Interview 8 - The Energetic Field of the Human Being
Summary: Michael discusses the diagram of the human energy cocoon, showing the different aspects that make up the energy cocoon of a human.
1. Central stream leading to the dreaming body and to double 2. The flyer – predatory, alien energy 3. Center of mind 4. Center of decision making 5. Glow of awareness, enveloping the cocoon 6. Streams surrounding the assemblage point 7. Assemblage point 8. Middle disc 9. First gates of dreaming 10. Protuberance of action 11. Gap for exit of will 12. Whirl of heart center 13. Heart center 14. «Apron» of stalker 15. «Apron» of dreaming (straight lines) |
The thing is that the energy cocoon of a human is, of course more than just fifteen points. There are fifteen listed here just because this is the bare minimum that gives any sense of the process.
The first is the outer coat of the cocoon. The outer coat consists of long fibers. It is not very visible. Our attention depends on these fibers. These fibers are responsible for perception of energy outside of the cocoon. The human being is very dependant on how long and how dense these fibers are, like the fleece of a sheep.
The next level also consists of fibers. It is, actually, our 1st Attention. It consists of dense, even fibers. Our awareness, the 1st Attention, is situated there. To be more precise it is not the 1st Attention... it chooses what you can use as a 1st Attention. It works as an adapter of the information collected by the outer fibers. For regular human beings, not practicing any techniques of personal energy development, their attention is situated in the area of the ankles – these fibers are found only there. The rest of this layer is consumed by the predator. The fibers depicted as long threads below... is so-called ‘apron of a dreamer’. But on this picture the attributes of a dreamer and a stalker are depicted. The dreamer’s fibers are long and straight. They begin in the area of the belly button in from and back. These fibers maintain the cocoon in a certain position. They contribute to stability. In the picture, they are depicted as these long scratches.
Some people also develop cords of the stalker. They develop not in dreaming, but in everyday life during interaction with other people. They look like semicircular flame tips. They can be developed if you live your life consciously, if you are able to not become entangled in life situations that constantly appear. If you’re alert this type of energy develops.
The center of the 2nd Attention is a kind of cavity. It is in the area where the liver is. If you tap this place you can enter dreaming or change your mood... if you remember to tap it in time. Now we go up. Next to this cavity of the 2nd Attention there are long fibers. They envelop and defend the center of the will. Everyone has an outlet of will. In some people the will comes out as it is shown here – the soft greenish emerald energy that can lengthen and reach different things at any distance.
All these energy centers are connected with the inner organs of the body. For example, there is the heart center. It is a very powerful center. It has a bright red colour. Around it there is very powerful energy. If you pump up this center it may expand all over the cocoon and even into incredible distances beyond the cocoon. Also there are long fibers descending and ascending from the neck and chest area. That is what Castaneda calls the middle disc. In this area are located the main organs such as liver, pancreas, kidneys, stomach, intestines… All this is situated in this area. Every organ has its own colour. For example a liver has ultramarine-violet colour. It can be darker or brighter or muddied… Everyone has their own shade. The pancreas is more dark-amber or honey-like. It also may be orange or dark with spots. A while ago I discovered that my liver has discoloured unpleasant spots and I got rid of them and made my liver purely ultramarine by creating an imaginable palm with which I spread the colour by force of my will. In truth the colours are an interpretation, as we live in the world of interpretations and conditioned perception. In reality there is only presence of something that cannot be explained but we live in the world in which we memorize various ways to interact with it. We say, “this is red colour, this is blue…“This way we differentiate. Or I say, here are long fibers… This is only a description. I must remind you that the description is only a description. But it is very important, especially for those who want to learn to travel into infinity, to acquire one more description of the world - any description… And then such a being is able to travel between the descriptions.
Next we approach the feature that is called an ‘Assemblage Point’. There are inner fibers, and there are outer fibers. Here is a male Assemblage Point. The capture and processing of energy occurs here in the outer short fibers. There are two rows of short fibers. Here in this picture ... is an Assemblage Point of a Warrior. It is situated not on the surface but shifted inward. It captures the stream of energy from outside and channels them. In normal conditions the Assemblage Point of a regular human is situated on the surface. In this condition when it shifts slightly inward... one begins perceiving long fibers in all directions. You also can shift the Assemblage Point by striving to see energy. You start discerning it off of your fingertips, leafs, shades or elsewhere and your Assemblage Point shifts inward into your cocoon.
Around the Assemblage Point there are streams of energy. The fibers start glowing when the Assemblage Point shifts. Tired human beings walking on the street have his or her fibers glued together and to the Assemblage Point. If the Assemblage Point is mobile, the new currents of energy inside the cocoon are activated which are not active in regular humans. Here in the picture ….also depicted are spiral-like fibers of energy on the front. They have different colours. If you focus on this energy you can easily travel to different dimensions. For example the stars, including our Sun, contain similar spirals. If you concentrate your attention on these spirals you can stop being a cocoon and be, for instance, a fire hovering above the surface of the Earth. A witch told me that. I called her name when I met her. She was in this beautiful garment in the form of the cocoon. She said, “I’m not what you said. I’m not my name. I’m fire above the Earth.”
Now the Central Stream. This picture was painted many years ago before the crossing of 2012. Then, it was a thin ray that originated from the Double. Now this stream is as wide as the cocoon itself. It has a pinkish colour. This is the stream of awareness that comes from the Double. If you manage to shift the Assemblage Point into the central stream, then it can observe the ray of energy that comes from the Double and it can meet the Double itself. It is also possible when in a dreaming state, that one can direct the Assemblage Point inward and not outward. Usually in dreaming we direct these long fibers outside of the cocoon. But if you realize that it is only the direction of your attention, the Assemblage Point moves inward. It is naturally returning to the Double. In order to accomplish it one has to force him or herself stop taking part in all the adventures people usually find in dreaming. For that, in turn, one has to learn to be conscious in dreaming. Technically, it sounds very simple…
Now, there are three dark dots at waist level and also one dot at heart level. These are gates to the Dark Sea of Awareness, the direct channel to the Will of the Double. The upper gate is situated slightly above the heart. It is not very big. There is also gate above the bellybutton. These descriptions are not regarding the physical body, but that different dimension. In regular man there are only 2 dots over there. The Double man has three or four dots. Also, although it’s not depicted here, the surface of the cocoon can be perceived as divided into two, three, or four parts. The Will shoots out of these dots. When this happens the Assemblage Point also shifts. In most instances we don’t recognize these shifts… We are not used to tracking these shifts. Only the specialists who are interested in the development of awareness track these shifts. The streaming of Will happens to everyone all the time. The Double of every human tries to communicate with him or her. When it happens you can notice that your mood suddenly changes. It’s like something is looking through you. Sometimes you sort of freeze and can’t move. Then you say to yourself: ”Something strange happened to me… doesn’t matter”… but the practitioners of the development of awareness have these occurrences more frequently. They notice them. As a result they often experience depression or apathy: ”life is complicated”. Therefore, I’d recommend accumulating energy in these areas around these gaps, concentrating their attention, practice movements or intentions… It doesn’t matter how one does it: with the help of hand and legs or by concentrating attention. This energy acts as a shield and when your attention shifts, the result is a cheery mood and laughter instead of depression.
I personally, in order to accumulate energy there, practiced chi-kung, tensegrity, kung-fu. I intended my attention, gathered it, packaged it, and inserted it there. I also concentrated my attention with the help of the inner smile.... smiled to these areas, breathed into these areas: inhaled energy from the surrounding cocoon and exhaled into these areas. Generally, a physically strong body reacts to the shifts in perception not as painfully as an untrained body.
The center of decision making. There is an emerald coloured energy over there. It is situated in the jugular notch. It is believed that this energy abandons its natural situation at a very young age but it can be gathered and put back as any other energy can with the help of intent, recapitulation, and movements. There are passes in Tensegrity that are geared to collect this energy and package it. Whoever is interested can find and memorize passes specific for the center of the decision making. The recapitulation, breathing and intent to return energy, they all help.
Speaking of Tensegrity and recapitulation... these are techniques that work together but not separately. They are interconnected. But there are other techniques. You can offer, I dare to suggest, the spirits helpers to do it for you. They will help you to restore the energy. There are such strange, magical methods. Kreks, peks, feks, and they’ll do everything… But it’s better to apply your own effort to return your own energy. Or you can intend your own wholeness from the inside and not do anything else, just intend all the time. The only thing I cannot recommend is to do everything simultaneously. Don’t practice all the techniques you’ve heard and read about shifting your attention from one to another, self-denial… this sort of games. Just chose one something and bring it to perfection. If you thrust yourself from one to another: “oh this master is the best! I just saw it today and I’ll abandon what I did before. And someone told me something else and I’ll do that now.”
The palms also have gates for the Will.
Your eyes possess their own memory and their own awareness... as any other organ of the body, but the eyes can attract intent. They are like two glowing balls. They emanate awareness and Will. Each eye glows slightly differently. By changing the tuning of your eyes you draw or repulse energy.
There is a stream above your head. There is sort of a hat. It is created from the bundles of energy which is an alien energy. Here are two hooks and there are long threads of energy stemming from the hooks. The Flyer is controlling them. The Flyer is very small. It impacts these fibers and with help of the process of thinking, it acts to control the human being. Because of the Flyer, the short fibers of the 1st Attention do not rise above mid-leg. All this area is constantly deprived of energy and it becomes discoloured. The Flyer likes and influences the heart center. It likes the taste of it. At these moments humans feel an unpleasant itching and worry in the chest area. Something seemingly tells you, “Something is wrong! There is trouble! I am irritated! Everything is so bad!” So you become irritated. The Flyer then can use this energy for its own goals. Sometimes there is not any reason to worry but the itching in the periphery of heart center is still present.
The Flyer doesn’t consume thoughts. It consumes the ascending stream of energy. It prefers certain colours in this stream. When I say colour, I mean frequency of vibration. I’m not sure the Flyer perceives colours. Most likely they perceive frequency of energy. It is attracted by a certain frequency of waves. But when a person talks about it, since we live in the world of colours, we can say that the Flyer consumes brown-green, boggy colour, dirty-green, dirty-brown. These are fears, offenses, feelings that make us heavy, eat all our energy. These revolving thoughts in your head, “They told me something unpleasant, such bad people… I don’t want to think about them anymore… but what terrible people…”. This line of thoughts… I don’t want to make the long list of the offences and worries we all love to indulge in. We all know them.
Thoughts come from different areas. I cannot say that all thoughts can be put into one pile. The rational and irrational thoughts come from different areas. They may come from outside the boundaries of the cocoon or from inside the cocoon, from the Earth, from the Double, from the dreaming body. What the Flier does? It evaluates and sorts them. It says, “Oh, this is not that! Let’s think about the great things! Maybe you forgot to switch off the Iron at home? What does that woman think about my socks? Or, she already passed by… but her butt is quite all right! These are thoughts that eventually cause emotional implosion. They may not be very noticeable at first: “I think I’m late! The time is very short! And I still need to do something here. I have to have my morning coffee. But I’ll be late if I have my coffee.” And then: “Oh! No! I’m late! It’s better to die!”
There are features that differentiate these kind of thoughts. The thoughts that come from the dreaming body, from the Double or from the Dark Sea of Awareness are very soft and not assertive. They don’t try to invade you. It’s like a soft voice. For example: You are thinking about some interesting project or invention... and is reminiscent of dreaming, of dreams. The thoughts that come from this ring-like creature (the Flyer) are loud and persistent. It’s like a rude voice. In my case it’s a male voice. Others hear a female voice. It says, “No! Don’t do it! You can’t do it! God will punish you! You will feel terrible!” It’s the voice of your kindergarten or school teacher. Or maybe your Mom, “Stop it immediately!” “Yes Mother”.
Now the Center of the Head.
It has beautiful flames and long fibers. It has a very bright glow. Humans, in their usual state have these fibers jammed together and bent. It is possible to lengthen and straighten them literally with your hands. Many healers work with this center. They make motions above one’s head. It is rather simple. You can ask one of your friends to pull these fibers with his or her hands. And these fibers lengthen and straighten at least for a while, sufficiently to become aware. These fibers are ascending. Above them there is a descending stream... whirling and mobile. It looks like a beautiful weave. It moves slowly. Each human has a slightly different pattern of this center, like fingerprints. At least the ones I saw are all different.
All this can be observed in this picture ...
The first is the outer coat of the cocoon. The outer coat consists of long fibers. It is not very visible. Our attention depends on these fibers. These fibers are responsible for perception of energy outside of the cocoon. The human being is very dependant on how long and how dense these fibers are, like the fleece of a sheep.
The next level also consists of fibers. It is, actually, our 1st Attention. It consists of dense, even fibers. Our awareness, the 1st Attention, is situated there. To be more precise it is not the 1st Attention... it chooses what you can use as a 1st Attention. It works as an adapter of the information collected by the outer fibers. For regular human beings, not practicing any techniques of personal energy development, their attention is situated in the area of the ankles – these fibers are found only there. The rest of this layer is consumed by the predator. The fibers depicted as long threads below... is so-called ‘apron of a dreamer’. But on this picture the attributes of a dreamer and a stalker are depicted. The dreamer’s fibers are long and straight. They begin in the area of the belly button in from and back. These fibers maintain the cocoon in a certain position. They contribute to stability. In the picture, they are depicted as these long scratches.
Some people also develop cords of the stalker. They develop not in dreaming, but in everyday life during interaction with other people. They look like semicircular flame tips. They can be developed if you live your life consciously, if you are able to not become entangled in life situations that constantly appear. If you’re alert this type of energy develops.
The center of the 2nd Attention is a kind of cavity. It is in the area where the liver is. If you tap this place you can enter dreaming or change your mood... if you remember to tap it in time. Now we go up. Next to this cavity of the 2nd Attention there are long fibers. They envelop and defend the center of the will. Everyone has an outlet of will. In some people the will comes out as it is shown here – the soft greenish emerald energy that can lengthen and reach different things at any distance.
All these energy centers are connected with the inner organs of the body. For example, there is the heart center. It is a very powerful center. It has a bright red colour. Around it there is very powerful energy. If you pump up this center it may expand all over the cocoon and even into incredible distances beyond the cocoon. Also there are long fibers descending and ascending from the neck and chest area. That is what Castaneda calls the middle disc. In this area are located the main organs such as liver, pancreas, kidneys, stomach, intestines… All this is situated in this area. Every organ has its own colour. For example a liver has ultramarine-violet colour. It can be darker or brighter or muddied… Everyone has their own shade. The pancreas is more dark-amber or honey-like. It also may be orange or dark with spots. A while ago I discovered that my liver has discoloured unpleasant spots and I got rid of them and made my liver purely ultramarine by creating an imaginable palm with which I spread the colour by force of my will. In truth the colours are an interpretation, as we live in the world of interpretations and conditioned perception. In reality there is only presence of something that cannot be explained but we live in the world in which we memorize various ways to interact with it. We say, “this is red colour, this is blue…“This way we differentiate. Or I say, here are long fibers… This is only a description. I must remind you that the description is only a description. But it is very important, especially for those who want to learn to travel into infinity, to acquire one more description of the world - any description… And then such a being is able to travel between the descriptions.
Next we approach the feature that is called an ‘Assemblage Point’. There are inner fibers, and there are outer fibers. Here is a male Assemblage Point. The capture and processing of energy occurs here in the outer short fibers. There are two rows of short fibers. Here in this picture ... is an Assemblage Point of a Warrior. It is situated not on the surface but shifted inward. It captures the stream of energy from outside and channels them. In normal conditions the Assemblage Point of a regular human is situated on the surface. In this condition when it shifts slightly inward... one begins perceiving long fibers in all directions. You also can shift the Assemblage Point by striving to see energy. You start discerning it off of your fingertips, leafs, shades or elsewhere and your Assemblage Point shifts inward into your cocoon.
Around the Assemblage Point there are streams of energy. The fibers start glowing when the Assemblage Point shifts. Tired human beings walking on the street have his or her fibers glued together and to the Assemblage Point. If the Assemblage Point is mobile, the new currents of energy inside the cocoon are activated which are not active in regular humans. Here in the picture ….also depicted are spiral-like fibers of energy on the front. They have different colours. If you focus on this energy you can easily travel to different dimensions. For example the stars, including our Sun, contain similar spirals. If you concentrate your attention on these spirals you can stop being a cocoon and be, for instance, a fire hovering above the surface of the Earth. A witch told me that. I called her name when I met her. She was in this beautiful garment in the form of the cocoon. She said, “I’m not what you said. I’m not my name. I’m fire above the Earth.”
Now the Central Stream. This picture was painted many years ago before the crossing of 2012. Then, it was a thin ray that originated from the Double. Now this stream is as wide as the cocoon itself. It has a pinkish colour. This is the stream of awareness that comes from the Double. If you manage to shift the Assemblage Point into the central stream, then it can observe the ray of energy that comes from the Double and it can meet the Double itself. It is also possible when in a dreaming state, that one can direct the Assemblage Point inward and not outward. Usually in dreaming we direct these long fibers outside of the cocoon. But if you realize that it is only the direction of your attention, the Assemblage Point moves inward. It is naturally returning to the Double. In order to accomplish it one has to force him or herself stop taking part in all the adventures people usually find in dreaming. For that, in turn, one has to learn to be conscious in dreaming. Technically, it sounds very simple…
Now, there are three dark dots at waist level and also one dot at heart level. These are gates to the Dark Sea of Awareness, the direct channel to the Will of the Double. The upper gate is situated slightly above the heart. It is not very big. There is also gate above the bellybutton. These descriptions are not regarding the physical body, but that different dimension. In regular man there are only 2 dots over there. The Double man has three or four dots. Also, although it’s not depicted here, the surface of the cocoon can be perceived as divided into two, three, or four parts. The Will shoots out of these dots. When this happens the Assemblage Point also shifts. In most instances we don’t recognize these shifts… We are not used to tracking these shifts. Only the specialists who are interested in the development of awareness track these shifts. The streaming of Will happens to everyone all the time. The Double of every human tries to communicate with him or her. When it happens you can notice that your mood suddenly changes. It’s like something is looking through you. Sometimes you sort of freeze and can’t move. Then you say to yourself: ”Something strange happened to me… doesn’t matter”… but the practitioners of the development of awareness have these occurrences more frequently. They notice them. As a result they often experience depression or apathy: ”life is complicated”. Therefore, I’d recommend accumulating energy in these areas around these gaps, concentrating their attention, practice movements or intentions… It doesn’t matter how one does it: with the help of hand and legs or by concentrating attention. This energy acts as a shield and when your attention shifts, the result is a cheery mood and laughter instead of depression.
I personally, in order to accumulate energy there, practiced chi-kung, tensegrity, kung-fu. I intended my attention, gathered it, packaged it, and inserted it there. I also concentrated my attention with the help of the inner smile.... smiled to these areas, breathed into these areas: inhaled energy from the surrounding cocoon and exhaled into these areas. Generally, a physically strong body reacts to the shifts in perception not as painfully as an untrained body.
The center of decision making. There is an emerald coloured energy over there. It is situated in the jugular notch. It is believed that this energy abandons its natural situation at a very young age but it can be gathered and put back as any other energy can with the help of intent, recapitulation, and movements. There are passes in Tensegrity that are geared to collect this energy and package it. Whoever is interested can find and memorize passes specific for the center of the decision making. The recapitulation, breathing and intent to return energy, they all help.
Speaking of Tensegrity and recapitulation... these are techniques that work together but not separately. They are interconnected. But there are other techniques. You can offer, I dare to suggest, the spirits helpers to do it for you. They will help you to restore the energy. There are such strange, magical methods. Kreks, peks, feks, and they’ll do everything… But it’s better to apply your own effort to return your own energy. Or you can intend your own wholeness from the inside and not do anything else, just intend all the time. The only thing I cannot recommend is to do everything simultaneously. Don’t practice all the techniques you’ve heard and read about shifting your attention from one to another, self-denial… this sort of games. Just chose one something and bring it to perfection. If you thrust yourself from one to another: “oh this master is the best! I just saw it today and I’ll abandon what I did before. And someone told me something else and I’ll do that now.”
The palms also have gates for the Will.
Your eyes possess their own memory and their own awareness... as any other organ of the body, but the eyes can attract intent. They are like two glowing balls. They emanate awareness and Will. Each eye glows slightly differently. By changing the tuning of your eyes you draw or repulse energy.
There is a stream above your head. There is sort of a hat. It is created from the bundles of energy which is an alien energy. Here are two hooks and there are long threads of energy stemming from the hooks. The Flyer is controlling them. The Flyer is very small. It impacts these fibers and with help of the process of thinking, it acts to control the human being. Because of the Flyer, the short fibers of the 1st Attention do not rise above mid-leg. All this area is constantly deprived of energy and it becomes discoloured. The Flyer likes and influences the heart center. It likes the taste of it. At these moments humans feel an unpleasant itching and worry in the chest area. Something seemingly tells you, “Something is wrong! There is trouble! I am irritated! Everything is so bad!” So you become irritated. The Flyer then can use this energy for its own goals. Sometimes there is not any reason to worry but the itching in the periphery of heart center is still present.
The Flyer doesn’t consume thoughts. It consumes the ascending stream of energy. It prefers certain colours in this stream. When I say colour, I mean frequency of vibration. I’m not sure the Flyer perceives colours. Most likely they perceive frequency of energy. It is attracted by a certain frequency of waves. But when a person talks about it, since we live in the world of colours, we can say that the Flyer consumes brown-green, boggy colour, dirty-green, dirty-brown. These are fears, offenses, feelings that make us heavy, eat all our energy. These revolving thoughts in your head, “They told me something unpleasant, such bad people… I don’t want to think about them anymore… but what terrible people…”. This line of thoughts… I don’t want to make the long list of the offences and worries we all love to indulge in. We all know them.
Thoughts come from different areas. I cannot say that all thoughts can be put into one pile. The rational and irrational thoughts come from different areas. They may come from outside the boundaries of the cocoon or from inside the cocoon, from the Earth, from the Double, from the dreaming body. What the Flier does? It evaluates and sorts them. It says, “Oh, this is not that! Let’s think about the great things! Maybe you forgot to switch off the Iron at home? What does that woman think about my socks? Or, she already passed by… but her butt is quite all right! These are thoughts that eventually cause emotional implosion. They may not be very noticeable at first: “I think I’m late! The time is very short! And I still need to do something here. I have to have my morning coffee. But I’ll be late if I have my coffee.” And then: “Oh! No! I’m late! It’s better to die!”
There are features that differentiate these kind of thoughts. The thoughts that come from the dreaming body, from the Double or from the Dark Sea of Awareness are very soft and not assertive. They don’t try to invade you. It’s like a soft voice. For example: You are thinking about some interesting project or invention... and is reminiscent of dreaming, of dreams. The thoughts that come from this ring-like creature (the Flyer) are loud and persistent. It’s like a rude voice. In my case it’s a male voice. Others hear a female voice. It says, “No! Don’t do it! You can’t do it! God will punish you! You will feel terrible!” It’s the voice of your kindergarten or school teacher. Or maybe your Mom, “Stop it immediately!” “Yes Mother”.
Now the Center of the Head.
It has beautiful flames and long fibers. It has a very bright glow. Humans, in their usual state have these fibers jammed together and bent. It is possible to lengthen and straighten them literally with your hands. Many healers work with this center. They make motions above one’s head. It is rather simple. You can ask one of your friends to pull these fibers with his or her hands. And these fibers lengthen and straighten at least for a while, sufficiently to become aware. These fibers are ascending. Above them there is a descending stream... whirling and mobile. It looks like a beautiful weave. It moves slowly. Each human has a slightly different pattern of this center, like fingerprints. At least the ones I saw are all different.
All this can be observed in this picture ...
This is a depiction of numerous cocoons that sustain the rolling force and as a result a very interesting pattern appears; numerous interactions… It is all alive and moving. All cocoons can be perceived as a pinkish web with a pinkish-orange ring-like rolling force emanating from the Double. It washes these webs. Trees, humans, microorganisms, dogs, all is seen more or less the same. It is a multi-dimensional picture. You can see simultaneously the web superimposed on a cocoon, as from the point of view of the Double, the cocoon is seen as if through a veil of a web. It took me a long time of gazing at the paper to figure out how to depict a multi-dimensional picture on a two-dimensional surface. There is a web of pink fluffy rays.