned inside with what you want to manifest. That’s the Fourth Step. This outward step, we can barely even admit if we insist on a division [separation] between Outside and Inside. I want this to be understood as clearly as possible. Do not begin a course of action outside, if inside Though, Word and Emotion are not polarized into the same result you want to achieve. If you word is saying something else … and to know this you have to learn to Listen to yourself, and when you listen to yourself then this wonderful phenomenon occurs: the Left and Right hemispheres of the brain align and synchronize. It’s incredible, but EEGs [electroencephalographs] show this clearly: when someone speaks, the speech centres are activated, but not the hearing centres! It’s terrible. It means that people don’t listen to themselves when they speak!
They are too busy in their thoughts. The same thing is true when someone else speaks; usually we try to Understand what he says, rather than paying attention to What he says. We are not listening to What he is saying; we are trying to Understand the meaning of what he is saying, rather than What he is saying.
You must require yourself to listen, like Buddha Shakyamuni in his last incarnation before death (after illumination, Buddha reincarnated 14 times, to understand what he had done to reach enlightenment and be able to teach it, like we are with this method) when he arrives at the conclusion that what he had done, was to actually Listen to himself.
People believe they need to learn to breath, to meditate, eat a vegetarian diet… If you want to be a vegetarian, fine; some initiates were, and some weren’t. If you want to learn to meditate, do it; some did, some didn’t. What is for sure, is that everyone of them placed emphasis on the Word. Why? Here we find the first technical motive. As I learn that my Word will generate my reality, I will have to learn to listen to myself when I speak. That way I will discover any deviation or confusion my Word is dictating to, ordering Reality.
In India this is very clear in the Baghavad Gita: Krishna incarnates to help Arjuna. Arjuna is a human being; Krishna is a deity. And in whom does he incarnate? It’s a very important question. If God appeared here now to help me, how would he disguise himself? My dog? What disguise would he wear? Arjuna was a general in the army? Would God be in his sword? His wife? Actually, according to the Bible, it’s the Devil that incarnates in the wives. We should remember this; situations that generate conflict from the get go which we can’t resolve, because we are trapped in a Myth.Ok.
So, where did Krishna incarnate? He incarnated in what today we call the “coachman,” the taxi driver of our times: Arjuna’s auriga. What is “auriga”? The word comes from ‘auricle’ (atrium) - to ‘listen’. God listens to you and is awaiting instructions, like a coachman awaits directions. If, in my mind I want to go somewhere, but I tell the taxi driver something different, where will he go? Will he follow what I thought or what I said? What I said! The Universe is that Taxi! It will take you to the exact place you want to go, the one you have spoken. This is not the universe’s whimsy. I will have to generate a profound inner journey to SUPPORT that, within me, the orders are begin given by an ‘other’.
The ‘existential void’ that Zen speaks of. I’m ‘empty’ of my own existence. I must ‘exist’. If the Universe is generating a different reality from what I want, it’s because I’m commanding it something other than what I want. Now, this is where we get the next paradigm. Though it might seem strange, what is holding us back from this Fourth step, is the paradigm of the Economy, also the fourth prevailing paradigm.
There is a beautiful metaphor of this, if you allow me a minute, it’s worth to try. Humanity can’t go into the next era because it is locked in this era, and this is basically what all prophecies tell us. A graphic image for that is like being locked in a room, with four walls, each wall is one of our prevailing paradigms. The room has a ceiling and a floor; these are the dialectics against which I bounce within each of the paradigms. It’s ver graphic and easy to understand. We are locked within four paradigms, each of which and to the same extent, places me between two dialectics. Because of this, my mind can’t deepen inwardly and can’t elevate.
Because it bounces against the dialectics that are born in those four paradigms. Each of the different paradigms establishes its dialectic: politics between the particular and the general, clearly. Science establishes a very complicated bi-dialectic paradigm which I just tried to simplify, but it’s very complicated, so much so that Lacan focused solely on this, and it’s the difference between Knowing and Truth. We believe that Knowing will bring us to the Truth. And Knowing is only the Conventions of the Moment. What we thought we knew ten, a hundred years ago, we see today that it was not the Truth. But science places us in that paradigm.
We can talk about this in so many ways. The etymology of the verb ‘to know’ is very clear. ‘To know’ to the Greeks meant ‘to taste’. Nothing else. In fact, the most subjective of things in the universe. And science has convinced us that it gives us an ‘objective’ kind of knowing. No, sir. It all depends on the scientist’s own ‘taste’. If he doesn’t like it, it will create conventions to have you believe that science has ‘demonstrated’ this or that. You’d have to see what other scientists have to say when they say that it is only a convention, but a convention of Power. That’s where Politics come in.
See how the Paradigms feed each other? Look. I know that Argentineans have a reputation in the world of thinking they know everything. Ok. I accept it and own it; it’s a problem I had to face everywhere in the beginning. If I go everywhere and I say, “when do I have to do a Seminar in Barcelona, or in Mexico? Ok, on that day it will be raining, but the sun will be shining when it is time to begin the seminar.” If I say this to a scientist,
-“I know that on this date and at this time it will be sunny in Barcelona.”
-“ That’s wonderful; what astronomical observatory do you work with?”
-“No, I don’t know this because I studied. I’m going to make it happen.”
-“Go on, get out of here!”
What does this mean? If the scientist doesn’t like it, because you are not thinking within their parameters, they don’t accept it. But here’s what’s worse: in spite of the fact that it WORKS. Reality is an annoying witness that is science sets aside any reality it does not like. Until convention accepts the change, which according to studies done, takes between 70 and 150 years.
That is, it’s not a good idea to wait for science to give you the go ahead. For what? To change mental concepts that when you changed within yourself, you will see manifested in your reality. How did Science deviate, lost its way? One of the sciences is called Economic Science. There is the next Paradigm. Economy, as one of the aspects of science, has shown us failure, after failure, after failure all over the world. But since it’s ‘scientific’, since it comes from science, they must know better. But they have economic solutions that really weren’t solutions at all. All you have to do is read the December 2013 report by Unesco. It says this is the poorest humanity in the story of humanity. They talk percentages, and say the we have the greatest percentage of poor people in the story of humanity. That’s a failure by the economy.
[…] we have the highest percentage of poor in all humanity. Unesco clearly states that we have the worse planet in the story of humanity. It has never before been as contaminated or on the verge of destroying itself as it is now, even interfering with the hyperspace around us. We’ve also contaminated that. We have the worse illnesses; illnesses that in the past belonged to old age, now we find in infancy, adulthood or adolescence. We have new illnesses, and for every illness they tell us they’ve ‘cured’, they’ve generated seven new illnesses. It’s terrible. Because they’ve clear cut and destroyed the forests to find a cure for something and created seven more in the process. That is the result of the economy and science; we have to see this – the emperor is naked. The emperor is naked and should not be looking at his crown.
What does this mean? That there shouldn’t be Science or Economy? No. It means that we have to move them from the place where we put them in the Old Era. Paradigm. Economy, which comes from science, and shows failure after failure … that is, the Right gives way to the Left because the Right failed; later we oust the leftist government and we vote for the Right. The percentage of ‘localized wealth’… I don’t really want to talk Sociology, we only need open a newspaper, but the concentrated wealth in only 10% of humanity means that 90% of humanity has minimal resources, and in 60% of the cases live in extreme hunger… all this means an utter failure of the Economy. And we still think like economists. If I ask you to go to India next week, the first thought is “How can I do that?” “Let’s go to Macchu Pichu next month” “How?”. “I Can if I Have.” That is thinking like an economist. Not like a Magician.
The economist is in you says “if you have it, you can do it”. To Have – economy paradigm. To Be Able – political paradigm. See how the paradigms feed each other? If I ask permission from “what I have” to see if “I can” or not, I have renounced all possibility to generate my own reality. Magic teaches me exactly the opposite. There is enough plasma; we are already in the new era. The new ‘plasma’ era, but not a new are for humans. Humans must take a leap from one era to the next; that leap is a mental one. There is enough plasma to create what you want to create. Don’t ask permission from ‘what you have’, don’t ask permission from ‘what you are able’. Tell the Universe what you wish to achieve; the Universe has no other recourse but to follow the ‘word’, because Plasma is sensitive to Light and sensitive to Sound.
If you want, we can pick this up later. These are the clues to the seeds of Reality. Good. Now, the Economy as derived from Science, formed this dialectic division of the economic paradigm… what division? The Economy has convinced us that there are two things which are divided, separated, that are dialectical, and that shall never meet. The division between Mind and Matter. There we have the ‘ceiling’ and the ‘floor’ that come the ‘economic wall’. While I believe that my material reality, that the amount of money I can earn each month, to have or not to have some security in my bank account, to have a job or not… while I believe that ‘that’ is Matter and that my mind has no bearing on that, then what I have generated is to be subject to the prevailing paradigm instead of generating Reality.
This can’t really be reconciled or supported in any way… any person you ask “what is Reality?” will immediately grab onto these materialistic events… ‘reality is what I can see and touch’. That is, they put Reality in a Material realm, and no matter what you think in your own mind, Matter itself is never the wiser. This is a Scientific concept that now Quantum Physics is loudly trying to change, but at the same time does not accept that there are issues that are aleatoric – coincidental. Where? Exactly where the Magic paradigm clearly points out: it’s HOW are they generated. These ‘coincidences’ will be generated toward what you want or not, depending on what you Tell it. See, we can maintain a perfectly consistent logic.
Now good. Will I be able to locate the coincidence that will allow me to materially achieve what I want, which I keep in mind, and which I have to put into Word? If I am subject to the economical paradigm, no. Why? Because it will tell me “even though you want, if there are no jobs, then there’s no employment. The ‘material reality’ and the ‘mental reality’ don’t enable each other. OK. It’s worth it here to remind ourselves of something as basic as what we are talking about when we talk about Reality. We are constantly trying to ‘face reality’, to ‘know reality’, science supposedly shows us ‘what reality is’, the economists tell us ‘what reality is’ … what are we talking about when we talk about Reality?
Reality is a word invented by the Greeks, but has roots previous to the Greeks. Reality clearly comes from res (matter or substance, which Descartes mentions, ‘res extensa’), but before that it also has another etymology, revis (in Spanish revisar: to look over) is Mind. So what is Reality? What the Mind does with Substance. Therefore, the rupture of the economy – Matter on one side and Mind on the other – simply is not sustainable. Mind directs Matter (for example, the number of bills in your pocket); if in your mind you believe there are few bills, then there will be. That’s where Reality will direct itself.
What is matter? What is a tumor made of? What is an illness made of? The person you are with is made of a material substance. If you accept that your mind is divided from matter, because the economic paradigm, based on the scientific paradigm, has us believing that, then I get stuck on the fourth step. Why? Because Reality, in the fourth step, generates signals that ‘give life to life’. Why? Because it will show me with small subtle signals if, what I want to achieve in my mind, I have managed to unify with my word and my emotion. If I am, in my mind (and via special exercises we learn and that develop in everyday reality with word, emotion and directionality), generating a reality that is divided in Mind, Word and Emotion, the signals will tell me so.
Let’s suppose that in my mind I’m bringing into play material wealth, and I invoke it and align my emotions so that I in fact I feel how it is convenient for me to achieve that result (we can come to this if you have any questions). If I am aligned I will begin to see signs of wealth: I open a magazine on the page where there is something relating to wealth, I go out and the first thing I find is some billboard advertising wealth. If I am not aligned, that is, that my first three steps are not yet aligned, I will see signals to the contrary. However, these signals are orienting me. To what? To what is going on in my Inner World. Which is where I need to put my effort to be able to generate my own Reality. Revis - Res: Mind – Matter.
Now, this is where the New Age movement is contrary to this truth. “Ah, the signal is contrary to what you want. It means you should desist from trying”. That just confuses you all over again. If the signal shows you an obstacle, don’t stop going where you want to go. Pay attention to the sign which tells you that there is confusion Within You somewhere. In the New Age movement this is backwards.
See? “I got to the corner and the bus was late, so that means I don’t have to go to work.” It’s not like that. We are not ‘followers’ of the signs. We are the ones who caused the signs to begin with. But you see, as always, the “I”, even after learning, tries to re-locate that knowledge to be still in the hands of the “I”. Fourth Step. Here is where we learn clearly to de-codify the Universe, a code made of Signals. That gives life ‘bubbles’, like champagne!
Because the signal is just around the next corner, and I need to be in ever-alert state of awareness to detect it. Otherwise I’ll miss it. And then it’s too late. Because in the steps that follow it’s not possible to stop it. There is an ‘test’ step, which is Five, and after that whatever you’ve put into your Psyche begins to energize and materialize. And then it’s too late. I can stop it and change it only within the first steps, and fortunately the more Plasma there is available, the faster we get to the Fourth Step. So, understand this requires an internal challenge of “divinization”.
Which is why we have… here is the Fourth Paradigm. “God and Human separated. And if Humans want to liken themselves to God, punishment, pride, etc…” and the original sin, which by the way was invented by the Church. Christ never mentioned an Original Sin. Christ wanted us the become Divine; he states it very clearly. I taught the hidden life of Christ and I taught the hidden Teachings of Christ; I studied it, I read it. Christ says: “Be holy, because I am a holy.” He invites humans, not to accept that Divinity, Holiness is restricted and they have to accept being mere humans, but challenges them to generate themselves as those who acquire a growing awareness of their Divine Seed.
Now, precisely when is it that this seed begins to grow? When I discover that the Universe in fact responds to my Word. I begin to acquire a sense of divinity, of interconnection, of unity, in which the Universe responds when I speak! My question then, is Speaks in me when the universe responds with something else? But that turns the mirror on me; it makes me look at myself. Not ‘my husband’, the ‘minister of economy’, the ‘president’, it’s ‘them’ who were getting in the way of the reality I want. The only mismatch has to be within me. I can only correct it in me. This WORKS.
I travel the world. The planes I board, in spite of strikes or climate challenges, always depart and arrive on time; I have so many stories I can tell of the people who apply this concept. I give a seminar in one country and then in another, and find the same people there. “What are you doing here?” “Well I wanted to come hear you”. It means that person avails himself of the reality, money, time, energy… that is to generate one’s own reality. With this we give humanity the possibility of something which, they may like or not, but is surely a new Paradigm.
You must learn to generate your reality, in its finest detail. We’re in the Fourth Step. I don’t know if you wish to go on the next steps, or…
The Four Phases are: (1) Warrior: The inner warrior, which enters into an inner combat to ensure that his word, his thought and his emotion are what he decides. (2) Merchant: The Merchant learns to bring that out to the external. What for? So that, by means of strategies and tactics taught by Magic (which incidentally are the same taught in the Martial Arts), you can use what the ‘other’ throws at you for your own strength. I taught Original Martial Arts for many years, and you learn this in the practice with strategy and tactics. Ghandi is a good example. Ghandi’s teacher was initiated, Dinova, who was also in turn Ghandi’s disciple. It sometimes confuses people who say he was a disciple; he did indeed later become a disciple of Ghandi, but was first his teacher. In any case, that is what he taught him. Everything that India ‘threw’ on Ghandi, he used to free himself from it. Merchant.
(3) Priest. What is the Priest? Priest means ‘pontiff’, and etymologically it means ‘he who builds bridges’ - bridges between the inside and the outside, bridges between the divine world and the human world. Ok. The Fourth Step is that bridge, that’s why it represents Jupiter’s Finger for the Greeks (…yes, that’s right, between the Greeks and the Romans, the Romanized culture used Jupiter). Why? My reality begins to show itself toward the outside, only when first I have aligned myself internally. It’s all very clear.
The Fifth Step, it’s the only one that can connect with the other Four. See? If I want to use this finger to touch the other three, it’s more difficult. This is the only finger that ca do it. That’s the Fifth Step. It’s the one that can see the other Four Steps all at once. It’s called the “Great Evaluation”. Before I learn to energize Reality (Sixth Step, which is where the energy ‘explodes’; and the Seventh Step is where Magic ‘explodes’), I have to be sure that I have already ‘polarized’ it, because once the energy explodes I cannot stop it. That Fifth Step is incredibly powerful all by itself.
In “The Hidden Life of Christ” I talk about where this is documented, since these are the darkest parts of the hidden life of Christ. There are testimonies that Christ attended the Oriental-most schools in Israel, which were Tibetan schools; these were schools of the far orient that had a ‘franchise’ in Israel called Vihara. There they teach this. It’s called “The Four Luminous States of the Mind”. At the schools where Christ studied, and where even today one can study it, they’re called Four States, the names are in Tibetan. What is important is that we must learn to detect whether these four states are ‘luminous’ or not. That’s why it is called the School of the Four Luminous States of the Mind.
What is that? If you give me just a second… I often do internet webinars, so I have this close at hand. It’s this. What is this? A scheme of Logic which is hyper-actual, modern, and it includes all the various Logics of the history of humanity. It’s a diagram showing the Four Luminous States, and you must learn to detect where the “I” is obscuring a mental state in one of these four quadrants. It’s a whole system of Logic, and it’s referenced in these writings that I have been speaking of, even if minimally, and they say that it took Christ, at Vihara, 7 years to master this logic. That means, we need to learn this. What is this? The “I” can use four specific things to re-form the previous. If you discover these, the I loses its power. These four things, called by their Tibetan names, mean “in what’s Possible”, “in what’s Impossible”, “in what’s Necessary” and “in what’s Contingent”.
What is that? Where our minds (the “I”) go looking for ‘refuge’, to control you. “No, it’s not possible”. That is the first quadrant, right off the bat, to keep you locked in what is already believed possible. The second quadrant, keeping you in what is impossible: “it’s impossible, you cannot generate reality from the dream state”. Third quadrant, keeping you in what’s Necessary: “now you don’t have what you need to do what you want – a need for money or time. The fourth quadrant, keeping in you what’s contingent: which basically means, sometimes yes, sometimes no. “Why am I able sometimes and not others?” “It’s God’s will”, “It’s not your time”, and whatever other inanities we use as excuses to give up control over that quadrant.
Ok. This is the Fifth Step. This is taught, and it has very rigorous logic, the same that is taught in Topology, which I study and teach. I just want you to understand that we must learn these things in the study of Magic. When I meet with the Q’eros, who many believe to be the most evolved Andean Priests in all of the American Continent - I have traveled extensively and I agree with it – this is what they study, with their own terminology. I have a video of a Q’ero priest explaining this, while I explain it over him in modern logic. They’re trying to understand the exact same thing. This is not just left hemisphere; this is both hemispheres connected, synchronized. The best proof is that a primitive native aborigine, who has never formally studied Logic, is actually studying the exact same thing.
In all the cultures where I had the honour to be welcomed by their holy men, I found this very scheme in their coat of arms, in their altars, on their flags, I show this in my videos. And that’s why the Initiate’s ring has that shape. It’s a way to remind yourself of the ‘map’ of everything you must consider. It is a whole step unto itself which is can be learned, and it has a wonderful logic. You can learn the tricks of the “I” when you’re in a particular quadrant, and tries to send you to another quadrant, vertically or horizontally. Magic resides only in the middle. Can you give me 2 seconds?
This is the very symbol that I put on the cover of my book. This is a second edition, there are already 6, but it doesn’t matter… they’re the same. This scheme, the 11 steps of Magic – you can see it well - it’s the same I just showed you here, only more elaborate. Look where Magic is found: in the centre. What does that mean? You must learn to bring your mind through very quadrant it avoids. The only thing the mind wants to do… if you’re here, it wants to take you here or here… this is a wonderful logic. What the method of Magic warns you, teaches you, guarantees and shows you in the evidence, is that you will be generate Magic in your life when you go where your “I” doesn’t want to go. These diagrams are wonderful, and there is an additional prize:
There are videos where I show this. That shape you just saw, the strangely star-like shape with a universal geometry which is found in all the ancient cultures, I insist, on their flags and their altars and their coat of arms, is the shape that Plasma first takes on when it manifests. This is fundamental. This means that when you learn to think within this logic, your mind and the plasma are on the same frequency. Therefore, the plasma effectively responds to what is on your mind. They are wonderful clues that guarantee the plasma will take the shape of what you intend. Why? For the simple fact that like attracts like. And if, in your mind, you are thinking with this same Pirsian geometry (today this is called the Diagram of Pirs), then the plasma is immediately tuned.
All this we learn in the Fifth Step. As you can see, Magic constantly requires from us higher and higher states of consciousness [awareness]; we must not confuse it with intellectualization. That’s why first I make it clear, every Lama learns this; even today this is taught in Tibetan schools. If you go to Tibet, you will find they teach this at the Vihara schools (The Four States of the Luminous Mind). The Andean priests, the Q’eros, study this as well. We must not confuse it with an intellectualiation, even though it will also require your left hemisphere, and that is fine. It is absolutely fine. The new era is does not mean we must not think, but we must learn a method of thought which won’t allow the “I” to turn that thought into an intellectual exercise; that is something else.
So much so, that this step, in fact, will reveal the “I” immediately wherever it is hiding within your reality. And when the “I” is revealed and you are able to resolve the issue, then you can go on to the Sixth Step. What is the Sixth Step? It’s that step in which the Divine and the Human – and there is the integration of the Religious Paradigm – are in such a state of union that it becomes impossible to know what is Divine and what is Human. It’s the plane of Energy. And every sacred text tells us that, if there is one thing that can connect us with the Divine, it’s Energetic. So the plane before birth and the plane after death are energetic planes [dimensions]. When you learn to connect with your energy, the Divine and the Human are being connected in you.
Here is where we find our greatest challenge, those who want to generate a paradigm shift, when we first begin. It happened to me, and whenever I speak about this in my seminars around the world, every one identifies with this immediately. Why? Because we all want to learn to manage our energy, and the grave error is to want to start right there. The Sixth Step warns you – energy takes the shape of the psyche [psychic]. If the psyche is divided, the energy will be divided. And the physical takes the shape of the energetic; I wish they had told me this at the beginning! The years, the decades spent trying to resolve the physical with the energetic, and ignores the psyche [psychic].
Or if you attend to the psychic [psyche] you become a Psychologist – which is precisely what I am; you become a Psychoanalysts – which I am also – and you separate it from the energetic and the physical. No. The law in this Sixth Step is: “The [what is] psychic governs the [what is] energetic, and the [what is] energetic governs over the physical”.
When the psychical is in order (and that’s why we have the Fifth Step, to revis – to inspect thought, word, emotion, and to see if the signals are in fact coherent), now I can proceed to the Sixth Step.
Only then do I take care of my energy. Most people want to start there. And they start with mantra, and tantra, and pyramids, Saumerio (?)… a waste of time if at first you don’t work… that’s called The Second Half of the Method, from the Sixth to the Eleventh Step. The first half is First for a reason, because it’s the commitment between You and that which, in the end, you will take with you as a novelty after your incarnation - whatever is in order between your mind, your word, and your emotion. You already possessed energy before you were born, before incarnation; you already lived in an energetic world. You need to come here to learn how to manager energy, that’s what you Already know. You are here to learn to generate reality with that energy.
Now, this doesn’t mean we don’t need to learn about [from] energy, it means we have to put it in its just place. In the Method of Magic, it’s the Sixth Step, because in the Tree of Life, the Sixth Zephyr, Tifaret (there are, in fact, eleven zephyrs), is a Sun in the middle of the Tree of Life – the explosion of energy. When I started I went through the same thing everybody goes through, and which is in fact a problem in the New Age movement. You don’t know which way to go when you want to learn to manage your energy. You learn mantras, tantras, yoga, breathing… what do you learn? It’s a universe which more chaotic the deeper you get. I saw it. The people who taught me energy, who had a reality like mine. I have ready the original sacred texts from each one of these cultures. When these peoples learned tantra, for example, they experienced Divine realities. And I saw that my Tantra teacher, even though he knew the poses and the breathing and everything, also had a reality like mine. So you understand, in the end this separates you from wanting to evolve.
Good. Of all the world’s energetic systems that I had the pleasure of learning and teaching and visit … I try to save people time and everyone can choose what they want, but I believe that I obliged to say after all my learning, my teaching each one of them, I choose the Q’ero. The best energetic system. But the original Q’ero, not the tourist version of today. Today you go to Peru and it’s hard to find a Q’ero around the corner. I affectionately call it Q’eroland. Disneyland, Q’eroland… you cannot find a Q’ero. Ok. I am talking about the original Q’eros.
I connected with the Q’ero priests, called Altomesayok. That system of managing energy is so perfect, that it encompasses all other systems, and even surpasses them. And it’s practical, it’s a great advantage. You’re not going to have to eat only grains of rice, chanting ohm at the temple, hours of meditation, of contemplation… we have not incarnated into that kind of culture. In the mountains, if the priest tries to practices energetic exercises, he will be eaten by the puma. So, it’s very similar to how we must live today. I prefer to work with deep concentration with an eminently practical system, that will not place energy in the centre of your life, so that you must make it a deity, no. In the centre of your life is You, and You must learn to see yourself as a Divinization of Human, which is why you have incarnated.
To heal yourself quickly from being human. To break the cycle of incarnation, not to continue being human. Now, that energetic system kept the Q’ero people safe for 500 years, unreachable by the conquistadors, the church, the inquisitor, anybody… because that energetic system teaches you to defend yourself and generate what you want. People go crazy, ‘teach me about energy!’ I won’t if you didn’t accomplish the first five steps. I know it; I can teach you, but I would be harming you. Because what will happen with this energetic system, because it’s so strong, it will amplify what was there before and you won’t be able to stop it, it is so strong.
Here I tell… I think it’s very graphic … though I don’t want to repeat myself from other interviews I’ve had the pleasure to give, and again I thank you for this space, since I have the opportunity, but it’s good to remember. One of the Altomisayok that I was able to connect with among the Q’eros, found out about Tibet, that the Q’eros had been discovered, that they had been found after 500 years of protection. Their prophecy told them that it was time to make themselves known. Two weeks later they were found by an anthropologist. Incidentally, I met this anthropologist’s son. So, after 500 years, within 2 weeks of making themselves known according to their prophecy, which told them to lift the energetic barriers, generation after generation for seven generations they were protected. Ok. A Lama from Tibet, Tsechu Rinpoche, found out that about the Q’eros (?) and wanted to see how they function, and how the energy functions; the masters of energy are in Tibet. He was humble enough to get on a plane and was received by the Q’eros; the phrase made history.
When Tsechu Rinpoche saw how that Q’eros priests that I had met, worked with the energy system, he said: “You achieve in 10 minutes what takes me 10 years”. He said this to him! And then there’s us, trying to learn. There’s no doubt; it’s a tremendous system, we don’t need to go crazy with fourty thousand others. I teach Hinduism, Zen, Alchemy, because I see there’s a commonality with the Eleven Steps. But when it’s time to work with energy, I almost pray that people don’t get lost in the ‘sea of energy’. In India there are 33 million gods and goddesses, each one a different energy; it’s chaos. It takes your whole incarnation to understand just that, and it’s only one of the eleven steps. But we must learn to manage energy. I sometimes I tell people: you need to ‘energize your result’, they don’t even understand what they’re being told. We can learn to manage energy. And we can learn to manage it the best way possible, with the Method of Magic, which comes from the Q’eros, it’s not a creation of mine. You can learn to use the energy already present in a given situation; you will never lack for energy.
And the energies present in a situation, how do we see them, as refined or dense? Dense! You can lose your fear; you learn to refine dense energy, which is plentiful. You walk into a bank, what’s the energy like? Dense. You walk into a hospital, what’s the energy like? Dense. You walk into an office… okay… you learn to refine that energy to crystallize / manifest what you want. That can be learned, but it’s only one step, you need the first five. After the explosion of energy (Sixth Step), comes the Seventh Step. In this Seventh Step, we are already submerged in the world were the Human and the Divine are a single unit. The religious paradigm cannot stop you, which divided the Human from the Divine.
Because in this Seventh Step, Magic explodes. Without any need for ‘training’; another issue we need to address - there is no need for training. I don’t need to train in telepathy, psychometry, clairaudience, dreaming, having to enter the dream state to train there… Christ never practiced telepathy, however, when he needed it there is evidence when he needed it he had it. When Buddha practiced with the Yogis of his time, after seven years, he said he had lost seven years of his life. I want you to understand – if someone likes to do these practices, then they can, but they’re not to be confused with spiritual evolution.
People believe if they do Yoga, or they become vegetarian, or they practice meditation, they are more spiritual. In Magic, the potential you need will be available when you need it. In the Seventh Step. You need a contact? It appears. You need information? It comes to you. And if you do it in the daytime, when you enter the dream world, you continue doing it at night. There are some wonderful teachings here; if I had the time I would show you extraordinary places, like Christ teaching this with his different conceptions of time. Christ spoke in two different conceptions of time; the church translated it all with the same word, ‘time’. Then what Christ said becomes useless.
Like when Christ said “you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free”. It is not true. We all know truths that don’t necessarily free us from anything. I don’t know. If I know that a certain man is an assassin, and I know that it’s true, I have to demonstrate it in court. I’m not freed just by knowing the truth. Christ was speaking of two very different conceptions of the truth. In the same way, Christ says at some point, “my time has not yet arrived”. And another time he says, “for you, any time is good”. If you read it in the language Christ spoke, in case he was talking of Chronos, in the other of Kairos. The guy (and I mean that with every respect) was totally clear in his head what was time for the left hemisphere – chronos – and what was time for the right hemisphere and when to use each. When he said “it’s not my chronos yet”, its’ very clear from a Magic perspective: I have not yet synchronized (sin chronos), I have not achieved coincidences (causalities) that tell me I’m ready.
The same way, you enter into your dreams; and if do that having ‘synchronized’ during the day (the first six steps), coincidences which show certain signals, in your dream state you produce these coincidences. There is a continuity, all divisions break down. Night and day, left hemisphere and right hemisphere, inner reality and outer reality. It’s wonderful understanding that you don’t need to practice learning to enter your dreams. It doesn’t work; people fall asleep. It works maybe one out of every 40 times, because it depends on your state when you arrive there. That is, if you enter your dream state with the first six steps activated, then at night you can enter into the seventh step. If you’re so asleep that you don’t even know you’re asleep, when at night even the body is asleep, it doesn’t matter how much you practice, whatever light tricks, etc; that’s why sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t.
We must not put weight on the exercise; the focus must be your inner state when you get there. Otherwise it makes no sense: we incarnated so we could learn how to dream? The world we go to when we’re dreaming is the same world we go to after we die, and where we went before we were born. Why do we incarnate, then, if that was the case? This doesn’t mean we don’t need to learn to dream; it means that when, effectively, in your daily life, psyche, energy and the physical world are united in the signals, now you can increase it with your energy in your dreams.
You produce such a wonderful, spectacular unity within you, that you can keep generating the same reality, awake or asleep. Going to sleep doesn’t mean the “I” is asleep; it’s my body that sleeps and needs rest. I remain Conscious. That doesn’t not mean what the New Age movement asks us to believe… I can save the price of a ticket and take an ‘austral’ journey to Macchu Pichu. If you can’t generate the trip, then it’s because you have much internal work to do in your daily (day) life. It’s not about saving the price of the ticket…to put it in a funny way.
After the Seventh Step – the explosion of Magic – in the day and at night, Divinity and Human are difficult to separate. That’s why no you must bring the divine into the everyday, the Eighth Step – the Negotiations. In the Tree of Life it’s called Chod, and Chod is governed by Mercury, the Merchant. Mercury, Merchant, God of Merchants. You learn to impregnate your daily life with the Divinity you bring from somewhere else. There are secrets to achieve this. And these secrets, though it might seem strange, are unveiled in Christ, with the central concept of Christ, which is the concept the church bastardized, humiliated and blemished the most.
A concept which in turn was trivialized by the New Age movement; the concept of Love. We say, ‘mixing love with negotiations, is mixing the left and right hemispheres’. But that love has nothing to do, unfortunately, with what the church has told us love is – something I feel for others. There are passages of Christ’s teachings in the Bible which clearly differentiate which love it is we are talking about, and which Christ is interested in. Christ is interested only in one kind of love, because Christ was educated in a Hebraic-Greco-Roman culture, in addition to having been to India. And Jews, Greeks, Romans and Hindus all clearly differentiate between 4 kinds of love; we find all four in the Bible. When the church uses the word Love, and says ‘God is Love’, it’s useless if they don’t make clear which of the forms of Love Christ is ascribing to God. John [The Baptist] says ‘God is Love’ – John had studied in India, and we know this because the Gospel of John begins with a long Hindu prayer, which states ‘In the beginning, was the Word’ … in the beginning is the verb or Logos.
That is the one which says ‘God is Love’, but that love has nothing to do what we believe is everyday love. I don’t want to go now into marvelous details, though more than details they are crucial teachings for the New Era: Christ was interested in only one kind of love. Which is the one, when he leaves the cross (notice I did not say ‘resurrected’, unless we understand exactly what the word means, which is the ‘re-awaken’; that is what ‘resuscitates’ means, not to ‘re-live or live again’). Christ said it very clearly when he was asked “what will be a sign from you?” and he answered “You will have the sign of Jonas.” Who was Jonas? He spent three days in the belly of a whale, but did not die. Christ did not lie when he said that, in fact, what they will find is the ‘resurrection’.
To ‘resurrect’ means to re-awaken, it does not mean you died and live again, which is what the church has sold us. Okay. After the cross, Christ meets one more time with his disciples to teach them about love, only then. Which means this is quite advanced. This is what you must carry into your daily life, which is the moment when Christ asks Peter in what in fact is the last supper (the other one is the penultimate, although it could be supper or breakfast, it is not specified), “Peter, do you love me?” The Bible that you buy at any church says that Peter answered “Yes, Teacher, I love you”. So Christ asks him again, “Peter, do you love me?” “Yes, Teacher, I love you.” Christ seems a little dumb, can’t he see he’s already answered? But he asks yet again “Peter, do you love me? “Yes, I told you I love you. Sounds like a hysterical person… ‘you don’t love me’ ‘yes I love you’… it seems bizarre and a total lack of respect. But they are talking about two different things.
Christ asks for one kind of love and asks [what would be in Spanish] “Do you ‘Agape’ me”? And Peter is answering about another kind of love, “I ‘filial’ you”. Christ is interested in the Agape love; that is the love you learn to develop in Magic. Which is the Love which joins the hemispheres, not the love that separates them. The love the joins the hemispheres, not the love that separates them.
I choose, I decide what to love; it’s an act of will, to love one thing and not another. This is taught exactly alike in all Shamanic cultures – it’s called Munai. What is it? The will to love something. And it’s what makes you unstoppable in your daily life. You enable it in the Seventh step, but if the coincidence you manifest is interrupted, we learn tactics and strategies to use the power of the situation to impregnate it with love. But please, let’s not fall into the trap of believing that it’s not happening because ‘we don’t love the result we’re after’. No. We are speaking of a very advanced state, the state of Agape. And that state has nothing whatsoever to do with doing things ‘for others’, to give ourselves over to something else, as the church imposed upon us. To the Greeks, it is called Xenia, a completely different kind of love that has to do with ‘courtesy’, what we do for others. They were well differentiated.
Okay. We bring love - Step Eight – with the sexuality of Step Nine. Step Eight: I bring into play tactics and strategies to learn to ‘love’ the enemy, because it is that energy that allows me to grow; this can be learned. Now I need the other, the Eros. We said: “You ‘agape’ me?” “No. I [filial love] you”. That’s two kinds of love; there is a third one – Eros. That is the Ninth step. It enters here – l earning to use our sexuality – let’s not be afraid of it. Let’s also be clear – it has nothing to do with orgies, with dark sexual practices… that is not what we do in Magic. If you want to do that, don’t use Magic as an excuse. Is this clear? This means learning to integrate the feminine energy with the masculine energy within you, independent of your sex.
We all need to learn to integrate both energies; it’s called ‘sexualizing your result’. I had to invent the verb ‘casualize’, it’s the name of one of my books. Why? Because you have to learn to ‘casualize’ your result, you have to energize your result, you have to learn to ‘sexualize’ your result. If both energies are not united within you, you cannot birth your result, Step Ten. You must give birth to your result; it’s a delivery. And to give birth requires both energies united. That’s where you learn to use the sexual energy with the famous word which was the ‘ceiling’ reached by Freud (Lacan flirted with the idea but didn’t get very far, because it’s not easy if you don’t take the journey of initiation [into Magic]), which is the famous word from alchemy: sublimation. To sublimate is to learn to use sexual energy to ‘make sublime’ something that appears to be material.
That is the Ninth Step; but the Ninth Step contains the final exam, because 9 out of 10 people bounce against sexuality (as discovered by Psychoanalysis). If you pass this exam, then you move on to the Tenth Step, called Malchut in the Tree of Life, which is ‘concretization’ or ‘materialization’, the earth, Malchut is earth, the materialization or ‘plasmation’ of your result, which first you learn to generate, and then you learn to inhabit. Otherwise, people achieve it but it dies there, it’s normal, or they destroy it. What teaches you to inhabit it, it’s the next and final step. That is, you achieved the Tenth Step and generated the result you wanted; there you are, your own reality, a New Era for you, you have achieved a New Era. So why an Eleventh Step? Eleven is the Great Master; it’s the one that appeared as an obstacle during the preceding ten steps. To teach us something that is above and beyond the result: to teach us what we have come to do in this incarnation.
That’s why Step Eleventh is a ‘hidden’ step, which is a teacher that presents itself as an enemy. It’s called Da’at, and that’s what it is - knowledge of the occult, in the Kabbala. That teacher is the one I search for, and the one the I avoid. The I avoids it and I search it because it’s going to teach me what I need to learn about myself which the I, if I don’t learn it, will in turn use it to destroy my new reality.
Now good. We’ve gone through the eleven steps, we traversed the four paradigms, we traversed the dialectics of each paradigm. What did we need to learn? To think, we had to learn to speak, we had to learn to feel, we had to learn to evaluate, we had to learn to energize, we had to learn to dream, we had to learn to negotiate, we had to learn to sexualize, and now we must learn to inhabit. Everything we thought we already knew, we had to learn. That’s why it’s the beginning of an inner journey whose end result is You.
The material result is testimony that you have taken that journey; now you will strive for a higher result that requires even more magic. There exists a great law in Magic: the more impossible the result you strive for, the greater the Magic is that will assist you. This is awesome; it’s pure optimism. But you have to understand it will assist you, in eleven steps. These steps are the ones we are trying to share with all of humanity, and again I am grateful for opportunities like this one. The hard thing is getting through the paradigms we find ourselves in, because we believe that we have solutions within those paradigms. Please, understand this, the problem is not with Science, nor Politics, Economy, or religion - it’s making a paradigm from it.
What is a paradigm? What shows you what reality is. This is reality; this is not. That’s where the problem lies. Let’s not forget the tendency of the human mind. When the Titanic was sinking, what was the immediate reaction of the passengers? To anchor more strongly and hang to the railing; that’s what humans do. Science and economy sink, we are shown a planet that’s in dire condition… and we hold one even more strongly to science and economy. That’s very good - if science can resolve your problem, the follow science. But if science tells you an illness is incurable, understand that it’s only a paradigm among many. If the economy helps you to achieve the reality you want, then follow the economy; but when the economy tells you “you can’t, because you don’t have” then follow another paradigm.
And there is paradigm () the most splendid and sacred within the most splendid and sacred paradigms in the story of humanity. That’s the paradigm of the New Era, and it’s the one we have tried to ‘methodize’. And once again I thank you for the opportunity to reach humanity in good time, with this method.
- “I have to thank you for this private class on the eleven steps of magic; I’m not sure yet how I’m going to integrate it. I feel so fortunate to have had this audience!”
Do you believe there is a God, cosmic intelligence…etc.
Yes. All my research and everything I’ve learned from the different cultures tells me with total clarity that there is a supreme mind. The error is believing that it lies outside of the human being. The second error is believing that the human being has already developed it. It lies within the human being, and the human being is incarnated here to learn to connect with that supreme mind. Mind means, etymologically, nothing other than ‘that toward which you go’. Go toward something supreme, and you find your supreme mind. You will find your own divinity. Mind (mente) and goal (meta) have the same root. If you want to change your mind, then set goals for yourself that require you to develop your own divinity, and you will find your divinity. That’s the promise of the new paradigm.
[How would you describe the ego and its relationship to that divine force?]
Very good. The ego … it might be more graphic if we remember how the Latin and Greek cultures referred to it. They called it the Id. Id comes from the same root as idiot, identity, identification, idea. All that is the ego. Good. Now there is another place where we find the Id - in the middle of the word ‘reality’ (real-id-ad). All our reality is anchored in and turning around the ego. Then, emptying ourselves of that Id is what allows us to change our reality. The relationship with the divine, is that the Id is a gigantic force we have within us, 90 times greater than what we believe we can manage, and you must put it to work for you. In India it is called ‘putting Shiva to work for you’, and that’s why you incarnate. To learn to, instead of following the ‘idiot’ [that Idiot the Greeks described as a “hecatonchire cyclops”. A cyclops has only one eye, and hecatonchire means ‘one hundred arms’. An idiot with a hundred arms that always achieved what is asked of him.] Ok then, let him achieve what I command. That translates into Magic, because he will always find the way. Except that, like any idiot, he follows the first thing he sees - what he saw in the first three to seven years of life, a period which we call ‘the formation of the ego.’
re. flyers
Exactly. The coincidence is total. Here I am speaking as a psychoanalyst. The best way to describe this in one phrase is what Lacan said: The I (the ego) is an ‘other’. The ‘other’ (family, culture, the times) leaves me with programs I believe to be my Id-entity, my ego. That’s why, when I want to so something, the enemy is the ego. The I is an other. If you had been born into a neighbouring culture, or in another time, what your I believed is possible, what’s good or bad, would be completely different. But what did your I depend on? On the external. That’s why Castaneda establishes the ‘way of the warrior’. The only problem, at least that I could see in Castaneda and in contrast with some other authors, is that Castaneda never mentions in a direct way what the ‘warrior’ fights against. My understanding is that people who read Castaneda need to be reminded that he speaks of a warrior, and that the fight is against the ego. It’s simply putting in order and giving a certain logic to something that, otherwise, remains mostly metaphorical to me.
the way of the warrior… the four winds that Castaneda talks about, and one of the winds which leads me towards the warrior… what is that? warrior against the ego. But I don’t put myself against the ego to destroy it; I do it to make the ego, in fact, do my bidding. Daily, normal life is exactly the opposite - we follow the ego, the ‘other’.
That’s where the game begins, as much in psychoanalysis as in initiation; only that psychoanalysis takes that ego as the ‘bag of problems’. Initiation tells you that when you don’t let yourself be carried by that force, you put that to work for you, and it brings you solutions.
re. organic and inorganic entities
Yes. It’s highly ascertainable and coherent with what we see in magical practices; in the initiation, that’s exactly it. That is, we must understand that when we speak of ourselves, the ego - the I - identifies what ends in the skin. Okay, we have, in addition to this physical body, six other bodies. And those bodies are profoundly adept at adhering to dense energies, not subtle ones. Here is where the Q’ero system begins its teachings. There are dense energies called Hucha in the Q’ero system (which correspond to what would be elementals, particulates, larvae, in other cultures without getting too technical) that have an absolute ease, as if it were a jelly, to adhere to our energetic layers.
Following the same logic we were just speaking of, between the ego and what Castaneda postulates, but what we can add to the topic is that the Q’ero culture teaches you to feed on the dense energy, rather than fear it. That is to say, yes, they feed on you IF you don’t feed on them first. They are there, not as a problem; they are not a design flaw of the universe, they are an aid. But some must feed… it’s the wolf and its prey. If the wolf doesn’t feed on its prey, something is going to feed on the wolf. That prey, finding it in the dense energy and learning to refine it, helps the universe. Because in addition, you are transforming dense energy into refined energy.
Otherwise, as in natural selection, those energies use you as food. Yes, and those energies are first and foremost in the psychic world. I’m not saying that as an analyst; it’s what the Shamanic priests teach. What happens in your mind dictates whether these energies use you as food or not. See? You can’t resolve it simply with energetic steps, although you also learn this and there is a whole step for this, the Sixth Step in the Method of Magic.
re. core value
Yes. I understand what you are asking me from an etymological standpoint. That’s where the word mercy (miseri-cor-dia) comes from. People believe that mercy is something that has to do with others outside of you, just as it happens with love. ‘Misericordia’ (mercy) means ‘what is in accord with my being’. That’s where the word ‘accord’ or ‘chord’ comes from. How do I measure that in my reality? Look, the shamans told me very clearly “never measure somebody based on what they know”. People look to learn from those who know more. To know is easy; look at his life. If he does what he says, the follow that. That crossing is what tells you that person will in fact generate his own reality - if he does what he says. Why? Because then it means his word has weight; plasma will follow his word. Specifically, the junction of the action with the spoken word, that which the Greeks called ‘ethos’ and which is the etymology of ‘ethics’. Ethics can be measured and it’s what show you what is in accord with that person. And it’s difficult to find, well, impossible actually, in the prevailing paradigms.
Politicians say one thing and do another; science says it helps us and what we have is an ever worsening world, as recognized by scientists themselves; religion saying one thing and doing another; the economy, telling us things are improving and yet they are not. That all means, at that point of the junction between what is said and what is done, is where the heart is (cor), what is in accord with that person. If someone says they’re going to do something and then they say they can’t, they’re not able, they stop doing it, they stop trying… that person has no chance of being found trustworthy, or a person of power, as they say.
That’s why the Greeks developed a teaching which involves transforming the ethos into ethos. From the same word as ‘ethics’ comes the etymology for both ‘habit’ and ‘inhabit. Doing things out of habit - “I can’t help myself; I said I would do something but continue to what is habitual” - or inhabiting what I do, being present in what I do. I say I will do something, and I do it; and if I can’t, I will keep trying, because that’s where Magic begins, I will be aided by superior forces, because I am a man of ‘ethos’, a man of ethics.
re. Public service announcement
I would try to make it understood that there is a New Era available, which is individual and which will bring solutions to humanity as a whole. It’s no longer about humanity resolving anything for the individual; instead humans need to resolve what humanity has created on the planet. The good news is that we already have the element at a macro-cosmic level which will help us bring about the solution; that element [began entering] the 22nd of December 2012, and today we call it Plasma. Every human now can, and must, generate their own reality, to teach humanity to no longer depend on the prevailing paradigms. And the best news of all is that to generate our own reality, requires us, commands us and makes it possible for us to connect with the divinity within us. Because that’s what’s expected of God, to generate realities.
Fabi: Do you dare?
JL: Yes, of course. Music is a central part of the teaching which we need to consider.
My throat is very tired….
You have a nice tenor voice
re. Words being a bridge to manifesting but also a chasm
Yes, Look, I’ve had this happen with the Shamans, who speak original dialects, but eventually the connection is such that we don’t understand how, but we understand each other. Something like this is happening right now. Thank you.
Let me know, and we’ll get together again and talk about so many themes that are still open to discussion. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Good. Onwards, then.
Understanding that all prophecies of the original cultures warn us that, at this time we have a unique opportunity in the history of humanity, is something important in and of itself.
In other words, we are talking about a change of era that all original cultures, that is, all cultures which had a tradition of teaching which attempted to generate reality by connecting the material world from the spiritual world…. Those teachings left us maps, myths, legends, explicit teachings all pointing toward this particular time. This is monumental, it’s amazing.
I have had the pleasure to travel to the necessary parts of the world, and I can say: if you go to Egypt you find the Dendera Zodiac. The Dendera Zodiac specifically places this particular change of era, as the most difficult passage of all eras.
If you go to Sumeria – now at the Louvre – the Rock of Narancin talks about this change of era. The Hopi rocks, in the middle of the New Mexico desert, talks about this change of era. I have seen this all over the world; we don’t find as much information and warning about any other change of era.
I don’t exaggerate when I say that, what this prophecy warns us of, is that this change of era is much more difficult than the one that Christ ushered in 2000 years ago, or any other in the history of humanity.
In fact, there are specific teachings which say that they prepared us for this change of era, because there has never been as much Plasma as there will be now with which to commit ourselves to generate our own reality. That is where our Divinity is called to the stage. Everything I have been able to investigate, first reading for so many years so many hours a day, and then traveling for so many years and even today, to see what we have been taught by those who generated that which before existed in very small quantities, in minimal drops, those few moments of Plasma invasion for humanity …
And whatever little they knew and could do - which they named from their own cultures as Prana, Manah, Khi, Ether for the Greeks – the little the knew and could do produced magnificent changes, at least within its radius of influence. Except that now, the change has to come from humanity as a whole.
Knowing that we need the square root of 1%, and that gives us a round number of about 8000 people, and that we (and I include myself, because I make a personal commitment to this) can show the world that we can generate our own reality, gives us a place of entry, allows us to put our toes into the new era, to generate for humanity what many prophecies call the “Lighthouse”… ‘to allow us to see in the midst of the fog in the ocean.’
What is the problem? The main problem is not that people are not aware of the new paradigm, which is nothing more than the union of both cerebral hemispheres. For that we needed, in round number, 500 years of science activating our Left Hemisphere. But now we can’t let the Left Hemisphere bury the Right Hemisphere, the way that science tried to do with what we today call Magic. And, we cannot allow Magic to turn us into New Age that says ‘we don’t need to think’; we don’t have an ‘extra’ half brain, there is no design error in the universe whereby one hemisphere is extra.
What’s truly revolutionary, what’s different, is that humans, in effect, generate a reality which requires an increasingly expanded state of awareness, which really is the synchronization of elements of the two cerebral hemispheres.
The word ‘synchronization’ in this – made fashionable by Jung, but it wasn’t Jung who invented it – is key. There is precisely an effect, a phenomenon, produced in every day life that holds the key to the change of era. And that phenomenon is what we called today – again, a term that Jung brought back but which was very old, came from the Greeks – Synchronicity.
Synchronicity names both things. It names what occurs in our brain – the hemispheres synchronize – and it names what occurs Outside when that synchronicity occurs in our brain. It’s a bridge between Inside and Outside, as much as it is a bridge between Eras.
Synchronicity is how we attempt to name the phenomenon which we avoid naming with the ‘other’ word; a word that is feared, full of judgments, that even today – I speak about this all the time, and even Quantum physicists who are at the vanguard of science, still avoid using this word. The word is, if we are to call things by their name, Causality.
We prefer to use the word Synchronicity to hide, to cover the fact that what we are studying is what it is that causes Causality. Here is where we run into trouble with Science. And here we are in the first Paradigm. Science forces upon us dialectic that divides our mind; it divides our mind precisely between the Particular and the General, between the Subject and the Other, the community, the external. Then we begin to think with a mind divided when we try to understand, Causality or Coincidence? We are already lost.
When we enter into that, we are lost. Why? Because that is how, precisely, we make decisions. Right hemisphere or Left hemisphere? How are we thinking about this? Coincidence is a phenomenon that we can’t understand – Right Hemisphere. And Causality is what we understand as Cause and Effect – Left Hemisphere.
Ok. The Paradigm of Initiation, which is Initiatory Magic – I will say it with every letter, that is, Magic. But with an internal journey that requires that you precisely do not mistake it for New Age. The Paradigm of the New Era – the best way I find to label it is Initiatory Magic – tells us very clearly that we must learn to Cause Coincidences.
That’s where I focused my studies as a point of departure. There are11 steps with which someone can learn to generate their own reality, a method I developed. In all cultures you find 11 steps – in some there are only 7 steps, but I don’t want to complicate it. But why? Because in some cultures the initiation begins when they are very little and so they don’t require more than 7 steps.
You and I, we, and all that are able to participate of this conversation, will generate Coincidences that are in fact, One step, not the final step. The 7th step in generating coincidence is the final one in some cultures. The Kybalion, for example, as representative of a culture, or the Hopi, have 7 steps. But there are 4 more steps, once you generate the coincidence. That’s why I speak of 11 steps. Because if once you generate the phenomenon of Magic, you can’t sustain it in your every day life, it dissipates, it’s gone.
And you’re left with a worse frustration than before. Let’s understand, what is it all about? It’s about learning to Cause Coincidences; there is no contradiction. You can learn to Cause something in Seven Steps – from 1 to 7 – and from 7 to 11 you learn to ground that Coincidence (bring it to Earth), to maintain it and make it grow, and to prevent the I – the ego – from generating again with the previous reality.
Which is like when someone has a bout of good fortune and later they experience a catastrophe, which is something very normal and common. Freud called people who had this experience “those who failed in their triumph”. This has a high occurrence. That is what one learns to control in steps 7 to 11.
Ok. Learning to cause Coincidence, learning to cause Synchronicity, from the outset, is the grand proposal of Magic. Why? Because it does not allow me to fall into a divided mind. Causality or Coincidence? I have to learn to Cause Coincidence. I know, it’s obvious, too many years on this theme, the obvious question that arises is that “why, then, do we call it Coincidence, if I am causing it? That’s where I require deep methodical coordinates that will not confuse me.
Coincidence is How it will happen. I cannot decide How it will come to pass. Causality is What will happen. There is a Method for this. What will come to pass is called the 2nd step in the Method of Magic. How it will happen, is not my responsibility; I do not need to concern myself with that. That is the 3rd step.
‘What’ is the 2nd step. ‘How’ is the 3rd step. And the first step, which is the key to everything, with which I will achieve it or not, from where do I want to achieve it. If I want to achieve it from a mind that is conditioned from the outset by the prevailing paradigms and dialectics, then my mind is already telling me ‘it’s not possible, it won’t happen.’
Then, Step One: From where, from which conception, from which Cosmology; if I want to use a provoking term, from which Myth. With that, I’m putting Science in its rightful place – one more myth among many myths. A beautiful, fantastic myth, but let’s not forget anthropologist Levi-Strauss’s warning – all who live inside a myth believe that theirs is not a myth.
Their experience is real; every one else’s is a myth. We live inside the Scientific myth and observe its laws. “Science can demonstrate” “Science does experiments” – when you delve deeper into what Scientific demonstration you realize is nothing more than conventions that sets aside anything that might contradict it. That’s dogma.
When you see that Science leans on the same precepts as religions – what do religions lean on? Ten commandments. Ok. I didn’t make this up, I swear. What does Science rely on? Ten axioms, which Euclid invented. Science relies on ten axioms. What is an Axiom? Something un-provable. Something you have to accept on faith. I don’t want to enter into too much detail, but Euclid’s 4th Axiom deliberately accepts that it will never be proven. That is Faith. That is a Myth.
What does Science lean on? On great prophetic dreams which today we call ‘scientific’. Newton dreamed a reality – at night, a dream – from which he gleans information. Decartes dreamed his Three Cartesian Coordinates. Giordano Bruno dream of a universe whose ‘firmament’ was not ‘firm’. Where do all religions come from? Prophetic dreams. In this sense, I am trying to help you understand that while our mind believes that reality is what Science tells us it is, or what Politics tells us it is (ie., no employment, no jobs, and that’s the reality), or what the Economy tells us it is (we’re in an economic depression, etc.), or what Religion tells us it is (God is on the ‘other side’ of life; not here; God is out there)… while our minds are conditioned and From Where we are thinking (Step One) prevents us from generating What (Step Two) we want to generate.
The first thing that comes up for humans is precisely (and I’ll tell you the way I have been told by all wise men in these cultures) a “Fool’s Question”. If I said to you “next week I’m going to India again, and I’d like you to come with me and to generate and experience together,” the first question the arises is “How can I do that?” That belongs to the Third Step of generating our reality, and we are placing it as the First Step. “What do you want me to do … I can’t.” Ok.
When you tell the Universe “What” you want (Second Step) the Universe generates “How” you will bring it about, if the First Step didn’t contradict that order …”no, it can’t be done, I won’t be able to”. Here we now seem to have some order in what appears to be a daily chaos. For this, we must accept that the “How” won’t be limited by our suppositions.
In the middle of the Peruvian jungle, a Shaman told me, “Jose Luis, the Universe counts with a couple more resources than you think.” I thought it was a fantastic saying. One thinks that ‘it can’t be done’… the Universe has a few more resources to bring about what you’re telling it needs to happen. But for this, we must first find out What we want. And that’s the big issue.
Why? Because we are subject to a division imposed on us by science, by placing the particular versus the general, where the particular has no bearing on the general, ie., you might like it to rain or not, it doesn’t matter – whether it rains or not, it has nothing to do with you. You may be optimistic but it doesn’t mean there will be more jobs. In other words, from the outset, Science gives us that fundamental opposition, the same as Politics.
We are talking about two of the four paradigms. Politics: the Particular versus the General; the individual good versus the collective good, but first, the collective good. Well, Aristotle, who invented Politics – and who was an initiate (into Magic) conceived it as the opposite. Politics depended on Virtue (and that’s why they spoke of Virtus and not of Humans) and we have been told that being Human is a virtue; today we think that being Human is of great value. To the Greeks, being human was a problem to be surpassed.
They had to choose: Virtuous or Human. Humus – like the Bible mentions – is a despicable thing. Who was the virtuous one? And here we enter into the Second Step: the virtuous one was he who had access to something which the normal human had no access to. They called it “Voice and Vote”. That is, he had a Voice, he had the ‘word’. That’s where the game starts. We need to tell Reality What we want. That’s the Second Step. We need to say it. We avoid this at all costs: ‘thinking it is enough’, ‘it is clear in my own head’, ‘I said this way but I’m clear as to what I want’. We avoid saying it and instead memorize ridiculous affirmations, affirmations people learn to avoid having to say it. Why do we avoid saying it?
Because it’s very difficult to speak what we want to achieve. For over 30 years I’ve had the pleasure of leading group and individual experiences, seminars with hundreds of people, and when I give people the mic so they can speak it, “You have Aladdin’s lamp. Go on. It’s the Method of Magic. Tell it what you Want.” It proves very difficult for people to be in agreement between their First Step (their mind, their ideas, their Myth) and the Second Step (their Word). One believes they are telling the Universe What they want, when in fact they are saying something completely different.
“Tomorrow I’m going to look for work”. That’s it. I told the universe what I want. Am I going to find work? No. Because I’m ‘wanting’ to Look for work, not Find work. How is my word going to ‘become,’ and produce a whole lot of coincidences. Coincidences such as finding that the position has been given to someone else, that I had the wrong address, that there was an error in the newspaper ad… many “Hows” will be generated and I’m going to believe that Magic didn’t work. And what was really at fault is my internal journey.
I don’t listen to myself as I speak. If I don’t listen to myself, what I’m telling Reality, The Universe, that I want to achieve, won’t be created. And now, in this time of high Plasma influx, things are created from one day to the next. Before, you needed to focus on the idea for much longer; today it’s easy to create. Why? You see what’s been happening since 2012… the Pope resigns, Kings abdicate the throne … the representations of the prevailing paradigms which in the past were not easy to change, are falling now. The resignation of one Pope for another, is clearly something that had never occurred before. The resignation of Kings which we have witnessed and which had never happened before, now is happening more easily, because the Prophecies foretell those falls.
Now. For me to accept with my mind and be able to stick to my word, I will need a profound internal journey. That’s the beginning that all initiates have told us about. Buddha’s first question to his disciples was “Who moves your tongue when you speak?” When Christ places such emphasis on the power of the word and says “By your Word you will be judged, and by your Word you will be freed” he’s giving us a practical course in Magic.
It’s good to remember about Abracadabra, which means “I create my reality as I speak”. But what is the problem? While the Political paradigm convinces me that the ‘particular’ has no influence on the ‘general’ but that changes have to come from the general into the particular, it takes my power away. And if I accept that paradigm in the First Step, then in the Second Step, my power is divided. And there is a precept of Magic which says that with divided forces we cannot execute Magic.
We need to unify in one single result the Psychic, Energetic and Physical forces. The Psychic forces are the first three steps the Method of Magic; energetic forces encompass steps Four to Six; physical forces enter with the Seventh Step. What is the Seventh Step? The explosion of Magic! Coincidences explote according to I’ve been telling the Universe since the Second Step. But in the middle, there are a series of levels that will force me to delve deeper into my inner journey.
Why? Because as I start to want tell the Universe what I Want, an overwhelming experience … I remember my early journeys in some jungle or mountain forest, when we were creating some experience or ritual with fire and it was raining. So our ‘reality’ was that it was raining and therefore couldn’t perform the ritual, but the Shaman does not give anyone a break. “I couldn’t get there because the jungle was flooded. What can I do?” And their answer would be a question “And how come he was able to come and not you?”
That is, there is something within you that generated this obstacle. This is also the case with our inability to find a job … “Why does he have a job and not you?” Eventually the “I” runs out of excuses. And the I does not want to run out of excuses. When I was in the jungle to have certain experiences with fire and it rained, a question which really open my mind at the time (this is many decades ago, but they are the same steps we all must go through) was “Have you told the Sun what you Want? Have you told the Sun you want him to be here?” That’s Step Two to Step Three. Why? Because, if Step Three is “How it will be generated on the outside, How will what I want be generated outside, the inner mirror of that outward “How” is “How Do I Feel?”
If I feel ridiculous ‘talking’ to Mr. Sun, that precisely has an impact, and it lessens the power of the invocation, it lessens the power of what I’m saying In-Voca (‘in mouth’). That’s why it’s called an “invocation”, because it’s not ‘In-Mind’, it’s ‘in Mouth’. Even God was alone, in every Myth he begins by speaking out loud; the beginning is the Verb, not the Mind. One believes that thinking is enough; it is not. We must speak out loud what we want. After we’ve said it out loud, then we have the Third Step. HOW do you feel?
“I’m speaking it but I’m sure it won’t happen”, “I will tell him but I’m unsure, I feel ridiculous”… that’s where the inner journey begins. And here is the next Paradigm that is our obstacle: the specific scientific paradigm which tells us that we are divided into Left and Right hemispheres, tells you that you have no control over how you Feel, that you are not free to Choose how you Feel, that feelings follow a neuro-vegetative system that you don’t control, that is, a total resignation to how you are feeling.
The idea that I cannot choose how I feel is generating reality up to Step Three. In Magic, it’s necessary, it’s essential, that you Feel however is most convenient for you to achieve the result you want. Is this self-suggestion? No. That is not the way. If it were I would say so, but that’s not the way. What is this? Self-deceit? No, that’s not the way. To act as if it had already been achieved? No, that’s not the way. You’re asked to become a Magician, not an idiot.
Play-acting as if you had already generated your reality is not the way. That is being an idiot, and it’s important, because an Idiot is that who follows the “Id”. The Id is one of the Latin forms for the “I”, the “ego”. Ok. Once we know this, there is an inner step whereby I need to learn to Feel however I Want to Feel; to Feel How I want in regards to What I want. But I won’t be able to maintain that Third Step if I am limited by the Scientific Paradigm, because science tells me it’s not possible.
And Science tells me it’s not possible for Mythological Religious motives. Can I choose who I fall in love with? Science has convinced me that I can’t. So there we are. What Myth do we resort to? The Greeks, who invented Love the way we understand it today, had a Myth which Science took up: the Myth of Cupid, where I’m struck by an arrow and I’m victim of Love, and I fall in Love with the wrong person.
But the Greeks had other Myths for Love, better ones even, like Perseus, who Chose who to love. Science has convinced us that we cannot manage our feelings.
As long as we believe that, our reality will be stuck at the Third Step. And what is the Third Step? Let’s not forget. It’s the “how”. That is, How do I feel inwardly. And outwardly, How will the Universe surprise me by generating coincidences that I could never even imagine. I can share with you infinite number of anecdotes, mine and the people who are learning the method… testimonies are abundant. Testimonies of what? Of the effect of aligning thought, word and emotions. Perhaps a footnote is worthwhile here: all the Dead Sea Manuscripts that were found in [], in Egypt in the1940s – that is they haven’t been changed according to the will of Kings or Popes, they’re trustworthy documents – show the so-called Wise Teacher, Christ being one of them, teaching always the same: “Don’t start any action until your World, Thought and Emotions are aligned.”
It’s amazing. When I met these Wise men in other lands, they taught me the same concept, and surely they never read the Dead Sea manuscripts. I’m talking about Shamans, about Aborigines, Egyptians, who most likely never no access because they couldn’t even read, and they said the same thing. “Look to where you want to go”, and I would point with my finger. They would grab my hand –much like the occidental game which is not that unkown –“Where are you pointing?” “There.” (outwardly) “No. Here” (inwardly).
One (finger) points outwardly, three (fingers) point inwardly. What are these three? Steps One, Two and Three. Thought, Word, and Emotion, aligned within you so that, outside, Step Four may follow. What is the Fourth Step? It’s the step that gives us Signs to show outside if you are aligned inside with what you want to manifest. That’s the Fourth Step. This outward step, we can barely even admit if we insist on a division [separation] between Outside and Inside. I want this to be understood as clearly as possible. Do not begin a course of action outside, if inside Though, Word and Emotion are not polarized into the same result you want to achieve. If you word is saying something else … and to know this you have to learn to Listen to yourself, and when you listen to yourself then this wonderful phenomenon occurs: the Left and Right hemispheres of the brain align and synchronize. It’s incredible, but EEGs [electroencephalographs] show this clearly: when someone speaks, the speech centres are activated, but not the hearing centres! It’s terrible. It means that people don’t listen to themselves when they speak!
They are too busy in their thoughts. The same thing is true when someone else speaks; usually we try to Understand what he says, rather than paying attention to What he says. We are not listening to What he is saying; we are trying to Understand the meaning of what he is saying, rather than What he is saying.
You must require yourself to listen, like Buddha Shakyamuni in his last incarnation before death (after illumination, Buddha reincarnated 14 times, to understand what he had done to reach enlightenment and be able to teach it, like we are with this method) when he arrives at the conclusion that what he had done, was to actually Listen to himself.
People believe they need to learn to breath, to meditate, eat a vegetarian diet… If you want to be a vegetarian, fine; some initiates were, and some weren’t. If you want to learn to meditate, do it; some did, some didn’t. What is for sure, is that everyone of them placed emphasis on the Word. Why? Here we find the first technical motive. As I learn that my Word will generate my reality, I will have to learn to listen to myself when I speak. That way I will discover any deviation or confusion my Word is dictating to, ordering Reality.
In India this is very clear in the Baghavad Gita: Krishna incarnates to help Arjuna. Arjuna is a human being; Krishna is a deity. And in whom does he incarnate? It’s a very important question. If God appeared here now to help me, how would he disguise himself? My dog? What disguise would he wear? Arjuna was a general in the army? Would God be in his sword? His wife? Actually, according to the Bible, it’s the Devil that incarnates in the wives. We should remember this; situations that generate conflict from the get go which we can’t resolve, because we are trapped in a Myth.Ok.
So, where did Krishna incarnate? He incarnated in what today we call the “coachman,” the taxi driver of our times: Arjuna’s auriga. What is “auriga”? The word comes from ‘auricle’ (atrium) - to ‘listen’. God listens to you and is awaiting instructions, like a coachman awaits directions. If, in my mind I want to go somewhere, but I tell the taxi driver something different, where will he go? Will he follow what I thought or what I said? What I said! The Universe is that Taxi! It will take you to the exact place you want to go, the one you have spoken. This is not the universe’s whimsy. I will have to generate a profound inner journey to SUPPORT that, within me, the orders are begin given by an ‘other’.
The ‘existential void’ that Zen speaks of. I’m ‘empty’ of my own existence. I must ‘exist’. If the Universe is generating a different reality from what I want, it’s because I’m commanding it something other than what I want. Now, this is where we get the next paradigm. Though it might seem strange, what is holding us back from this Fourth step, is the paradigm of the Economy, also the fourth prevailing paradigm.
There is a beautiful metaphor of this, if you allow me a minute, it’s worth to try. Humanity can’t go into the next era because it is locked in this era, and this is basically what all prophecies tell us. A graphic image for that is like being locked in a room, with four walls, each wall is one of our prevailing paradigms. The room has a ceiling and a floor; these are the dialectics against which I bounce within each of the paradigms. It’s ver graphic and easy to understand. We are locked within four paradigms, each of which and to the same extent, places me between two dialectics. Because of this, my mind can’t deepen inwardly and can’t elevate.
Because it bounces against the dialectics that are born in those four paradigms. Each of the different paradigms establishes its dialectic: politics between the particular and the general, clearly. Science establishes a very complicated bi-dialectic paradigm which I just tried to simplify, but it’s very complicated, so much so that Lacan focused solely on this, and it’s the difference between Knowing and Truth. We believe that Knowing will bring us to the Truth. And Knowing is only the Conventions of the Moment. What we thought we knew ten, a hundred years ago, we see today that it was not the Truth. But science places us in that paradigm.
We can talk about this in so many ways. The etymology of the verb ‘to know’ is very clear. ‘To know’ to the Greeks meant ‘to taste’. Nothing else. In fact, the most subjective of things in the universe. And science has convinced us that it gives us an ‘objective’ kind of knowing. No, sir. It all depends on the scientist’s own ‘taste’. If he doesn’t like it, it will create conventions to have you believe that science has ‘demonstrated’ this or that. You’d have to see what other scientists have to say when they say that it is only a convention, but a convention of Power. That’s where Politics come in.
See how the Paradigms feed each other? Look. I know that Argentineans have a reputation in the world of thinking they know everything. Ok. I accept it and own it; it’s a problem I had to face everywhere in the beginning. If I go everywhere and I say, “when do I have to do a Seminar in Barcelona, or in Mexico? Ok, on that day it will be raining, but the sun will be shining when it is time to begin the seminar.” If I say this to a scientist,
-“I know that on this date and at this time it will be sunny in Barcelona.”
-“ That’s wonderful; what astronomical observatory do you work with?”
-“No, I don’t know this because I studied. I’m going to make it happen.”
-“Go on, get out of here!”
What does this mean? If the scientist doesn’t like it, because you are not thinking within their parameters, they don’t accept it. But here’s what’s worse: in spite of the fact that it WORKS. Reality is an annoying witness that is science sets aside any reality it does not like. Until convention accepts the change, which according to studies done, takes between 70 and 150 years.
That is, it’s not a good idea to wait for science to give you the go ahead. For what? To change mental concepts that when you changed within yourself, you will see manifested in your reality. How did Science deviate, lost its way? One of the sciences is called Economic Science. There is the next Paradigm. Economy, as one of the aspects of science, has shown us failure, after failure, after failure all over the world. But since it’s ‘scientific’, since it comes from science, they must know better. But they have economic solutions that really weren’t solutions at all. All you have to do is read the December 2013 report by Unesco. It says this is the poorest humanity in the story of humanity. They talk percentages, and say the we have the greatest percentage of poor people in the story of humanity. That’s a failure by the economy.
[…] we have the highest percentage of poor in all humanity. Unesco clearly states that we have the worse planet in the story of humanity. It has never before been as contaminated or on the verge of destroying itself as it is now, even interfering with the hyperspace around us. We’ve also contaminated that. We have the worse illnesses; illnesses that in the past belonged to old age, now we find in infancy, adulthood or adolescence. We have new illnesses, and for every illness they tell us they’ve ‘cured’, they’ve generated seven new illnesses. It’s terrible. Because they’ve clear cut and destroyed the forests to find a cure for something and created seven more in the process. That is the result of the economy and science; we have to see this – the emperor is naked. The emperor is naked and should not be looking at his crown.
What does this mean? That there shouldn’t be Science or Economy? No. It means that we have to move them from the place where we put them in the Old Era. Paradigm. Economy, which comes from science, and shows failure after failure … that is, the Right gives way to the Left because the Right failed; later we oust the leftist government and we vote for the Right. The percentage of ‘localized wealth’… I don’t really want to talk Sociology, we only need open a newspaper, but the concentrated wealth in only 10% of humanity means that 90% of humanity has minimal resources, and in 60% of the cases live in extreme hunger… all this means an utter failure of the Economy. And we still think like economists. If I ask you to go to India next week, the first thought is “How can I do that?” “Let’s go to Macchu Pichu next month” “How?”. “I Can if I Have.” That is thinking like an economist. Not like a Magician.
The economist is in you says “if you have it, you can do it”. To Have – economy paradigm. To Be Able – political paradigm. See how the paradigms feed each other? If I ask permission from “what I have” to see if “I can” or not, I have renounced all possibility to generate my own reality. Magic teaches me exactly the opposite. There is enough plasma; we are already in the new era. The new ‘plasma’ era, but not a new are for humans. Humans must take a leap from one era to the next; that leap is a mental one. There is enough plasma to create what you want to create. Don’t ask permission from ‘what you have’, don’t ask permission from ‘what you are able’. Tell the Universe what you wish to achieve; the Universe has no other recourse but to follow the ‘word’, because Plasma is sensitive to Light and sensitive to Sound.
If you want, we can pick this up later. These are the clues to the seeds of Reality. Good. Now, the Economy as derived from Science, formed this dialectic division of the economic paradigm… what division? The Economy has convinced us that there are two things which are divided, separated, that are dialectical, and that shall never meet. The division between Mind and Matter. There we have the ‘ceiling’ and the ‘floor’ that come the ‘economic wall’. While I believe that my material reality, that the amount of money I can earn each month, to have or not to have some security in my bank account, to have a job or not… while I believe that ‘that’ is Matter and that my mind has no bearing on that, then what I have generated is to be subject to the prevailing paradigm instead of generating Reality.
This can’t really be reconciled or supported in any way… any person you ask “what is Reality?” will immediately grab onto these materialistic events… ‘reality is what I can see and touch’. That is, they put Reality in a Material realm, and no matter what you think in your own mind, Matter itself is never the wiser. This is a Scientific concept that now Quantum Physics is loudly trying to change, but at the same time does not accept that there are issues that are aleatoric – coincidental. Where? Exactly where the Magic paradigm clearly points out: it’s HOW are they generated. These ‘coincidences’ will be generated toward what you want or not, depending on what you Tell it. See, we can maintain a perfectly consistent logic.
Now good. Will I be able to locate the coincidence that will allow me to materially achieve what I want, which I keep in mind, and which I have to put into Word? If I am subject to the economical paradigm, no. Why? Because it will tell me “even though you want, if there are no jobs, then there’s no employment. The ‘material reality’ and the ‘mental reality’ don’t enable each other. OK. It’s worth it here to remind ourselves of something as basic as what we are talking about when we talk about Reality. We are constantly trying to ‘face reality’, to ‘know reality’, science supposedly shows us ‘what reality is’, the economists tell us ‘what reality is’ … what are we talking about when we talk about Reality?
Reality is a word invented by the Greeks, but has roots previous to the Greeks. Reality clearly comes from res (matter or substance, which Descartes mentions, ‘res extensa’), but before that it also has another etymology, revis (in Spanish revisar: to look over) is Mind. So what is Reality? What the Mind does with Substance. Therefore, the rupture of the economy – Matter on one side and Mind on the other – simply is not sustainable. Mind directs Matter (for example, the number of bills in your pocket); if in your mind you believe there are few bills, then there will be. That’s where Reality will direct itself.
What is matter? What is a tumor made of? What is an illness made of? The person you are with is made of a material substance. If you accept that your mind is divided from matter, because the economic paradigm, based on the scientific paradigm, has us believing that, then I get stuck on the fourth step. Why? Because Reality, in the fourth step, generates signals that ‘give life to life’. Why? Because it will show me with small subtle signals if, what I want to achieve in my mind, I have managed to unify with my word and my emotion. If I am, in my mind (and via special exercises we learn and that develop in everyday reality with word, emotion and directionality), generating a reality that is divided in Mind, Word and Emotion, the signals will tell me so.
Let’s suppose that in my mind I’m bringing into play material wealth, and I invoke it and align my emotions so that I in fact I feel how it is convenient for me to achieve that result (we can come to this if you have any questions). If I am aligned I will begin to see signs of wealth: I open a magazine on the page where there is something relating to wealth, I go out and the first thing I find is some billboard advertising wealth. If I am not aligned, that is, that my first three steps are not yet aligned, I will see signals to the contrary. However, these signals are orienting me. To what? To what is going on in my Inner World. Which is where I need to put my effort to be able to generate my own Reality. Revis - Res: Mind – Matter.
Now, this is where the New Age movement is contrary to this truth. “Ah, the signal is contrary to what you want. It means you should desist from trying”. That just confuses you all over again. If the signal shows you an obstacle, don’t stop going where you want to go. Pay attention to the sign which tells you that there is confusion Within You somewhere. In the New Age movement this is backwards.
See? “I got to the corner and the bus was late, so that means I don’t have to go to work.” It’s not like that. We are not ‘followers’ of the signs. We are the ones who caused the signs to begin with. But you see, as always, the “I”, even after learning, tries to re-locate that knowledge to be still in the hands of the “I”. Fourth Step. Here is where we learn clearly to de-codify the Universe, a code made of Signals. That gives life ‘bubbles’, like champagne!
Because the signal is just around the next corner, and I need to be in ever-alert state of awareness to detect it. Otherwise I’ll miss it. And then it’s too late. Because in the steps that follow it’s not possible to stop it. There is an ‘test’ step, which is Five, and after that whatever you’ve put into your Psyche begins to energize and materialize. And then it’s too late. I can stop it and change it only within the first steps, and fortunately the more Plasma there is available, the faster we get to the Fourth Step. So, understand this requires an internal challenge of “divinization”.
Which is why we have… here is the Fourth Paradigm. “God and Human separated. And if Humans want to liken themselves to God, punishment, pride, etc…” and the original sin, which by the way was invented by the Church. Christ never mentioned an Original Sin. Christ wanted us the become Divine; he states it very clearly. I taught the hidden life of Christ and I taught the hidden Teachings of Christ; I studied it, I read it. Christ says: “Be holy, because I am a holy.” He invites humans, not to accept that Divinity, Holiness is restricted and they have to accept being mere humans, but challenges them to generate themselves as those who acquire a growing awareness of their Divine Seed.
Now, precisely when is it that this seed begins to grow? When I discover that the Universe in fact responds to my Word. I begin to acquire a sense of divinity, of interconnection, of unity, in which the Universe responds when I speak! My question then, is Speaks in me when the universe responds with something else? But that turns the mirror on me; it makes me look at myself. Not ‘my husband’, the ‘minister of economy’, the ‘president’, it’s ‘them’ who were getting in the way of the reality I want. The only mismatch has to be within me. I can only correct it in me. This WORKS.
I travel the world. The planes I board, in spite of strikes or climate challenges, always depart and arrive on time; I have so many stories I can tell of the people who apply this concept. I give a seminar in one country and then in another, and find the same people there. “What are you doing here?” “Well I wanted to come hear you”. It means that person avails himself of the reality, money, time, energy… that is to generate one’s own reality. With this we give humanity the possibility of something which, they may like or not, but is surely a new Paradigm.
You must learn to generate your reality, in its finest detail. We’re in the Fourth Step. I don’t know if you wish to go on the next steps, or…
- Go on! ... What is the Fifth Step? Presuming the first Three are aligned and that we pay attention to the Signs along the way.
The Four Phases are: (1) Warrior: The inner warrior, which enters into an inner combat to ensure that his word, his thought and his emotion are what he decides. (2) Merchant: The Merchant learns to bring that out to the external. What for? So that, by means of strategies and tactics taught by Magic (which incidentally are the same taught in the Martial Arts), you can use what the ‘other’ throws at you for your own strength. I taught Original Martial Arts for many years, and you learn this in the practice with strategy and tactics. Ghandi is a good example. Ghandi’s teacher was initiated, Dinova, who was also in turn Ghandi’s disciple. It sometimes confuses people who say he was a disciple; he did indeed later become a disciple of Ghandi, but was first his teacher. In any case, that is what he taught him. Everything that India ‘threw’ on Ghandi, he used to free himself from it. Merchant.
(3) Priest. What is the Priest? Priest means ‘pontiff’, and etymologically it means ‘he who builds bridges’ - bridges between the inside and the outside, bridges between the divine world and the human world. Ok. The Fourth Step is that bridge, that’s why it represents Jupiter’s Finger for the Greeks (…yes, that’s right, between the Greeks and the Romans, the Romanized culture used Jupiter). Why? My reality begins to show itself toward the outside, only when first I have aligned myself internally. It’s all very clear.
The Fifth Step, it’s the only one that can connect with the other Four. See? If I want to use this finger to touch the other three, it’s more difficult. This is the only finger that ca do it. That’s the Fifth Step. It’s the one that can see the other Four Steps all at once. It’s called the “Great Evaluation”. Before I learn to energize Reality (Sixth Step, which is where the energy ‘explodes’; and the Seventh Step is where Magic ‘explodes’), I have to be sure that I have already ‘polarized’ it, because once the energy explodes I cannot stop it. That Fifth Step is incredibly powerful all by itself.
In “The Hidden Life of Christ” I talk about where this is documented, since these are the darkest parts of the hidden life of Christ. There are testimonies that Christ attended the Oriental-most schools in Israel, which were Tibetan schools; these were schools of the far orient that had a ‘franchise’ in Israel called Vihara. There they teach this. It’s called “The Four Luminous States of the Mind”. At the schools where Christ studied, and where even today one can study it, they’re called Four States, the names are in Tibetan. What is important is that we must learn to detect whether these four states are ‘luminous’ or not. That’s why it is called the School of the Four Luminous States of the Mind.
What is that? If you give me just a second… I often do internet webinars, so I have this close at hand. It’s this. What is this? A scheme of Logic which is hyper-actual, modern, and it includes all the various Logics of the history of humanity. It’s a diagram showing the Four Luminous States, and you must learn to detect where the “I” is obscuring a mental state in one of these four quadrants. It’s a whole system of Logic, and it’s referenced in these writings that I have been speaking of, even if minimally, and they say that it took Christ, at Vihara, 7 years to master this logic. That means, we need to learn this. What is this? The “I” can use four specific things to re-form the previous. If you discover these, the I loses its power. These four things, called by their Tibetan names, mean “in what’s Possible”, “in what’s Impossible”, “in what’s Necessary” and “in what’s Contingent”.
What is that? Where our minds (the “I”) go looking for ‘refuge’, to control you. “No, it’s not possible”. That is the first quadrant, right off the bat, to keep you locked in what is already believed possible. The second quadrant, keeping you in what is impossible: “it’s impossible, you cannot generate reality from the dream state”. Third quadrant, keeping you in what’s Necessary: “now you don’t have what you need to do what you want – a need for money or time. The fourth quadrant, keeping in you what’s contingent: which basically means, sometimes yes, sometimes no. “Why am I able sometimes and not others?” “It’s God’s will”, “It’s not your time”, and whatever other inanities we use as excuses to give up control over that quadrant.
Ok. This is the Fifth Step. This is taught, and it has very rigorous logic, the same that is taught in Topology, which I study and teach. I just want you to understand that we must learn these things in the study of Magic. When I meet with the Q’eros, who many believe to be the most evolved Andean Priests in all of the American Continent - I have traveled extensively and I agree with it – this is what they study, with their own terminology. I have a video of a Q’ero priest explaining this, while I explain it over him in modern logic. They’re trying to understand the exact same thing. This is not just left hemisphere; this is both hemispheres connected, synchronized. The best proof is that a primitive native aborigine, who has never formally studied Logic, is actually studying the exact same thing.
In all the cultures where I had the honour to be welcomed by their holy men, I found this very scheme in their coat of arms, in their altars, on their flags, I show this in my videos. And that’s why the Initiate’s ring has that shape. It’s a way to remind yourself of the ‘map’ of everything you must consider. It is a whole step unto itself which is can be learned, and it has a wonderful logic. You can learn the tricks of the “I” when you’re in a particular quadrant, and tries to send you to another quadrant, vertically or horizontally. Magic resides only in the middle. Can you give me 2 seconds?
This is the very symbol that I put on the cover of my book. This is a second edition, there are already 6, but it doesn’t matter… they’re the same. This scheme, the 11 steps of Magic – you can see it well - it’s the same I just showed you here, only more elaborate. Look where Magic is found: in the centre. What does that mean? You must learn to bring your mind through very quadrant it avoids. The only thing the mind wants to do… if you’re here, it wants to take you here or here… this is a wonderful logic. What the method of Magic warns you, teaches you, guarantees and shows you in the evidence, is that you will be generate Magic in your life when you go where your “I” doesn’t want to go. These diagrams are wonderful, and there is an additional prize:
There are videos where I show this. That shape you just saw, the strangely star-like shape with a universal geometry which is found in all the ancient cultures, I insist, on their flags and their altars and their coat of arms, is the shape that Plasma first takes on when it manifests. This is fundamental. This means that when you learn to think within this logic, your mind and the plasma are on the same frequency. Therefore, the plasma effectively responds to what is on your mind. They are wonderful clues that guarantee the plasma will take the shape of what you intend. Why? For the simple fact that like attracts like. And if, in your mind, you are thinking with this same Pirsian geometry (today this is called the Diagram of Pirs), then the plasma is immediately tuned.
All this we learn in the Fifth Step. As you can see, Magic constantly requires from us higher and higher states of consciousness [awareness]; we must not confuse it with intellectualization. That’s why first I make it clear, every Lama learns this; even today this is taught in Tibetan schools. If you go to Tibet, you will find they teach this at the Vihara schools (The Four States of the Luminous Mind). The Andean priests, the Q’eros, study this as well. We must not confuse it with an intellectualiation, even though it will also require your left hemisphere, and that is fine. It is absolutely fine. The new era is does not mean we must not think, but we must learn a method of thought which won’t allow the “I” to turn that thought into an intellectual exercise; that is something else.
So much so, that this step, in fact, will reveal the “I” immediately wherever it is hiding within your reality. And when the “I” is revealed and you are able to resolve the issue, then you can go on to the Sixth Step. What is the Sixth Step? It’s that step in which the Divine and the Human – and there is the integration of the Religious Paradigm – are in such a state of union that it becomes impossible to know what is Divine and what is Human. It’s the plane of Energy. And every sacred text tells us that, if there is one thing that can connect us with the Divine, it’s Energetic. So the plane before birth and the plane after death are energetic planes [dimensions]. When you learn to connect with your energy, the Divine and the Human are being connected in you.
Here is where we find our greatest challenge, those who want to generate a paradigm shift, when we first begin. It happened to me, and whenever I speak about this in my seminars around the world, every one identifies with this immediately. Why? Because we all want to learn to manage our energy, and the grave error is to want to start right there. The Sixth Step warns you – energy takes the shape of the psyche [psychic]. If the psyche is divided, the energy will be divided. And the physical takes the shape of the energetic; I wish they had told me this at the beginning! The years, the decades spent trying to resolve the physical with the energetic, and ignores the psyche [psychic].
Or if you attend to the psychic [psyche] you become a Psychologist – which is precisely what I am; you become a Psychoanalysts – which I am also – and you separate it from the energetic and the physical. No. The law in this Sixth Step is: “The [what is] psychic governs the [what is] energetic, and the [what is] energetic governs over the physical”.
When the psychical is in order (and that’s why we have the Fifth Step, to revis – to inspect thought, word, emotion, and to see if the signals are in fact coherent), now I can proceed to the Sixth Step.
Only then do I take care of my energy. Most people want to start there. And they start with mantra, and tantra, and pyramids, Saumerio (?)… a waste of time if at first you don’t work… that’s called The Second Half of the Method, from the Sixth to the Eleventh Step. The first half is First for a reason, because it’s the commitment between You and that which, in the end, you will take with you as a novelty after your incarnation - whatever is in order between your mind, your word, and your emotion. You already possessed energy before you were born, before incarnation; you already lived in an energetic world. You need to come here to learn how to manager energy, that’s what you Already know. You are here to learn to generate reality with that energy.
Now, this doesn’t mean we don’t need to learn about [from] energy, it means we have to put it in its just place. In the Method of Magic, it’s the Sixth Step, because in the Tree of Life, the Sixth Zephyr, Tifaret (there are, in fact, eleven zephyrs), is a Sun in the middle of the Tree of Life – the explosion of energy. When I started I went through the same thing everybody goes through, and which is in fact a problem in the New Age movement. You don’t know which way to go when you want to learn to manage your energy. You learn mantras, tantras, yoga, breathing… what do you learn? It’s a universe which more chaotic the deeper you get. I saw it. The people who taught me energy, who had a reality like mine. I have ready the original sacred texts from each one of these cultures. When these peoples learned tantra, for example, they experienced Divine realities. And I saw that my Tantra teacher, even though he knew the poses and the breathing and everything, also had a reality like mine. So you understand, in the end this separates you from wanting to evolve.
Good. Of all the world’s energetic systems that I had the pleasure of learning and teaching and visit … I try to save people time and everyone can choose what they want, but I believe that I obliged to say after all my learning, my teaching each one of them, I choose the Q’ero. The best energetic system. But the original Q’ero, not the tourist version of today. Today you go to Peru and it’s hard to find a Q’ero around the corner. I affectionately call it Q’eroland. Disneyland, Q’eroland… you cannot find a Q’ero. Ok. I am talking about the original Q’eros.
I connected with the Q’ero priests, called Altomesayok. That system of managing energy is so perfect, that it encompasses all other systems, and even surpasses them. And it’s practical, it’s a great advantage. You’re not going to have to eat only grains of rice, chanting ohm at the temple, hours of meditation, of contemplation… we have not incarnated into that kind of culture. In the mountains, if the priest tries to practices energetic exercises, he will be eaten by the puma. So, it’s very similar to how we must live today. I prefer to work with deep concentration with an eminently practical system, that will not place energy in the centre of your life, so that you must make it a deity, no. In the centre of your life is You, and You must learn to see yourself as a Divinization of Human, which is why you have incarnated.
To heal yourself quickly from being human. To break the cycle of incarnation, not to continue being human. Now, that energetic system kept the Q’ero people safe for 500 years, unreachable by the conquistadors, the church, the inquisitor, anybody… because that energetic system teaches you to defend yourself and generate what you want. People go crazy, ‘teach me about energy!’ I won’t if you didn’t accomplish the first five steps. I know it; I can teach you, but I would be harming you. Because what will happen with this energetic system, because it’s so strong, it will amplify what was there before and you won’t be able to stop it, it is so strong.
Here I tell… I think it’s very graphic … though I don’t want to repeat myself from other interviews I’ve had the pleasure to give, and again I thank you for this space, since I have the opportunity, but it’s good to remember. One of the Altomisayok that I was able to connect with among the Q’eros, found out about Tibet, that the Q’eros had been discovered, that they had been found after 500 years of protection. Their prophecy told them that it was time to make themselves known. Two weeks later they were found by an anthropologist. Incidentally, I met this anthropologist’s son. So, after 500 years, within 2 weeks of making themselves known according to their prophecy, which told them to lift the energetic barriers, generation after generation for seven generations they were protected. Ok. A Lama from Tibet, Tsechu Rinpoche, found out that about the Q’eros (?) and wanted to see how they function, and how the energy functions; the masters of energy are in Tibet. He was humble enough to get on a plane and was received by the Q’eros; the phrase made history.
When Tsechu Rinpoche saw how that Q’eros priests that I had met, worked with the energy system, he said: “You achieve in 10 minutes what takes me 10 years”. He said this to him! And then there’s us, trying to learn. There’s no doubt; it’s a tremendous system, we don’t need to go crazy with fourty thousand others. I teach Hinduism, Zen, Alchemy, because I see there’s a commonality with the Eleven Steps. But when it’s time to work with energy, I almost pray that people don’t get lost in the ‘sea of energy’. In India there are 33 million gods and goddesses, each one a different energy; it’s chaos. It takes your whole incarnation to understand just that, and it’s only one of the eleven steps. But we must learn to manage energy. I sometimes I tell people: you need to ‘energize your result’, they don’t even understand what they’re being told. We can learn to manage energy. And we can learn to manage it the best way possible, with the Method of Magic, which comes from the Q’eros, it’s not a creation of mine. You can learn to use the energy already present in a given situation; you will never lack for energy.
And the energies present in a situation, how do we see them, as refined or dense? Dense! You can lose your fear; you learn to refine dense energy, which is plentiful. You walk into a bank, what’s the energy like? Dense. You walk into a hospital, what’s the energy like? Dense. You walk into an office… okay… you learn to refine that energy to crystallize / manifest what you want. That can be learned, but it’s only one step, you need the first five. After the explosion of energy (Sixth Step), comes the Seventh Step. In this Seventh Step, we are already submerged in the world were the Human and the Divine are a single unit. The religious paradigm cannot stop you, which divided the Human from the Divine.
Because in this Seventh Step, Magic explodes. Without any need for ‘training’; another issue we need to address - there is no need for training. I don’t need to train in telepathy, psychometry, clairaudience, dreaming, having to enter the dream state to train there… Christ never practiced telepathy, however, when he needed it there is evidence when he needed it he had it. When Buddha practiced with the Yogis of his time, after seven years, he said he had lost seven years of his life. I want you to understand – if someone likes to do these practices, then they can, but they’re not to be confused with spiritual evolution.
People believe if they do Yoga, or they become vegetarian, or they practice meditation, they are more spiritual. In Magic, the potential you need will be available when you need it. In the Seventh Step. You need a contact? It appears. You need information? It comes to you. And if you do it in the daytime, when you enter the dream world, you continue doing it at night. There are some wonderful teachings here; if I had the time I would show you extraordinary places, like Christ teaching this with his different conceptions of time. Christ spoke in two different conceptions of time; the church translated it all with the same word, ‘time’. Then what Christ said becomes useless.
Like when Christ said “you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free”. It is not true. We all know truths that don’t necessarily free us from anything. I don’t know. If I know that a certain man is an assassin, and I know that it’s true, I have to demonstrate it in court. I’m not freed just by knowing the truth. Christ was speaking of two very different conceptions of the truth. In the same way, Christ says at some point, “my time has not yet arrived”. And another time he says, “for you, any time is good”. If you read it in the language Christ spoke, in case he was talking of Chronos, in the other of Kairos. The guy (and I mean that with every respect) was totally clear in his head what was time for the left hemisphere – chronos – and what was time for the right hemisphere and when to use each. When he said “it’s not my chronos yet”, its’ very clear from a Magic perspective: I have not yet synchronized (sin chronos), I have not achieved coincidences (causalities) that tell me I’m ready.
The same way, you enter into your dreams; and if do that having ‘synchronized’ during the day (the first six steps), coincidences which show certain signals, in your dream state you produce these coincidences. There is a continuity, all divisions break down. Night and day, left hemisphere and right hemisphere, inner reality and outer reality. It’s wonderful understanding that you don’t need to practice learning to enter your dreams. It doesn’t work; people fall asleep. It works maybe one out of every 40 times, because it depends on your state when you arrive there. That is, if you enter your dream state with the first six steps activated, then at night you can enter into the seventh step. If you’re so asleep that you don’t even know you’re asleep, when at night even the body is asleep, it doesn’t matter how much you practice, whatever light tricks, etc; that’s why sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t.
We must not put weight on the exercise; the focus must be your inner state when you get there. Otherwise it makes no sense: we incarnated so we could learn how to dream? The world we go to when we’re dreaming is the same world we go to after we die, and where we went before we were born. Why do we incarnate, then, if that was the case? This doesn’t mean we don’t need to learn to dream; it means that when, effectively, in your daily life, psyche, energy and the physical world are united in the signals, now you can increase it with your energy in your dreams.
You produce such a wonderful, spectacular unity within you, that you can keep generating the same reality, awake or asleep. Going to sleep doesn’t mean the “I” is asleep; it’s my body that sleeps and needs rest. I remain Conscious. That doesn’t not mean what the New Age movement asks us to believe… I can save the price of a ticket and take an ‘austral’ journey to Macchu Pichu. If you can’t generate the trip, then it’s because you have much internal work to do in your daily (day) life. It’s not about saving the price of the ticket…to put it in a funny way.
After the Seventh Step – the explosion of Magic – in the day and at night, Divinity and Human are difficult to separate. That’s why no you must bring the divine into the everyday, the Eighth Step – the Negotiations. In the Tree of Life it’s called Chod, and Chod is governed by Mercury, the Merchant. Mercury, Merchant, God of Merchants. You learn to impregnate your daily life with the Divinity you bring from somewhere else. There are secrets to achieve this. And these secrets, though it might seem strange, are unveiled in Christ, with the central concept of Christ, which is the concept the church bastardized, humiliated and blemished the most.
A concept which in turn was trivialized by the New Age movement; the concept of Love. We say, ‘mixing love with negotiations, is mixing the left and right hemispheres’. But that love has nothing to do, unfortunately, with what the church has told us love is – something I feel for others. There are passages of Christ’s teachings in the Bible which clearly differentiate which love it is we are talking about, and which Christ is interested in. Christ is interested only in one kind of love, because Christ was educated in a Hebraic-Greco-Roman culture, in addition to having been to India. And Jews, Greeks, Romans and Hindus all clearly differentiate between 4 kinds of love; we find all four in the Bible. When the church uses the word Love, and says ‘God is Love’, it’s useless if they don’t make clear which of the forms of Love Christ is ascribing to God. John [The Baptist] says ‘God is Love’ – John had studied in India, and we know this because the Gospel of John begins with a long Hindu prayer, which states ‘In the beginning, was the Word’ … in the beginning is the verb or Logos.
That is the one which says ‘God is Love’, but that love has nothing to do what we believe is everyday love. I don’t want to go now into marvelous details, though more than details they are crucial teachings for the New Era: Christ was interested in only one kind of love. Which is the one, when he leaves the cross (notice I did not say ‘resurrected’, unless we understand exactly what the word means, which is the ‘re-awaken’; that is what ‘resuscitates’ means, not to ‘re-live or live again’). Christ said it very clearly when he was asked “what will be a sign from you?” and he answered “You will have the sign of Jonas.” Who was Jonas? He spent three days in the belly of a whale, but did not die. Christ did not lie when he said that, in fact, what they will find is the ‘resurrection’.
To ‘resurrect’ means to re-awaken, it does not mean you died and live again, which is what the church has sold us. Okay. After the cross, Christ meets one more time with his disciples to teach them about love, only then. Which means this is quite advanced. This is what you must carry into your daily life, which is the moment when Christ asks Peter in what in fact is the last supper (the other one is the penultimate, although it could be supper or breakfast, it is not specified), “Peter, do you love me?” The Bible that you buy at any church says that Peter answered “Yes, Teacher, I love you”. So Christ asks him again, “Peter, do you love me?” “Yes, Teacher, I love you.” Christ seems a little dumb, can’t he see he’s already answered? But he asks yet again “Peter, do you love me? “Yes, I told you I love you. Sounds like a hysterical person… ‘you don’t love me’ ‘yes I love you’… it seems bizarre and a total lack of respect. But they are talking about two different things.
Christ asks for one kind of love and asks [what would be in Spanish] “Do you ‘Agape’ me”? And Peter is answering about another kind of love, “I ‘filial’ you”. Christ is interested in the Agape love; that is the love you learn to develop in Magic. Which is the Love which joins the hemispheres, not the love that separates them. The love the joins the hemispheres, not the love that separates them.
I choose, I decide what to love; it’s an act of will, to love one thing and not another. This is taught exactly alike in all Shamanic cultures – it’s called Munai. What is it? The will to love something. And it’s what makes you unstoppable in your daily life. You enable it in the Seventh step, but if the coincidence you manifest is interrupted, we learn tactics and strategies to use the power of the situation to impregnate it with love. But please, let’s not fall into the trap of believing that it’s not happening because ‘we don’t love the result we’re after’. No. We are speaking of a very advanced state, the state of Agape. And that state has nothing whatsoever to do with doing things ‘for others’, to give ourselves over to something else, as the church imposed upon us. To the Greeks, it is called Xenia, a completely different kind of love that has to do with ‘courtesy’, what we do for others. They were well differentiated.
Okay. We bring love - Step Eight – with the sexuality of Step Nine. Step Eight: I bring into play tactics and strategies to learn to ‘love’ the enemy, because it is that energy that allows me to grow; this can be learned. Now I need the other, the Eros. We said: “You ‘agape’ me?” “No. I [filial love] you”. That’s two kinds of love; there is a third one – Eros. That is the Ninth step. It enters here – l earning to use our sexuality – let’s not be afraid of it. Let’s also be clear – it has nothing to do with orgies, with dark sexual practices… that is not what we do in Magic. If you want to do that, don’t use Magic as an excuse. Is this clear? This means learning to integrate the feminine energy with the masculine energy within you, independent of your sex.
We all need to learn to integrate both energies; it’s called ‘sexualizing your result’. I had to invent the verb ‘casualize’, it’s the name of one of my books. Why? Because you have to learn to ‘casualize’ your result, you have to energize your result, you have to learn to ‘sexualize’ your result. If both energies are not united within you, you cannot birth your result, Step Ten. You must give birth to your result; it’s a delivery. And to give birth requires both energies united. That’s where you learn to use the sexual energy with the famous word which was the ‘ceiling’ reached by Freud (Lacan flirted with the idea but didn’t get very far, because it’s not easy if you don’t take the journey of initiation [into Magic]), which is the famous word from alchemy: sublimation. To sublimate is to learn to use sexual energy to ‘make sublime’ something that appears to be material.
That is the Ninth Step; but the Ninth Step contains the final exam, because 9 out of 10 people bounce against sexuality (as discovered by Psychoanalysis). If you pass this exam, then you move on to the Tenth Step, called Malchut in the Tree of Life, which is ‘concretization’ or ‘materialization’, the earth, Malchut is earth, the materialization or ‘plasmation’ of your result, which first you learn to generate, and then you learn to inhabit. Otherwise, people achieve it but it dies there, it’s normal, or they destroy it. What teaches you to inhabit it, it’s the next and final step. That is, you achieved the Tenth Step and generated the result you wanted; there you are, your own reality, a New Era for you, you have achieved a New Era. So why an Eleventh Step? Eleven is the Great Master; it’s the one that appeared as an obstacle during the preceding ten steps. To teach us something that is above and beyond the result: to teach us what we have come to do in this incarnation.
That’s why Step Eleventh is a ‘hidden’ step, which is a teacher that presents itself as an enemy. It’s called Da’at, and that’s what it is - knowledge of the occult, in the Kabbala. That teacher is the one I search for, and the one the I avoid. The I avoids it and I search it because it’s going to teach me what I need to learn about myself which the I, if I don’t learn it, will in turn use it to destroy my new reality.
Now good. We’ve gone through the eleven steps, we traversed the four paradigms, we traversed the dialectics of each paradigm. What did we need to learn? To think, we had to learn to speak, we had to learn to feel, we had to learn to evaluate, we had to learn to energize, we had to learn to dream, we had to learn to negotiate, we had to learn to sexualize, and now we must learn to inhabit. Everything we thought we already knew, we had to learn. That’s why it’s the beginning of an inner journey whose end result is You.
The material result is testimony that you have taken that journey; now you will strive for a higher result that requires even more magic. There exists a great law in Magic: the more impossible the result you strive for, the greater the Magic is that will assist you. This is awesome; it’s pure optimism. But you have to understand it will assist you, in eleven steps. These steps are the ones we are trying to share with all of humanity, and again I am grateful for opportunities like this one. The hard thing is getting through the paradigms we find ourselves in, because we believe that we have solutions within those paradigms. Please, understand this, the problem is not with Science, nor Politics, Economy, or religion - it’s making a paradigm from it.
What is a paradigm? What shows you what reality is. This is reality; this is not. That’s where the problem lies. Let’s not forget the tendency of the human mind. When the Titanic was sinking, what was the immediate reaction of the passengers? To anchor more strongly and hang to the railing; that’s what humans do. Science and economy sink, we are shown a planet that’s in dire condition… and we hold one even more strongly to science and economy. That’s very good - if science can resolve your problem, the follow science. But if science tells you an illness is incurable, understand that it’s only a paradigm among many. If the economy helps you to achieve the reality you want, then follow the economy; but when the economy tells you “you can’t, because you don’t have” then follow another paradigm.
And there is paradigm () the most splendid and sacred within the most splendid and sacred paradigms in the story of humanity. That’s the paradigm of the New Era, and it’s the one we have tried to ‘methodize’. And once again I thank you for the opportunity to reach humanity in good time, with this method.
- “I have to thank you for this private class on the eleven steps of magic; I’m not sure yet how I’m going to integrate it. I feel so fortunate to have had this audience!”
- “We’re good. We’re good. You don’t need to know how beforehand. It means you’re already doing it.‘I don’t know how I’m going to integrate it.’ That is the perfect way to start. Without getting stuck wanting to know something and now knowing how. We’re good.”
- “Incredible”
- “Thank you very much”
- “Let me ask what he wants to touch on that you haven’t already shared”
Do you believe there is a God, cosmic intelligence…etc.
Yes. All my research and everything I’ve learned from the different cultures tells me with total clarity that there is a supreme mind. The error is believing that it lies outside of the human being. The second error is believing that the human being has already developed it. It lies within the human being, and the human being is incarnated here to learn to connect with that supreme mind. Mind means, etymologically, nothing other than ‘that toward which you go’. Go toward something supreme, and you find your supreme mind. You will find your own divinity. Mind (mente) and goal (meta) have the same root. If you want to change your mind, then set goals for yourself that require you to develop your own divinity, and you will find your divinity. That’s the promise of the new paradigm.
[How would you describe the ego and its relationship to that divine force?]
Very good. The ego … it might be more graphic if we remember how the Latin and Greek cultures referred to it. They called it the Id. Id comes from the same root as idiot, identity, identification, idea. All that is the ego. Good. Now there is another place where we find the Id - in the middle of the word ‘reality’ (real-id-ad). All our reality is anchored in and turning around the ego. Then, emptying ourselves of that Id is what allows us to change our reality. The relationship with the divine, is that the Id is a gigantic force we have within us, 90 times greater than what we believe we can manage, and you must put it to work for you. In India it is called ‘putting Shiva to work for you’, and that’s why you incarnate. To learn to, instead of following the ‘idiot’ [that Idiot the Greeks described as a “hecatonchire cyclops”. A cyclops has only one eye, and hecatonchire means ‘one hundred arms’. An idiot with a hundred arms that always achieved what is asked of him.] Ok then, let him achieve what I command. That translates into Magic, because he will always find the way. Except that, like any idiot, he follows the first thing he sees - what he saw in the first three to seven years of life, a period which we call ‘the formation of the ego.’
re. flyers
Exactly. The coincidence is total. Here I am speaking as a psychoanalyst. The best way to describe this in one phrase is what Lacan said: The I (the ego) is an ‘other’. The ‘other’ (family, culture, the times) leaves me with programs I believe to be my Id-entity, my ego. That’s why, when I want to so something, the enemy is the ego. The I is an other. If you had been born into a neighbouring culture, or in another time, what your I believed is possible, what’s good or bad, would be completely different. But what did your I depend on? On the external. That’s why Castaneda establishes the ‘way of the warrior’. The only problem, at least that I could see in Castaneda and in contrast with some other authors, is that Castaneda never mentions in a direct way what the ‘warrior’ fights against. My understanding is that people who read Castaneda need to be reminded that he speaks of a warrior, and that the fight is against the ego. It’s simply putting in order and giving a certain logic to something that, otherwise, remains mostly metaphorical to me.
the way of the warrior… the four winds that Castaneda talks about, and one of the winds which leads me towards the warrior… what is that? warrior against the ego. But I don’t put myself against the ego to destroy it; I do it to make the ego, in fact, do my bidding. Daily, normal life is exactly the opposite - we follow the ego, the ‘other’.
That’s where the game begins, as much in psychoanalysis as in initiation; only that psychoanalysis takes that ego as the ‘bag of problems’. Initiation tells you that when you don’t let yourself be carried by that force, you put that to work for you, and it brings you solutions.
re. organic and inorganic entities
Yes. It’s highly ascertainable and coherent with what we see in magical practices; in the initiation, that’s exactly it. That is, we must understand that when we speak of ourselves, the ego - the I - identifies what ends in the skin. Okay, we have, in addition to this physical body, six other bodies. And those bodies are profoundly adept at adhering to dense energies, not subtle ones. Here is where the Q’ero system begins its teachings. There are dense energies called Hucha in the Q’ero system (which correspond to what would be elementals, particulates, larvae, in other cultures without getting too technical) that have an absolute ease, as if it were a jelly, to adhere to our energetic layers.
Following the same logic we were just speaking of, between the ego and what Castaneda postulates, but what we can add to the topic is that the Q’ero culture teaches you to feed on the dense energy, rather than fear it. That is to say, yes, they feed on you IF you don’t feed on them first. They are there, not as a problem; they are not a design flaw of the universe, they are an aid. But some must feed… it’s the wolf and its prey. If the wolf doesn’t feed on its prey, something is going to feed on the wolf. That prey, finding it in the dense energy and learning to refine it, helps the universe. Because in addition, you are transforming dense energy into refined energy.
Otherwise, as in natural selection, those energies use you as food. Yes, and those energies are first and foremost in the psychic world. I’m not saying that as an analyst; it’s what the Shamanic priests teach. What happens in your mind dictates whether these energies use you as food or not. See? You can’t resolve it simply with energetic steps, although you also learn this and there is a whole step for this, the Sixth Step in the Method of Magic.
re. core value
Yes. I understand what you are asking me from an etymological standpoint. That’s where the word mercy (miseri-cor-dia) comes from. People believe that mercy is something that has to do with others outside of you, just as it happens with love. ‘Misericordia’ (mercy) means ‘what is in accord with my being’. That’s where the word ‘accord’ or ‘chord’ comes from. How do I measure that in my reality? Look, the shamans told me very clearly “never measure somebody based on what they know”. People look to learn from those who know more. To know is easy; look at his life. If he does what he says, the follow that. That crossing is what tells you that person will in fact generate his own reality - if he does what he says. Why? Because then it means his word has weight; plasma will follow his word. Specifically, the junction of the action with the spoken word, that which the Greeks called ‘ethos’ and which is the etymology of ‘ethics’. Ethics can be measured and it’s what show you what is in accord with that person. And it’s difficult to find, well, impossible actually, in the prevailing paradigms.
Politicians say one thing and do another; science says it helps us and what we have is an ever worsening world, as recognized by scientists themselves; religion saying one thing and doing another; the economy, telling us things are improving and yet they are not. That all means, at that point of the junction between what is said and what is done, is where the heart is (cor), what is in accord with that person. If someone says they’re going to do something and then they say they can’t, they’re not able, they stop doing it, they stop trying… that person has no chance of being found trustworthy, or a person of power, as they say.
That’s why the Greeks developed a teaching which involves transforming the ethos into ethos. From the same word as ‘ethics’ comes the etymology for both ‘habit’ and ‘inhabit. Doing things out of habit - “I can’t help myself; I said I would do something but continue to what is habitual” - or inhabiting what I do, being present in what I do. I say I will do something, and I do it; and if I can’t, I will keep trying, because that’s where Magic begins, I will be aided by superior forces, because I am a man of ‘ethos’, a man of ethics.
re. Public service announcement
I would try to make it understood that there is a New Era available, which is individual and which will bring solutions to humanity as a whole. It’s no longer about humanity resolving anything for the individual; instead humans need to resolve what humanity has created on the planet. The good news is that we already have the element at a macro-cosmic level which will help us bring about the solution; that element [began entering] the 22nd of December 2012, and today we call it Plasma. Every human now can, and must, generate their own reality, to teach humanity to no longer depend on the prevailing paradigms. And the best news of all is that to generate our own reality, requires us, commands us and makes it possible for us to connect with the divinity within us. Because that’s what’s expected of God, to generate realities.
Fabi: Do you dare?
JL: Yes, of course. Music is a central part of the teaching which we need to consider.
My throat is very tired….
You have a nice tenor voice
re. Words being a bridge to manifesting but also a chasm
Yes, Look, I’ve had this happen with the Shamans, who speak original dialects, but eventually the connection is such that we don’t understand how, but we understand each other. Something like this is happening right now. Thank you.
Let me know, and we’ll get together again and talk about so many themes that are still open to discussion. Thank you, thank you, thank you.