Interview 3
Regarding the Dark Sea of Awareness, now I’ll show you a model. This is a primitive model which is made from materials on hand. I saw a BBC film where scientists explain about dark matter. They say, “The dark matter is a substance we can’t see. It’s like you see one brick but you don’t see another five”. Then they inflated a big balloon and said, “The universe is expanding. It can blow up and it may not. We just don’t know.” So I took a ball and made a Petal.
This is rather funny, but it creates some picture of how it looks as I can’t show you the real petal. The Dark Sea of Awareness is such a petal consisting of pure energy. It can be called a sea because this petal copied itself numerous times and there is an uncountable number of them.
In order to create a Galaxy, only a certain number of petals are needed, the whole sea is not necessary.
The petal is the primary impulse that penetrates through the curtain, which could be described as a shining void, into denser levels. The universe constantly generates these kind of impulses for the purpose of exploration and evolution. I call them petals. Generate is not the best description of the process. There is an energetic structure that generates them, moves them from one level to another and pushes them out of the shining void. This structure looks like a pink net placed in the form of square.
In order to create a Galaxy, only a certain number of petals are needed, the whole sea is not necessary.
The petal is the primary impulse that penetrates through the curtain, which could be described as a shining void, into denser levels. The universe constantly generates these kind of impulses for the purpose of exploration and evolution. I call them petals. Generate is not the best description of the process. There is an energetic structure that generates them, moves them from one level to another and pushes them out of the shining void. This structure looks like a pink net placed in the form of square.
View from Above
View from the side
I have a curious picture (below), a sort of caricature of the universe. It is as funny as the petal model. I’ll show you the whole universe on one piece of paper. It’s not the whole Universe but only the part related to a petal.
The petals are produced where the ring-like structure is depicted.
On this structure there is a tiny net that pushes the petals down from higher levels. Below is depicted the shining void and our Dark Sea as one petal, and there are millions of them there. And below is a little man. He goes up towards petals. The pink net that you see is creating time and space.
All these coloured spots are very clear and coherent to me as I was there, but they are very hard to depict. Besides, the dark background is not accidental either, as this very darkness generates all these glowing bundles of awareness and the different levels. It is the basis of all this colourful cake.
There are many levels of awareness. In our Dark Sea, there are 24 levels... 12 levels on two sides. Then there is a shining void that I would describe as a membrane, a boundary of perception. You cannot assemble the world there; the perception there seems much rarified. The bright rectangle symbolizes this shining void. Then there is a ring-like energy structure and a pinkish net on it. This net contains the entire universe. It is acting like a prism, or a lens that untangles the universe. If you dive into it you can see the whole universe from an unusual point of view. The black and white figure above symbolises a ring-like structure that calls itself “The Mightiest Energy Twist in the Universe”. It generates impulses that causes the emergence of the petals in this shining void.
Then there is the level that one can perceive as a conglomeration of endless ribbons of energy of different colours. None of us was able to reach the end of these ribbons in order to go around it. Thus we had to go up.
Above it, there is a layer of mass of amber. It consists of multiple layers of pure awareness. It also contains spots reminiscent of drops. This mass vibrates constantly. Its vibration is reminiscent of a beautiful song. We needed quite a long time to pass this level. In order to do it we had to go through a gigantic ring spiraling down into the depth of amber (depicted in the middle of the amber pie). In that depth we met a being that managed to unite all three attentions and leave our planet. To us there, they looked kind of like dark-amber stones, or balls, like an apple. These were united awarenesses. But they also could split into individual awarenesses. They did it for us so we could interact with them more easily.
Then, we again encountered another level of ribbons. These ribbons were wider, denser and more powerful than on the level before the amber level. We started moving along the ribbons but the result was the same. The ribbons were endless.
Then we noticed that above the ribbons... we discovered space, beige in colour. It was fully conscious. It reflected our impersonal essences. Then we directed our attention toward the space above the ribbons. It reflected us and allowed us to pass through it. There were very interesting beings there. They were emerald-greenish curved splashes of energy. They tried to incorporate us into some kind of grill curved into a cylinder shape. They tried to teach us to be similar to them and almost captured the attention of our whole group. I started laughing as I wasn’t interested in being incorporated into this grill, and I sneaked through the cylinder and left through the other side. Everyone followed me out.
Next was a gigantic, and it seemed, round, space. It was an amazing, incredibly beautiful red colour. It was conscious and it laughed, or in other words its vibration was reminiscent of very cheerful laughter. Finally when it laughed to its heart, it let us through.
It wasn’t as fast as I am retelling it... It let us through and I entered the Dome of the Nagual.
The Dome of the Nagual is a special place. Only the 'you' presence (or your absence) can go in. Energy cannot get in. All that was in previous levels has to stay there. It cannot penetrate into the Dome. Awareness cannot get into the Dome. For us, awareness is an amber energy that we receive as a projection of the petal. I’d describe pure presence as a combination of projections of the conscious units. When the double projects itself as a conscious being, as a cocoon, into this world, it does it by means of certain number of petals that constantly change places while acquiring certain experiences through this projection. Their projection alone, without awareness and accumulated experiences, passes through as a combination of intent and awareness. It becomes a habit, an imprint in blank space. It has its own capabilities… Human language is not suited to describe those things. I’m writing a new book now where I try to describe perception from the point of view of pure presence.
When you reach the Dome of the Nagual, all your colourful clothing made of energy: stripes, bubble of perception, etc., cannot get through. It reaches the upper level of the red colour level and remains at the entrance to the Dome. But your pure presence is able to travel further.
It is not what Carlos Castaneda described as returning your awareness to the Eagle. Castaneda wasn’t there. Don Juan is there in the Dome of the Nagual. The Eagle is the way to describe what happens with awareness in our Dark Sea of Awareness. It is only one of the frightening functions of the Dark Sea. The description Don Juan gave to Castaneda was a description by ancient seers who wanted to turn everything into a familiar image. Therefore they called something a scary Eagle. When a living being in our Dark Sea of Awareness is losing its awareness, some kind of force reminiscent of a wind, rolls it to a very interesting block of energy. I perceived it as a huge whirl consisting of black rectangles. They consist of very dense energy. It reminds me of a smartphone in shape... many, many black smartphones. When a cracked/destroyed bubble of perception arrives to the whirl, these slowly rotating blocks, flatten it and tear it apart.
When you reach the Dome of the Nagual, all your colourful clothing made of energy: stripes, bubble of perception, etc., cannot get through. It reaches the upper level of the red colour level and remains at the entrance to the Dome. But your pure presence is able to travel further.
It is not what Carlos Castaneda described as returning your awareness to the Eagle. Castaneda wasn’t there. Don Juan is there in the Dome of the Nagual. The Eagle is the way to describe what happens with awareness in our Dark Sea of Awareness. It is only one of the frightening functions of the Dark Sea. The description Don Juan gave to Castaneda was a description by ancient seers who wanted to turn everything into a familiar image. Therefore they called something a scary Eagle. When a living being in our Dark Sea of Awareness is losing its awareness, some kind of force reminiscent of a wind, rolls it to a very interesting block of energy. I perceived it as a huge whirl consisting of black rectangles. They consist of very dense energy. It reminds me of a smartphone in shape... many, many black smartphones. When a cracked/destroyed bubble of perception arrives to the whirl, these slowly rotating blocks, flatten it and tear it apart.
The bubble of perception looks like a ball made of flaps of different colours. Between the flaps there are rays of light breaking through and colourful ribbons of energy protruding. When a whole undamaged ball... a whole being reaches the whirl, the blocks mold it, make it more dense, less susceptible to the force humans call death. Unfortunately for most living beings, they don’t strive to reach it on their own will. They reach it unconsciously, at the moment of death, unwillingly; and when there is no choice and time is up... the creature doesn’t look like a whole ball. It is cracked. And this very crack doesn’t allow it to go through the whirl and become stronger; the 'whole' creature can enter the whirl without fear and become molded. But the creature hit by death has a cracked cocoon and it can’t with-stand the pressure of the whirlwind. The irony is that one way or another we reach this whirl; it is an inevitable process. The question is... in what condition we’ll get there? Unfortunately, in the majority of cases human beings arrive there cracked. So, I’d call this whirl the Eagle but it’s not like in the legend; there is no winged creature such as an eagle over there.
Cracked Cocoon
Whole Cocoon
What happens to all these awarenesses after they are squashed is quite a terrible sight. Nothing good happens. You may have heard what happens in laboratories that work with toxic chemical and biological substances. They produce a lot of toxic waste. This waste is buried somewhere.
So, one time the Dark Sea of Awareness put me at the burial site of these wasted awarenesses. It’s a gigantic field of these squashed balls. Each type of being has its own such field; there are at least three such fields. When I was brought there by the Dark Sea of Awareness I became really scared, I was afraid to fall into this debris. They attracted me. I had a lot in common with them. So, like a swimmer chased by sharks, I rushed out of there, “Oh take me away from here fast”. But I wasn’t taken from there fast. It was a lesson. I was shown what can happen to me and it taught me not to worry. There were many more visits to this field until I began perceiving it calmly. Besides, in order to reach this field, I had to go through this somewhat scary whirl, that makes my energy denser. It seemed that the more times I entered the whirl, the denser my energy became. My energy structure is no longer a cocoon. I drew pictures of several types of cocoons... not all of them. There are two groups of the cocoon. In one group there are cocoons very problematic to the extreme... and the other group are healthy, proper cocoons. Obviously this is a slightly caricature depiction.
So, one time the Dark Sea of Awareness put me at the burial site of these wasted awarenesses. It’s a gigantic field of these squashed balls. Each type of being has its own such field; there are at least three such fields. When I was brought there by the Dark Sea of Awareness I became really scared, I was afraid to fall into this debris. They attracted me. I had a lot in common with them. So, like a swimmer chased by sharks, I rushed out of there, “Oh take me away from here fast”. But I wasn’t taken from there fast. It was a lesson. I was shown what can happen to me and it taught me not to worry. There were many more visits to this field until I began perceiving it calmly. Besides, in order to reach this field, I had to go through this somewhat scary whirl, that makes my energy denser. It seemed that the more times I entered the whirl, the denser my energy became. My energy structure is no longer a cocoon. I drew pictures of several types of cocoons... not all of them. There are two groups of the cocoon. In one group there are cocoons very problematic to the extreme... and the other group are healthy, proper cocoons. Obviously this is a slightly caricature depiction.
On the first row there are sickly cocoons. People with such a cocoon are very sad and grumpy. They do not have very good bodies. The first cocoon is almost destroyed to a barely living level by the Flyer. All these cocoons underwent the impact of Flyers. The second one is no better. Below there is a type of sticky energy. The next cracked cocoon is the result of having had a large number of children of both sexes... and also enormous self-pity. Their fibres are also kind of turned in to themselves. The next cocoon is the cocoon of a drug user or marijuana abuser. The last in the row is a cocoon of a human whose fire and water energy are apart. These people have swollen legs. They also have light sparks of thoughts around - they always jump from one thought to another, from one idea to another, from one topic to another... a condition bordering on Alzheimer disease.
Now, there on the bottom row is the other type of cocoon. Here is a cocoon of a regular human. The next in the row is a rather good cocoon. This cocoon has perspectives. This human being whose cocoon has proper shape and long fibers and slight amber shade inside... may bring about right decisions and right decisions may in turn develop awareness and restore memory. This condition may lead to the next type. This is a proper cocoon... the same as displayed in the detailed picture below (and 3rd from the left on bottom row of picture above).
Now, there on the bottom row is the other type of cocoon. Here is a cocoon of a regular human. The next in the row is a rather good cocoon. This cocoon has perspectives. This human being whose cocoon has proper shape and long fibers and slight amber shade inside... may bring about right decisions and right decisions may in turn develop awareness and restore memory. This condition may lead to the next type. This is a proper cocoon... the same as displayed in the detailed picture below (and 3rd from the left on bottom row of picture above).
Next... there are several transformations of the cocoon. That is what has happened with some of my companions.
It’s no longer a cocoon. It is a bulge and a tube. Such a structure allows moving energy in the direction of higher vibrations, density levels... and the tube doesn’t have limits.
And here is another type, what we call a 'crystal'. It also has a tube.
And finally, the tulip. The energy is locked in on itself. It is no longer susceptible to external influences. There are several large blocks. The energy moves up along central channel and moves down on the inside of these blocks. The passage through the black whirl of densifying plates negates the effect of the energy loss from having children.
I wouldn’t say that I want to help humans to clean up the cocoon, but I can tell you what needs to be done. I cannot do people’s work for them. The projections themselves need to do it. A human is a projection. It is a projection of a group of petals called a 'Double'.
The human potential is limitless. A human as a projection of the Double is an incredibly powerful being. I cannot say how with the help of magical movements you can make your bank account full of money, so the power has its limits. But if a human wants to restore one’s energy, one should start from restoring memory and awareness.
The work with memories can strengthen one’s awareness. One will start understanding how awareness works. If a human decides to do recapitulation she or he can reach incredible possibilities which are stored in our memory. If I may, I’ll tell you the story about the possibilities of recapitulation. This is not recapitulation by a human but by a Double...
When we learned to reach the Dark Sea of Awareness, in the area where it looks like shining petals and the word “dark” doesn’t apply to it anymore, the Dark Sea started teaching us to use the petals in various ways. It gave us a petal and asked each of us to create something with it; and everyone took one, looked at it and put it into their own structure. We were delighted with ourselves. We did something with the petal. Next time, the same thing happened; and many more times after that. So, one time, it again asked us, like small children, to do something with it. Everyone twisted it in their hands and put it into their Doubles. I decided to do something different this time... looked at it... and bent it like a tube. And it gave in. Then Yan Manuel, the scout, did the same.
This is our friend’s new name. He asked us to call him Yan Manuel. He laughed and also twisted the petal into a ring. We were over the moon that we did something with the peta... like monkeys. So, during one of those journeys when we travelled back and forth to the Dark Sea and it conversed with us, I noticed that there was a misty membrane in front of it.. And then the Dark Sea said: “Oh, now, this very moment, send all your petals to the other side of the membrane to me”. And I sent them, without arguing, with delight. Sure, if the Dark Sea says so… yes! And I saw how they mixed with other petals. They moved and laughed behind the membrane. And then I started slowly asking myself 'who am I really?' ... I didn’t have a Double, I didn’t have an energy body, I didn’t have a physical body. I had nothing. And then the Dark Sea of Awareness suggested that I remember the double. And I remembered it. And when I was recollecting it I remembered not only all my multiple reincarnations, and not only those substances all my reincarnations encountered ... but also the origins and ways of creation of each substance. My Double remembered it. But it also recollected all memories of all petals of our Dark Sea of Awareness. This is a gigantic volume of information about the universe as a whole. So by means of this pure presence I was able to recollect the Double of several thousand petals. That’s what memory is.
So to remember with whom you talked, and where you ever talked or did some other things... is very simple. But there is another way. You don’t have to use your memory. You can just make your life healthy and merry... making yourself not susceptible to pity, and regret. Make yourself invincible to self-pitying, self-indulgence, and self-importance. One can smile to one’s body's cells several times per day. Send your love to every cell. You can imagine yourself a moderate sized Dark Sea... where there are large cells, petals, and you love them all. You can do certain movements that you like, especially conscious movements... any conscious movements. The movements Carlos Castaneda taught work very well with recapitulation. But one can do whatever he or she wants. But many people say, ”Oh, it’s not for me, it’s too hard. So, smile to yourself, smile to your cells. It works. And if you manage to track the energy structure of your cocoon, it’ll be very easy to restore loose threads, put them together with one’s intent. One just needs to see them restored and they get restored.
Seeing energy is a complex process; one can act very effectively visualizing it, see it as an image. Either way you can send your feelings to check on your cocoon and the feelings won’t lie. There are different feelings that will tell you what to do. These are little seeings... seeing without picture... 'seeings-senses'. The more you work with them the more effectively you can perceive colours and images. Many years ago when I searched for seeing, I walked in the desert at night and observed various shadows. But the simplest technique was to watch how energy comes out of my fingertips; in the beginning it was very difficult. I had doubts. I thought that what I’m seeing is just my imagination. But with the passing of time, when I accumulated these little quiet moments of awareness, when the spark of awareness illuminated some energy center - some group of threads or motion of some strange bundles of energy. All this accumulated and became more real. Sometime, sitting in the coffee shop in the darkness without suspecting it, you begin seeing cocoons around people. They heave; they are composed of shining threads. Or while walking in the forest at night, gigantic cocoons of the trees interact with clouds by means of long threads. And you begin dancing with all those trees because you sense that you can hang onto them. And they pull you back. And, next day, or week, when the Sun is shining and everything is back to normal and the memory of the nights experience is almost quashed, you see energy although not as clearly. And you say, “it can’t be, I can see energy only at night”! But of course, you can see energy at any time of day.
It’s no longer a cocoon. It is a bulge and a tube. Such a structure allows moving energy in the direction of higher vibrations, density levels... and the tube doesn’t have limits.
And here is another type, what we call a 'crystal'. It also has a tube.
And finally, the tulip. The energy is locked in on itself. It is no longer susceptible to external influences. There are several large blocks. The energy moves up along central channel and moves down on the inside of these blocks. The passage through the black whirl of densifying plates negates the effect of the energy loss from having children.
I wouldn’t say that I want to help humans to clean up the cocoon, but I can tell you what needs to be done. I cannot do people’s work for them. The projections themselves need to do it. A human is a projection. It is a projection of a group of petals called a 'Double'.
The human potential is limitless. A human as a projection of the Double is an incredibly powerful being. I cannot say how with the help of magical movements you can make your bank account full of money, so the power has its limits. But if a human wants to restore one’s energy, one should start from restoring memory and awareness.
The work with memories can strengthen one’s awareness. One will start understanding how awareness works. If a human decides to do recapitulation she or he can reach incredible possibilities which are stored in our memory. If I may, I’ll tell you the story about the possibilities of recapitulation. This is not recapitulation by a human but by a Double...
When we learned to reach the Dark Sea of Awareness, in the area where it looks like shining petals and the word “dark” doesn’t apply to it anymore, the Dark Sea started teaching us to use the petals in various ways. It gave us a petal and asked each of us to create something with it; and everyone took one, looked at it and put it into their own structure. We were delighted with ourselves. We did something with the petal. Next time, the same thing happened; and many more times after that. So, one time, it again asked us, like small children, to do something with it. Everyone twisted it in their hands and put it into their Doubles. I decided to do something different this time... looked at it... and bent it like a tube. And it gave in. Then Yan Manuel, the scout, did the same.
This is our friend’s new name. He asked us to call him Yan Manuel. He laughed and also twisted the petal into a ring. We were over the moon that we did something with the peta... like monkeys. So, during one of those journeys when we travelled back and forth to the Dark Sea and it conversed with us, I noticed that there was a misty membrane in front of it.. And then the Dark Sea said: “Oh, now, this very moment, send all your petals to the other side of the membrane to me”. And I sent them, without arguing, with delight. Sure, if the Dark Sea says so… yes! And I saw how they mixed with other petals. They moved and laughed behind the membrane. And then I started slowly asking myself 'who am I really?' ... I didn’t have a Double, I didn’t have an energy body, I didn’t have a physical body. I had nothing. And then the Dark Sea of Awareness suggested that I remember the double. And I remembered it. And when I was recollecting it I remembered not only all my multiple reincarnations, and not only those substances all my reincarnations encountered ... but also the origins and ways of creation of each substance. My Double remembered it. But it also recollected all memories of all petals of our Dark Sea of Awareness. This is a gigantic volume of information about the universe as a whole. So by means of this pure presence I was able to recollect the Double of several thousand petals. That’s what memory is.
So to remember with whom you talked, and where you ever talked or did some other things... is very simple. But there is another way. You don’t have to use your memory. You can just make your life healthy and merry... making yourself not susceptible to pity, and regret. Make yourself invincible to self-pitying, self-indulgence, and self-importance. One can smile to one’s body's cells several times per day. Send your love to every cell. You can imagine yourself a moderate sized Dark Sea... where there are large cells, petals, and you love them all. You can do certain movements that you like, especially conscious movements... any conscious movements. The movements Carlos Castaneda taught work very well with recapitulation. But one can do whatever he or she wants. But many people say, ”Oh, it’s not for me, it’s too hard. So, smile to yourself, smile to your cells. It works. And if you manage to track the energy structure of your cocoon, it’ll be very easy to restore loose threads, put them together with one’s intent. One just needs to see them restored and they get restored.
Seeing energy is a complex process; one can act very effectively visualizing it, see it as an image. Either way you can send your feelings to check on your cocoon and the feelings won’t lie. There are different feelings that will tell you what to do. These are little seeings... seeing without picture... 'seeings-senses'. The more you work with them the more effectively you can perceive colours and images. Many years ago when I searched for seeing, I walked in the desert at night and observed various shadows. But the simplest technique was to watch how energy comes out of my fingertips; in the beginning it was very difficult. I had doubts. I thought that what I’m seeing is just my imagination. But with the passing of time, when I accumulated these little quiet moments of awareness, when the spark of awareness illuminated some energy center - some group of threads or motion of some strange bundles of energy. All this accumulated and became more real. Sometime, sitting in the coffee shop in the darkness without suspecting it, you begin seeing cocoons around people. They heave; they are composed of shining threads. Or while walking in the forest at night, gigantic cocoons of the trees interact with clouds by means of long threads. And you begin dancing with all those trees because you sense that you can hang onto them. And they pull you back. And, next day, or week, when the Sun is shining and everything is back to normal and the memory of the nights experience is almost quashed, you see energy although not as clearly. And you say, “it can’t be, I can see energy only at night”! But of course, you can see energy at any time of day.
I can’t say what the proportion of healthy vs unhealthy cocoons are. Very small children are like pure little suns. They each glow with different colours, any imaginable colour. But they are all wholesome. If the child is healthy, her or his glow is very even. Among adults such a thing is extremely rare as we begin to fixate on the grooves of our world and contemplate that our world is real and our cocoon is not.
A few days ago I had an interesting experience. I had to go to the city. I live in a small town. I arrived there when many elderly people were strolling outside. It was probably their walk time from their retirement homes... and their cocoons were in terrible shape. Same was true for their bodies. They were limping, they walked leaning on their walking carts. They felt bad. It was visible looking at most of them. This sight made me very sad. But in the evening of the same day I conducted a kung-fu training for a group of adults. An elderly person attended the session. He had completely grey hair and a very wrinkled face. But he was walking straight. He asked if he can try practicing with us. I asked him, “are you sure, may be it isn’t worth it?”. He said, “don’t worry, I’ll try”. He ran with all the others. After warm-up run, we usually do stretching. One has to lift one’s foot very high. And he lifted his foot above his head. He did all the stretches. He performed almost all exercises with the others. He was breathing and he was enjoying himself. He exclaimed, “it feels so great!”. So this is the other side of the coin. So judging by this one day the proportion is not in favor of two-legged creatures – may be one to a hundred or one to a thousand. But they exist… He left absolutely delighted. He is not very old, only sixty nine. So there are people like this… different. You are who you say to yourself you are. And that is why I talk now and say all these things. If people will be able to say to themselves something different from what they usually say, “oh I’m tired, not now, no that is not for me”, but just start saying to themselves non-standard things... like things we are talking about now... that could tip the scales.
It is very good when there is a good interlocutor. Thank you!
A few days ago I had an interesting experience. I had to go to the city. I live in a small town. I arrived there when many elderly people were strolling outside. It was probably their walk time from their retirement homes... and their cocoons were in terrible shape. Same was true for their bodies. They were limping, they walked leaning on their walking carts. They felt bad. It was visible looking at most of them. This sight made me very sad. But in the evening of the same day I conducted a kung-fu training for a group of adults. An elderly person attended the session. He had completely grey hair and a very wrinkled face. But he was walking straight. He asked if he can try practicing with us. I asked him, “are you sure, may be it isn’t worth it?”. He said, “don’t worry, I’ll try”. He ran with all the others. After warm-up run, we usually do stretching. One has to lift one’s foot very high. And he lifted his foot above his head. He did all the stretches. He performed almost all exercises with the others. He was breathing and he was enjoying himself. He exclaimed, “it feels so great!”. So this is the other side of the coin. So judging by this one day the proportion is not in favor of two-legged creatures – may be one to a hundred or one to a thousand. But they exist… He left absolutely delighted. He is not very old, only sixty nine. So there are people like this… different. You are who you say to yourself you are. And that is why I talk now and say all these things. If people will be able to say to themselves something different from what they usually say, “oh I’m tired, not now, no that is not for me”, but just start saying to themselves non-standard things... like things we are talking about now... that could tip the scales.
It is very good when there is a good interlocutor. Thank you!