Nagual Michael Krelman
Interview 1 - 2
O World question: How would you describe the state of the world today?
Nagual Michael Krelman ~
The question is, what do you mean by ‘world’? The world of humans or the whole universe? The world of humans is now at a crossroads. What may happen today is that humans can find a new way, and this way is through awareness. We can achieve new heights at the 5th level of density. It’s not really such a great achievement, but for humanity it is a large step forward. The problem is that we are trapped by this world. We, as energy formations, energy cocoons, are trapped. This trap has put all of humanity under pressure. We believe that the world is real. This happens for several reasons: first the contact spots of our cocoon match perfectly the corresponding spots of our world. It is rather complicated.
Here is a symbolic depiction of the cocoon.
Nagual Michael Krelman ~
The question is, what do you mean by ‘world’? The world of humans or the whole universe? The world of humans is now at a crossroads. What may happen today is that humans can find a new way, and this way is through awareness. We can achieve new heights at the 5th level of density. It’s not really such a great achievement, but for humanity it is a large step forward. The problem is that we are trapped by this world. We, as energy formations, energy cocoons, are trapped. This trap has put all of humanity under pressure. We believe that the world is real. This happens for several reasons: first the contact spots of our cocoon match perfectly the corresponding spots of our world. It is rather complicated.
Here is a symbolic depiction of the cocoon.
In it there is a man. When you see a human being only as a cocoon, it looks like a coloured ball consisting of flaps of different colours. At shoulder level and knee level, there are spots which you don’t perceive as coloured, contrary to the rest of the cocoon consisting of coloured blocks or flaps.
The world of people also looks like a ball and also has discoloured spots on it. These spots are necessary in order to perceive the world of people. When we enter this world or, in other words, when we are being born, in order to perceive the world, the spots of our cocoon have to match the corresponding spot on the ball of the world of people. When the spots match, then comprehensive perception appears. When we enter this ball we can build a complete linear perception. At very young age, we fixate our attention upon some kind of grooves. When you look at them they appear like indentations on the inner surface; the human being stares into only one of these indentations or grooves. Then we perceive the world as real, linear. We see past, present, and future as a sequence of events, but in reality it is not so.
This constitutes the basis of our perception. This is one of the challenges for humans. There are other nuances that impact us. There is the influence of predators that consume freed energy. But there are other things too. The most common predators are the Flyers. They prey on our energy. The Flyers are in constant contact with a human being, and every human is possessed by certain number of the predators. On the human head there is an energetic juncture. Here I need to note that the human cocoon consists of energy fibres. The Flyer impacts these fibres by creating a vibration; we lose energy by thinking about ourselves and the surrounding world.
If not for these conditions, humans would have been able to travel freely in the universe in the direction opposite to the outflow of energy by directing their attention to the Source of the emanations of energy. We are projections of the Dark Sea of Awareness, a power that contemplates itself in multiple manifestations. There is a very simple method to correct this condition. One has to constantly save energy and accumulate it, not allowing one’s attention to disperse. We must constantly ask, “Where is my attention?” This process touches every thought that appears. One must also take responsibility for our own actions. It is possible to rather quickly accumulate energy in this world, in the First Attention. There are various exercises, practices and meditations that contribute to that. They are rather numerous. One just needs to choose and act.
I’d like to share how I went through this process. By then, I was already conscious in dreaming and could consciously act and make decisions in dreaming. During one dreaming, the question popped up in my mind: “Why is my attention always directed outward but not inward?” I started recalling all my experiences and I realized that my attention was always directed outward. This thought didn’t come out of nowhere. I had been working on it long and hard, diligently performing various exercises and practices - Tensegrity by Carlos Castaneda, Yoga, Kung-fu, etc. Some of them I perform still to this day. And all this was just for one thing – to ask myself why my attention is directed outward all the time. And so I directed it inward – to where the energy was coming from. On the other side was another me. Then I couldn’t understand or see the other me in detail. I saw the other me as an energy field with strange energy blocks and fibres, but I knew it was me. This understanding pierced through me. At that time my awareness consisted of three parts; one was sitting somewhere below, large and heavy - that was my body.
Another part was a soft, quick bundle of energy. And the third was an enormous part of undefined shape. Moving quickly in my dreaming body I flew into this large and strange bundle. I never experienced such elation in my life. I felt a magical feeling of wholeness and joy. I became wholesome, complete. Instead of celebrating, I turned with my whole being away from my physical body and I flew through a boundless space with no beginning or the end. I became what I really am – a strange enormous ball. This ball was full of explosive energy, so much so that it threatened to explode. I focused my attention on the very middle of the ball and the threat of explosion subsided.
I’d like to share how I went through this process. By then, I was already conscious in dreaming and could consciously act and make decisions in dreaming. During one dreaming, the question popped up in my mind: “Why is my attention always directed outward but not inward?” I started recalling all my experiences and I realized that my attention was always directed outward. This thought didn’t come out of nowhere. I had been working on it long and hard, diligently performing various exercises and practices - Tensegrity by Carlos Castaneda, Yoga, Kung-fu, etc. Some of them I perform still to this day. And all this was just for one thing – to ask myself why my attention is directed outward all the time. And so I directed it inward – to where the energy was coming from. On the other side was another me. Then I couldn’t understand or see the other me in detail. I saw the other me as an energy field with strange energy blocks and fibres, but I knew it was me. This understanding pierced through me. At that time my awareness consisted of three parts; one was sitting somewhere below, large and heavy - that was my body.
Another part was a soft, quick bundle of energy. And the third was an enormous part of undefined shape. Moving quickly in my dreaming body I flew into this large and strange bundle. I never experienced such elation in my life. I felt a magical feeling of wholeness and joy. I became wholesome, complete. Instead of celebrating, I turned with my whole being away from my physical body and I flew through a boundless space with no beginning or the end. I became what I really am – a strange enormous ball. This ball was full of explosive energy, so much so that it threatened to explode. I focused my attention on the very middle of the ball and the threat of explosion subsided.
We humans habitually direct our receptors, our fibres of attention, outward in order to constantly be attuned and to make sure we are “on the same page” with the surrounding world. Where I was at that moment there was nothing I could align with. There was a lot of energy there, but it was so different that no energy in my ball could correlate to it. After a while (there is no time there but this is the only way I can describe it in human terms) my attention came close to a large energy bundle. It was different from the one where humans are.
We have two energy sources which create our world, and that bundle had eight sources (gates or portals). The energy was suitable for me and I could focus on it. I was able to observe and go into several worlds where I could communicate with conscious beings, beings so different that I cannot describe them. By using tunings learned in this bundle I was able to easily return to the world where my Double was, and I saw a multitude of Doubles similar to my own. They were all situated in one density level and their attention was directed to their own small projections. I started moving among them, and I wanted to inform them that there was something else out there and they don’t have to always stare at their projections.
There was no reaction, no one moved. They were all busy contemplating their projections. If the projection did the right thing and at least was somewhat able to sync and listened to the commands from the double, then this particular double received extra energy, and if not, this Double lost energy. This observation gave me an idea: to communicate and cooperate with the Doubles. Prior to this I worked with the humans, that is, with projections.
The First Attention is the projection itself, the projection of the Double. The Second Attention is an attention that humans can develop in situations different from our everyday world. The Second Attention is the relationship with our energy body. The energy body is a cluster of attention of the Double that shuttles between the worlds. It is not the cocoon surrounding the physical body; the cocoon is an anchor of the projection. In order to see the cocoon, one has to be in the Second Attention. The Third Attention is the attention of the Double itself, the attention of the Dark Sea of Awareness. A Double is a cluster of units similar to the Dark Sea of Awareness itself.
A Double is the Dark Sea of Awareness which also consists of these units.
We have two energy sources which create our world, and that bundle had eight sources (gates or portals). The energy was suitable for me and I could focus on it. I was able to observe and go into several worlds where I could communicate with conscious beings, beings so different that I cannot describe them. By using tunings learned in this bundle I was able to easily return to the world where my Double was, and I saw a multitude of Doubles similar to my own. They were all situated in one density level and their attention was directed to their own small projections. I started moving among them, and I wanted to inform them that there was something else out there and they don’t have to always stare at their projections.
There was no reaction, no one moved. They were all busy contemplating their projections. If the projection did the right thing and at least was somewhat able to sync and listened to the commands from the double, then this particular double received extra energy, and if not, this Double lost energy. This observation gave me an idea: to communicate and cooperate with the Doubles. Prior to this I worked with the humans, that is, with projections.
The First Attention is the projection itself, the projection of the Double. The Second Attention is an attention that humans can develop in situations different from our everyday world. The Second Attention is the relationship with our energy body. The energy body is a cluster of attention of the Double that shuttles between the worlds. It is not the cocoon surrounding the physical body; the cocoon is an anchor of the projection. In order to see the cocoon, one has to be in the Second Attention. The Third Attention is the attention of the Double itself, the attention of the Dark Sea of Awareness. A Double is a cluster of units similar to the Dark Sea of Awareness itself.
A Double is the Dark Sea of Awareness which also consists of these units.
The units are both independent and communicate with each other. I will try to explain how Dark Seas appear. We, the human beings who are interacting here right now are on the 4th level of density of our Dark Sea of Awareness. Our Dark Sea of Awareness created twenty four levels of density. At the same time, there is a force in the universe that constantly produces Dark Seas. They are very numerous. This force is situated far beyond possibilities of humans. But despite that it is reachable for us, since we are a part of what it projects.
Our galaxy is a part of it as well. All you see, all you know and so much of what you don’t know is a projection of this force. What we observe as our Galaxy is a conglomerate of awarenesses at the levels of density below the 6th. All these awarenesses are projections.
We can perceive co-projections. For example, every star is also a projection, a projection of the Galaxy itself. Stars are wonderful bubbles of energy. They are conscious, very lovely, kind and simple. You can befriend them and interact with them. They will fill you with a very soft energy. They are high awarenesses of the sixth level of density. Sometimes higher levels of density, 9th or 10th, may project themselves upon stars. But we see them as light.
We are co-projections as well, and the Sun is a co-projection. We see the Sun as a ball because we are balls. You can see it because the energy of the Sun is also part of your energy. You can only perceive energy which you have in your cocoon. If you don’t have a certain type of energy in your cocoon, then you can’t perceive it. Our Earth is a ball for us because we perceive it as a co-projection of other balls. We dream it and it dreams us. We dream each other.
But as you go up beyond the 7th level of density you perceive only energy. By energy I mean projections of the Dark Sea of Awareness, the Petals. The petal consists of a soft elastic ball of bouncy energy in the middle which projects itself to infinity, but its glow is visible only in a limited space around it.
Our galaxy is a part of it as well. All you see, all you know and so much of what you don’t know is a projection of this force. What we observe as our Galaxy is a conglomerate of awarenesses at the levels of density below the 6th. All these awarenesses are projections.
We can perceive co-projections. For example, every star is also a projection, a projection of the Galaxy itself. Stars are wonderful bubbles of energy. They are conscious, very lovely, kind and simple. You can befriend them and interact with them. They will fill you with a very soft energy. They are high awarenesses of the sixth level of density. Sometimes higher levels of density, 9th or 10th, may project themselves upon stars. But we see them as light.
We are co-projections as well, and the Sun is a co-projection. We see the Sun as a ball because we are balls. You can see it because the energy of the Sun is also part of your energy. You can only perceive energy which you have in your cocoon. If you don’t have a certain type of energy in your cocoon, then you can’t perceive it. Our Earth is a ball for us because we perceive it as a co-projection of other balls. We dream it and it dreams us. We dream each other.
But as you go up beyond the 7th level of density you perceive only energy. By energy I mean projections of the Dark Sea of Awareness, the Petals. The petal consists of a soft elastic ball of bouncy energy in the middle which projects itself to infinity, but its glow is visible only in a limited space around it.
The units have not forgotten themselves; but we, the projections, have forgotten ourselves. On the way to remembering, hardships weren’t part of the design but occurred rather unexpectedly. We humans tend to believe that someone intentionally wants to make our lives difficult. I think it is a problem of our upbringing. We are always told, “Don’t touch this cup, you’ll drop it, and you’ll be punished. And if you behave we’ll give you something good to eat.” But a glitch happened along the way. To explain this I’ll have to elaborate on how I started perceiving the petals and how they multiplied.
There exists a large omnipotent force somewhere out there constantly producing identical impulses. These impulses are the petals. This source lives in the perpetual here and now. And it doesn’t have any limitations. These petals have to return to the place where the decision about their creation was made. Until recently, these petals where floating alone while exploring their possibilities and their way back. Our Dark Sea of Awareness (whose projections we are) created the program somewhat different from others. It asked itself a question, “Who am I?” It stepped aside and looked at itself from outside. It doesn’t have legs or eyes so the expression is not literal. What it saw surprised it. Then it came back to think over what it had just seen. But the moment it stepped aside in order to look at itself it created a projection of itself. It happened not deliberately but rather accidentally. And when it decided to come back to think over what it had seen, there were already three of them. It was really puzzled. And then it decided again to cross this vibrational boundary between itself and the one observing self. And thus it made an infinite number of copies of self. When it had accumulated an enormous mass of vibrational copies of self it decided to explore what else it could do. It asked all the copies who wanted to explore their own possibilities. Two large groups of petals said that they would. They crossed again through the invisible boundary to the place where they could contemplate themselves and they started thinking.
They decided to divide the Dark Sea into seven levels of density on each side of the center where they were located, and on each level they gathered groups of petals of a certain type. On each level further away from the center the groups of petals were smaller and each of them was brought to this density according to an idea developed by the first two large groups. The command was to create, explore.
There exists a large omnipotent force somewhere out there constantly producing identical impulses. These impulses are the petals. This source lives in the perpetual here and now. And it doesn’t have any limitations. These petals have to return to the place where the decision about their creation was made. Until recently, these petals where floating alone while exploring their possibilities and their way back. Our Dark Sea of Awareness (whose projections we are) created the program somewhat different from others. It asked itself a question, “Who am I?” It stepped aside and looked at itself from outside. It doesn’t have legs or eyes so the expression is not literal. What it saw surprised it. Then it came back to think over what it had just seen. But the moment it stepped aside in order to look at itself it created a projection of itself. It happened not deliberately but rather accidentally. And when it decided to come back to think over what it had seen, there were already three of them. It was really puzzled. And then it decided again to cross this vibrational boundary between itself and the one observing self. And thus it made an infinite number of copies of self. When it had accumulated an enormous mass of vibrational copies of self it decided to explore what else it could do. It asked all the copies who wanted to explore their own possibilities. Two large groups of petals said that they would. They crossed again through the invisible boundary to the place where they could contemplate themselves and they started thinking.
They decided to divide the Dark Sea into seven levels of density on each side of the center where they were located, and on each level they gathered groups of petals of a certain type. On each level further away from the center the groups of petals were smaller and each of them was brought to this density according to an idea developed by the first two large groups. The command was to create, explore.
Now about Flyers...
'Will' emanates from the center of the petal, it shoots from both sides of the ball. There was a group of petals which decided to explore Will itself. Not the use of Will but Will as a basis; they didn’t have experience using the Will as they were just newborn petals. Will is an organic part of Intent. All that I have encountered until this day are the possibilities of Intent. Intent rules awareness. Awareness is like plasticine; you can shape it. And Intent is what creates.
So, who are the predators and why did they become predators? These petals took the fields around their balls (this field is used to interact, connect, and blend with others) and twisted it onto themselves. They wanted to merge with Will itself but instead they stuck to each other. (We are talking here about petals that assembled into Doubles whose projections are the Flyers.) And this condition caused them to become possessive. Therefore they started to experience difficulties. Although some people perceive them as scary monsters, the Flyers look to a seer like ring-like structures that cannot hold on to energy. They use humans’ energy and move around in it like fish in seaweed. It is not a punishment for humanity or the way to teach us something. This is our challenge and we cannot escape it. We cannot overcome the predator. The only thing we can do is to make ourselves inaccessible to it.
We started our conversation from the notion that ancient shamans said that one has to watch one’s thoughts, to track them. It would be wonderful and excellent if the beings that wanted to evolve and develop their awareness would hear what we are talking about. I would be overjoyed to hear that someone made his last 200th selfie and would now contemplate the universe and not himself. Today people look only at themselves. Endless amounts of gadgets help only to focus on the self. One could walk around beautiful mountains, oceans… but he or she will turn their back to it all, picture themselves from all possible positions and send it to all their friends. And still, it is also one of the possibilities of our projections.
So, who are the predators and why did they become predators? These petals took the fields around their balls (this field is used to interact, connect, and blend with others) and twisted it onto themselves. They wanted to merge with Will itself but instead they stuck to each other. (We are talking here about petals that assembled into Doubles whose projections are the Flyers.) And this condition caused them to become possessive. Therefore they started to experience difficulties. Although some people perceive them as scary monsters, the Flyers look to a seer like ring-like structures that cannot hold on to energy. They use humans’ energy and move around in it like fish in seaweed. It is not a punishment for humanity or the way to teach us something. This is our challenge and we cannot escape it. We cannot overcome the predator. The only thing we can do is to make ourselves inaccessible to it.
We started our conversation from the notion that ancient shamans said that one has to watch one’s thoughts, to track them. It would be wonderful and excellent if the beings that wanted to evolve and develop their awareness would hear what we are talking about. I would be overjoyed to hear that someone made his last 200th selfie and would now contemplate the universe and not himself. Today people look only at themselves. Endless amounts of gadgets help only to focus on the self. One could walk around beautiful mountains, oceans… but he or she will turn their back to it all, picture themselves from all possible positions and send it to all their friends. And still, it is also one of the possibilities of our projections.
The challenge is to grasp the limitations of the intellect with the intellect itself. It’s a closed cycle unless we replace the bricks composing it. For example, when one says, “I woke up, I need urgently to do something, I need to run, I need to create, I need to go to work, I have to go to the meeting, I have to leave the meeting. It is always busy with thoughts. But if you add a brick: “I can stop my inner dialogue, and I can do it right now”. I’ve heard that others did it; they travel, they see wonderful things. Then they can stop inner dialogue. This is also within the possibilities of syntax.
The time right now is different. On December 21, 2012 the transition occurred. For human beings the new era began. It happened not because many people sat or stood and meditated, but because doubles that project human beings had realigned themselves. And yes, it happened also because many people for a long time before that have sat and meditated. The most fortunate part is that the desire of the Doubles to change, desire of humans to change happened at just the right moment. Now our planet and our solar system moves through the ray emanating from the center of the Galaxy. This ray is very large, so the crossing will take many years. Now is a very favorable time for a human to change oneself and redirect their attention inward, to the primary energy, to the source where power is coming from... and not only outward. It would be magical if humans, just by hearing about their possibilities, would act upon it. But in reality it takes a long time. And yes, in order for everything to change the critical mass is necessary, a large enough group of people that could reach an agreement about accepting a new syntax and new energy. It would change a lot. But this crossing will do its job regardless.
The concept of time does not exist for a Double or for the Dark Sea of Awareness. But the linear perception of humans is susceptible to the impact of time. The next 50 years are very favorable for development. But within the previous 50 years, multiple changes also occurred. But the most important time is here and now. And as soon as a human being realizes that here and now is the most important time, for him or her, everything can change here and now. The world of humans goes up and down all the time but now it is a very important time for us to align ourselves to the streams of energy coming from spirit, or from Doubles if you accept this concept.
One has to call for power and it will come. But there are simple exercises one can use. There is no need to take any special postures or twist ones legs. Seeing energy is our natural heritage. It’s like breathing. When you do it once, you will realize that you’ve seen energy all your life. For example, you may try it in a dark place to intend to gaze at the energy that comes from your fingertips. It almost always works. I coach many people in kung-fu. Sometimes at the end of the training session I tell them to shut off the lights and gaze at their fingertips and see what is happening there. They usually ask whether it will help them with their kung-fu practice. I answer, “no”. But they are polite people. They stand and gaze at their fingers. Then they say, “Oh, I barely see my fingers in the darkness”. And I say: ”Don’t look at your fingers. Look slightly above”. And they say, “These little hairs? No, they are not real. It’s my imagination”. Then I ask them, “if they are not real, how come you notice them?”. They say, “I don’t know”. But it is indeed very simple.
Or, you had a hard day and you come home in a bad mood. You had a lousy supper and you go to bed. But before you close your eyes you remember: “Oh! Now I can gaze at the ceiling in my bedroom”. Everyone is asleep and no one is bothering you. And then you see that between your eyes and the ceiling there is a multitude of threads. They are beautiful. They have a slight amber shade with waves of light running through them. Your stomach becomes warm and you feel at ease and pleasant. And then you remember, “Oh! I have to wake up early tomorrow and fall asleep”. Or when you open your eyes in the morning... you don’t remember your dreams but you think to yourself, “I can’t focus my eyes. Something is wrong. I have to wash them. But if you don’t wash your eyes or say these things, you can see currents of energy. They are beautiful. You see what you saw when you entered your body. Possibly you remember these moments right now. So, it’s not exactly correct to say that you don’t see energy. You don’t track it. If you start stalking your standard shields. In truth all these are shields: “Oh, I need to wash my eyes. Something is wrong. But in a moment everything will be ok and I’ll see again”. Then you realize that you saw energy all your life. These little moments, these little threads from your finger, your stomach... which are around us, is the safest thing you can gaze upon without getting scared. And rather quickly, after only a few years you will be able to maintain this focus on energy for a long time and possibly, during a night-time car ride somewhere along a dark road you’ll wonder, “Oh, why there are so many power lines in the sky?” You may have had such experience and you thought that it is your imagination. And finally, one day while sitting with a cup of coffee somewhere on the beachfront and looking at the horizon, the passersby will become luminescent eggs... you may see the colourful streams of energy rolling upon trees, other objects. You’ll say to yourself, “Ah!”
You will not be able to express anything in words as the inner dialogue will cease. And maybe you’ll decide to practice recapitulation of the distant and forgotten past in order to bring back energy from there. And then you’ll probably see the entity that forces you to think ... the 'Flyer'. Or, your intent to be a conscious human being ... will not allow the Flyer to eat away the outer layer of the cocoon.
The Flyer eats away the outer yellow strip around the cocoon. The energy glows around the cocoon. It looks like parallel fibers. They can be very long. When we experience an emotional burst we think feverishly. By doing that, we allow the flyer to eat away our entire outer layer. Only a small part of energy remains in the ankle area of the cocoon. We are being taught to be afraid during our entire childhood.
I’ll tell you how I saw a Flyer for the first time. By then I already knew about the existence of Flyers and I saw them as quick black lines crisscrossing space in all directions. At that particular time I did the recapitulation while lying on my bed in my room. The fears started to appear. They told me, “You shouldn’t do it! You will be punished! A higher power will come and punish you!”. Instead of continuing recapitulation I started shifting my eyes to the side and try to look above my head. The voice started telling me, “You better fall asleep! Don’t do it! Don’t do it! Sleep! You will be punished! You shouldn’t do it! You will destroy the very bedrock of the universe!” I realized that it is not my voice because I was completely silent inside. I continued looking where this voice is coming from. Strange clouds appeared. They descended from above towards my eyes. They impaired my vision. I saw a stream of energy which hit some kind of cloud. It was very strange. I almost fell asleep. But I remained attentive and kept gazing. And then I saw This… It looked like a very scary bundle, like a ball.
The time right now is different. On December 21, 2012 the transition occurred. For human beings the new era began. It happened not because many people sat or stood and meditated, but because doubles that project human beings had realigned themselves. And yes, it happened also because many people for a long time before that have sat and meditated. The most fortunate part is that the desire of the Doubles to change, desire of humans to change happened at just the right moment. Now our planet and our solar system moves through the ray emanating from the center of the Galaxy. This ray is very large, so the crossing will take many years. Now is a very favorable time for a human to change oneself and redirect their attention inward, to the primary energy, to the source where power is coming from... and not only outward. It would be magical if humans, just by hearing about their possibilities, would act upon it. But in reality it takes a long time. And yes, in order for everything to change the critical mass is necessary, a large enough group of people that could reach an agreement about accepting a new syntax and new energy. It would change a lot. But this crossing will do its job regardless.
The concept of time does not exist for a Double or for the Dark Sea of Awareness. But the linear perception of humans is susceptible to the impact of time. The next 50 years are very favorable for development. But within the previous 50 years, multiple changes also occurred. But the most important time is here and now. And as soon as a human being realizes that here and now is the most important time, for him or her, everything can change here and now. The world of humans goes up and down all the time but now it is a very important time for us to align ourselves to the streams of energy coming from spirit, or from Doubles if you accept this concept.
One has to call for power and it will come. But there are simple exercises one can use. There is no need to take any special postures or twist ones legs. Seeing energy is our natural heritage. It’s like breathing. When you do it once, you will realize that you’ve seen energy all your life. For example, you may try it in a dark place to intend to gaze at the energy that comes from your fingertips. It almost always works. I coach many people in kung-fu. Sometimes at the end of the training session I tell them to shut off the lights and gaze at their fingertips and see what is happening there. They usually ask whether it will help them with their kung-fu practice. I answer, “no”. But they are polite people. They stand and gaze at their fingers. Then they say, “Oh, I barely see my fingers in the darkness”. And I say: ”Don’t look at your fingers. Look slightly above”. And they say, “These little hairs? No, they are not real. It’s my imagination”. Then I ask them, “if they are not real, how come you notice them?”. They say, “I don’t know”. But it is indeed very simple.
Or, you had a hard day and you come home in a bad mood. You had a lousy supper and you go to bed. But before you close your eyes you remember: “Oh! Now I can gaze at the ceiling in my bedroom”. Everyone is asleep and no one is bothering you. And then you see that between your eyes and the ceiling there is a multitude of threads. They are beautiful. They have a slight amber shade with waves of light running through them. Your stomach becomes warm and you feel at ease and pleasant. And then you remember, “Oh! I have to wake up early tomorrow and fall asleep”. Or when you open your eyes in the morning... you don’t remember your dreams but you think to yourself, “I can’t focus my eyes. Something is wrong. I have to wash them. But if you don’t wash your eyes or say these things, you can see currents of energy. They are beautiful. You see what you saw when you entered your body. Possibly you remember these moments right now. So, it’s not exactly correct to say that you don’t see energy. You don’t track it. If you start stalking your standard shields. In truth all these are shields: “Oh, I need to wash my eyes. Something is wrong. But in a moment everything will be ok and I’ll see again”. Then you realize that you saw energy all your life. These little moments, these little threads from your finger, your stomach... which are around us, is the safest thing you can gaze upon without getting scared. And rather quickly, after only a few years you will be able to maintain this focus on energy for a long time and possibly, during a night-time car ride somewhere along a dark road you’ll wonder, “Oh, why there are so many power lines in the sky?” You may have had such experience and you thought that it is your imagination. And finally, one day while sitting with a cup of coffee somewhere on the beachfront and looking at the horizon, the passersby will become luminescent eggs... you may see the colourful streams of energy rolling upon trees, other objects. You’ll say to yourself, “Ah!”
You will not be able to express anything in words as the inner dialogue will cease. And maybe you’ll decide to practice recapitulation of the distant and forgotten past in order to bring back energy from there. And then you’ll probably see the entity that forces you to think ... the 'Flyer'. Or, your intent to be a conscious human being ... will not allow the Flyer to eat away the outer layer of the cocoon.
The Flyer eats away the outer yellow strip around the cocoon. The energy glows around the cocoon. It looks like parallel fibers. They can be very long. When we experience an emotional burst we think feverishly. By doing that, we allow the flyer to eat away our entire outer layer. Only a small part of energy remains in the ankle area of the cocoon. We are being taught to be afraid during our entire childhood.
I’ll tell you how I saw a Flyer for the first time. By then I already knew about the existence of Flyers and I saw them as quick black lines crisscrossing space in all directions. At that particular time I did the recapitulation while lying on my bed in my room. The fears started to appear. They told me, “You shouldn’t do it! You will be punished! A higher power will come and punish you!”. Instead of continuing recapitulation I started shifting my eyes to the side and try to look above my head. The voice started telling me, “You better fall asleep! Don’t do it! Don’t do it! Sleep! You will be punished! You shouldn’t do it! You will destroy the very bedrock of the universe!” I realized that it is not my voice because I was completely silent inside. I continued looking where this voice is coming from. Strange clouds appeared. They descended from above towards my eyes. They impaired my vision. I saw a stream of energy which hit some kind of cloud. It was very strange. I almost fell asleep. But I remained attentive and kept gazing. And then I saw This… It looked like a very scary bundle, like a ball.
They were its own fears. I did not have any fears. I was completely calm and happy. When it realized that I was seeing it, it flew away like a bullet. And then my awareness started growing very fast. I saw from the place I was ... for miles around ... though the walls, through the blocks that would have blocked my normal vision. I didn’t need to stand up. I could see through infinity: the forest, houses around, animals roaming in the forest. My perception was spectral. I perceived with the whole of my bubble of perception. Then I tried to move, but I couldn’t. My body was not used to moving without the command from the flyer. All these commands, “do this because you won’t get that”; all these thoughts, “Oh, I forgot my hot iron. I have to rush home. Bye, I’m leaving”. All this chatter disappeared and I realized that I can’t move. From that moment I persistently tried to see the flyer. Next time when the flyer ran away I forced myself to stand up. At that moment I was in aspecial box ... built specifically for recapitulation. Again, my vision became spectral. I saw everything through the walls of the box. So, I forced myself to stand up and walk. I was walking in the forest all night long. Trust me, the first few hours were probably the most difficult since the time I first learned to walk. I literally, had to lift my legs with my hands in order to walk.
In order to see the Flyer one has to find where the thoughts are coming from, at least that is how I did it. I, for a long time, tracked where my thoughts come from. You know how our intellect works. It thinks, and at the same it replays some music, and it asks itself: ”Did you stop inner dialogue yet? Yes, yes! I feel you stopped it!” Then I started to imagine to myself a clean white wall, regardless where I was at that time; and I tried to see where the thoughts come from.
My first amazing revelation was the discovery that the thought didn’t come from my head. They came from other levels of perception. I didn’t discover it right away. Before that I learned to sweep the thought away, to clean this white screen. One my girlfriends suggested, “don’t sweep with your hand, do it with the windshield wiper”. So I was turning on this windshield wiper to clear the screen of my thoughts. If the thoughts were not important such as, “maybe I need to scratch behind my ear”, I wiped them immediately. With the time, I learned how my long fibers in the upper part of the cocoon leave somewhere to another levels, outside of our world, and they are being caught by some kind of substances that adapt them as a compilation of words. But there was constant background noise: “Stop doing this! Don’t do this! Or, scratch yourself". Then I started tracking where the energy creating the background noise comes from. And this noise, in turn, brought me to tracking the Flyer. The Flyer shifts these fibres from the intended goal, the explorations of the universe; it diverts them onto itself. For example there is a stream of energy that goes from the heels to the knees and through chest towards infinity, in order for example, to tune in with the Sun; but on its way the stream passes through the level of the genitals; and then you tell yourself, “I urgently need a partner”. Or, it passes through the head and you say to yourself: “I forgot to do something. I need to do something very important, more important than what I’m doing now”. But what can be more important than what you are doing right now. And the stream, instead of flowing somewhere where it must to explore its goals, it stops, twists, and the flyer consumes it. The flyer prefers brown and green shades; these are colours of worries and fears. I don’t mean that you need to stop doing any of the things you were doing, but you must stop worrying about it.
The technique of recapitulation I used where the techniques Taisha Abelar and Carlos Castaneda describe in their books. It turns out the recapitulation has multiple levels. The first level is when you worry about the events that happened instead of recapitulating them. (referring to a question in the video interview about turning your head and breathing during recapitulation) And you say to yourself, “maybe I’m moving my head too fast; or may me I need to turn my head from left to right, not from right to left; or I’m sitting in my box for a whole ten minutes, maybe I need to start with two minutes”, and so on.
I literally followed the technique I described in Castaneda’s books. It took me six months to complete the notebook of events to recapitulate. I started doing recapitulation parallel with writing the book. The mere process of writing the notebook is already part of recapitulation. Then I found in dreaming how my recapitulation box should look like and I made it. Then I recapitulated as an earnest guy. I crawled into the box with a thought, “No, no, this is impossible. How could I act like this?! And here I was very good, very good! And so on. After a rather long time I started seeing events. They looked to me as clouded in mist, as if someone else shot the film. And one time, as I observed my habitual sexual exploits (by then I already learned to extract my own energy and to give back the energy of my partner) suddenly the event that I half observed, half thought over disappeared and I literally became my sixteen year old self.
I sat quietly in the trolleybus on my way to my drawing lessons. I put my chin on my hand and looked at the store windows and people outside. I saw every drop as if it was here and now. It was a real here and now. I saw every drop of the rain on the window, every falling drop of rain. I saw every person, every store window on the background, merchandise in the stores. There were two stores with footwear, one with shoes and one with boots; I was there entirely. It was the real me there. It was me who switched off my inner dialogue without realizing it. And this fact caused our two lines to join together: me here and me in my recapitulation. I was so struck by it that I started doing recapitulation with much more enthusiasm. It was so interesting now. I discovered many things about myself that I had no idea about. I indeed discovered a completely different person. It seems at such a moment that you are doing something and you suddenly stop; you lose your attention and someone is looking through you. These moments are numerous. We constantly lose continuity of everyday worries or actions. These moments are the most important moments in human life because the world as it really is.
This brought me to a new discovery: there are moments which we lose, they are not accessible to us... not just in everyday world but also in the worlds of dreaming. And you can assemble them. I started seeing myself recapitulating my life in dreaming. Me and the group of practitioners I was working with at the time came to the house of shamans in dreaming. Most often we were greeted by Florinda; she said, "no, no, no, you can’t go any further. Here are the boxes for recapitulation for you. So it was, I was recapitulating 1 to 1 1/2 hours in this world and then I would go to bed and sit in the box in dreaming all night. And yet again two parallel lines joined between what I am doing here and what I am doing in dreaming. My dreamings became more clear and conscious.
In order for this to happen one needs to intend it. A while ago when I went to bed, I told myself that I will find my hands in my sleep. But I quickly realized that it was only a declaration. It has power but it doesn’t cause you to see your hands. It is only preparation. You say it and say it. But intent does cause one to find their hands. The expression of intent is to force yourself into a dreaming state... that you have to do it. And if you don’t overcome this stage, “I just declare it to myself and that's enough”. That is where it will end. You have to make an effort.
In order to see the Flyer one has to find where the thoughts are coming from, at least that is how I did it. I, for a long time, tracked where my thoughts come from. You know how our intellect works. It thinks, and at the same it replays some music, and it asks itself: ”Did you stop inner dialogue yet? Yes, yes! I feel you stopped it!” Then I started to imagine to myself a clean white wall, regardless where I was at that time; and I tried to see where the thoughts come from.
My first amazing revelation was the discovery that the thought didn’t come from my head. They came from other levels of perception. I didn’t discover it right away. Before that I learned to sweep the thought away, to clean this white screen. One my girlfriends suggested, “don’t sweep with your hand, do it with the windshield wiper”. So I was turning on this windshield wiper to clear the screen of my thoughts. If the thoughts were not important such as, “maybe I need to scratch behind my ear”, I wiped them immediately. With the time, I learned how my long fibers in the upper part of the cocoon leave somewhere to another levels, outside of our world, and they are being caught by some kind of substances that adapt them as a compilation of words. But there was constant background noise: “Stop doing this! Don’t do this! Or, scratch yourself". Then I started tracking where the energy creating the background noise comes from. And this noise, in turn, brought me to tracking the Flyer. The Flyer shifts these fibres from the intended goal, the explorations of the universe; it diverts them onto itself. For example there is a stream of energy that goes from the heels to the knees and through chest towards infinity, in order for example, to tune in with the Sun; but on its way the stream passes through the level of the genitals; and then you tell yourself, “I urgently need a partner”. Or, it passes through the head and you say to yourself: “I forgot to do something. I need to do something very important, more important than what I’m doing now”. But what can be more important than what you are doing right now. And the stream, instead of flowing somewhere where it must to explore its goals, it stops, twists, and the flyer consumes it. The flyer prefers brown and green shades; these are colours of worries and fears. I don’t mean that you need to stop doing any of the things you were doing, but you must stop worrying about it.
The technique of recapitulation I used where the techniques Taisha Abelar and Carlos Castaneda describe in their books. It turns out the recapitulation has multiple levels. The first level is when you worry about the events that happened instead of recapitulating them. (referring to a question in the video interview about turning your head and breathing during recapitulation) And you say to yourself, “maybe I’m moving my head too fast; or may me I need to turn my head from left to right, not from right to left; or I’m sitting in my box for a whole ten minutes, maybe I need to start with two minutes”, and so on.
I literally followed the technique I described in Castaneda’s books. It took me six months to complete the notebook of events to recapitulate. I started doing recapitulation parallel with writing the book. The mere process of writing the notebook is already part of recapitulation. Then I found in dreaming how my recapitulation box should look like and I made it. Then I recapitulated as an earnest guy. I crawled into the box with a thought, “No, no, this is impossible. How could I act like this?! And here I was very good, very good! And so on. After a rather long time I started seeing events. They looked to me as clouded in mist, as if someone else shot the film. And one time, as I observed my habitual sexual exploits (by then I already learned to extract my own energy and to give back the energy of my partner) suddenly the event that I half observed, half thought over disappeared and I literally became my sixteen year old self.
I sat quietly in the trolleybus on my way to my drawing lessons. I put my chin on my hand and looked at the store windows and people outside. I saw every drop as if it was here and now. It was a real here and now. I saw every drop of the rain on the window, every falling drop of rain. I saw every person, every store window on the background, merchandise in the stores. There were two stores with footwear, one with shoes and one with boots; I was there entirely. It was the real me there. It was me who switched off my inner dialogue without realizing it. And this fact caused our two lines to join together: me here and me in my recapitulation. I was so struck by it that I started doing recapitulation with much more enthusiasm. It was so interesting now. I discovered many things about myself that I had no idea about. I indeed discovered a completely different person. It seems at such a moment that you are doing something and you suddenly stop; you lose your attention and someone is looking through you. These moments are numerous. We constantly lose continuity of everyday worries or actions. These moments are the most important moments in human life because the world as it really is.
This brought me to a new discovery: there are moments which we lose, they are not accessible to us... not just in everyday world but also in the worlds of dreaming. And you can assemble them. I started seeing myself recapitulating my life in dreaming. Me and the group of practitioners I was working with at the time came to the house of shamans in dreaming. Most often we were greeted by Florinda; she said, "no, no, no, you can’t go any further. Here are the boxes for recapitulation for you. So it was, I was recapitulating 1 to 1 1/2 hours in this world and then I would go to bed and sit in the box in dreaming all night. And yet again two parallel lines joined between what I am doing here and what I am doing in dreaming. My dreamings became more clear and conscious.
In order for this to happen one needs to intend it. A while ago when I went to bed, I told myself that I will find my hands in my sleep. But I quickly realized that it was only a declaration. It has power but it doesn’t cause you to see your hands. It is only preparation. You say it and say it. But intent does cause one to find their hands. The expression of intent is to force yourself into a dreaming state... that you have to do it. And if you don’t overcome this stage, “I just declare it to myself and that's enough”. That is where it will end. You have to make an effort.