Entrevista 10
En la imagen del pastel (arriba) ... el Mar Oscuro de la Conciencia está representado en various lugares.

First of all as a large petal.
It symbolizes the Dark Sea of Awareness as a whole.

We go up from this small cocoon along the spiral-channel towards the Double (petal) and, at the same time towards the Double and the Dark Sea of Awareness. I depicted it as one, because if I were to draw them all, every detail will be microscopic. I would have to separate it into 24 levels… and in each, draw some microscopic creatures that wouldn’t fit there and it would have been too big a job and very unclear. So I put this symbol. But, in reality the Dark Sea of Awareness interprets itself the same way. It interprets itself as the Petal. But that’s not all, as the journey of the Petals continues through all these levels it transforms… and we also transformed and changed our petal while moving upward along these currents.
... and it is here as well... this dark line symbolizes thousands of Dark Seas that already accomplished the transition and our Dark Sea of Awareness is already there.... where this dark strip is. We discovered it very recently, between 6 months and a year ago.
The Petal as principle is situated here, above the primary nagual, although I didn’t depict it.
This is a depiction of the Primary Nagual (above picture) which produced other copies, me included. The 'principle' is situated above the Dome. There are 2 more types of primary elements. There may be more but I noticed only two... or I didn’t have sufficient attention to bring them here. Here there is an enormous principle of Petal. One of them is already known. The second is reminiscent of two crossed boomerangs with wide blades, and the other a multi-gonal form consisting of multiple hexagons with glowing dots at corners.
Each principle creates a separate line of creation. I have information only about what happens in regards to the petal. It is difficult for me and I don’t see any sense to make contact with the other ones… maybe one day it will happen but now it is not important.
I don’t know whether I will be able to do that. Every time I transcend to a new density level, I and all my party have to change completely in order to adjust. We completely change our structure. So to be earnest, now I’m not even curious. I understand there were different variations created by the Higher Mind to explore different possibilities… In truth, I’m interested in going towards the big and beautiful mind, rather than explore its different creations. If you want I’ll explain what I really care about.
All this… this whole structure is not only the cake. It is, first of all, where they are housed. And they are housed in the block of ‘creative darkness’. And all this is not two separate things. It is a single organism. It constantly creates. It constantly explores possibilities. It constantly mobilizes dark creative material for the purpose of creation. All this is a single entity. But when you become aware of it, when you tune onto that something that I wouldn’t call energy but I can’t find any other word, it turns out that there is a limit of perception for this substance. This darkness has its limits. There is a misty area that is really a boundary of perception. And beyond it there is sensation of presence of other blocks of awareness. There is something else over there and a lot of it. It is still unknown to me and that is what I’m very interested about.
This darkness doesn’t have goals but it’s different from humans’ aimlessness. As it is amorphous it has rather amorphous goals. Their goals are completely non-human.
If I can humanize and formulate the goals of light, the interests of this darkness is to mobilize all of itself as conscious impulse; but it doesn’t know how... as it is very amorphous and big.
First of all we need to realize that time exists only in low density levels, 1st, 2nd , 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th. In the 7th Density level there is no more time. Eternal ‘here and now’ begins there. In the 6th Density level time is very conditional but it still is able to unwind. The Dark Seas, the Doubles of all levels, the density levels that depicted as coloured pictures on this strange picture, and the darkness itself are not playing in time. There is no such game there, only eternal here and now. So at a certain moment (I have to use this phrase... not because there was such a moment... it happens now or it happened long ago, doesn’t matter)...
All this enormous chunk of darkness under the influence of consequence of yet unborn cause decided to perceive. And when this consequence of yet unborn cause, influenced the darkness, the darkness produced an impulse not constrained by time and space. This impulse reminds me of long lightnings that are like frozen coloured ribbons. This extrapolation of energy that was produced in a flash by the particles of darkness is actually the Primary Nagual. It didn’t melt away and didn’t scatter. It is focused, concentrated awareness, that operates as it is beyond time. I doesn’t scatter and it doesn’t come together, it just exists. It created instant impulse of awareness. It labored very hard. It had great difficulty. It realized self that it is darkness and that it can produce flash of light and that is exactly what it did. And we are parts of this impulse, we are a product, we are small concentrated impulses of something that happen in a completely different space and time. We are the possibilities of awareness that are transformed and changed, so unlike the first impulse... but we are still parts of it. That is why we can travel and explore. Little hard material…
If you’re interested in these hexagrams, you can visit it. I drew you a map. You can travel there if you really want. But the trick is that you may not come back. It’s just an upward stream and then transitions to a different transformation. There are dozens of transformations that have to occur in order to transform to reach another downward stream and explore what’s there. There were creatures who were called ancient shamans in stories by Castaneda. They aimed to know as much as possible about life and they entered other levels of the Earth’s awareness and became similar to the creatures that inhabited these levels. In truth the only thing they did is they shifted their Assemblage Points out of the human stream inside their cocoons.
Some of them got lost there forever while assembling themselves as kind of dark spirals with protruding assemblage points, and narrowed gap of death or assembled themselves into trees in the world of trees, conscious, slowly moving trees.
You can only imagine how more remote this area is, as it is situated far far away from the cocoon and even our Dark Sea of Awareness. How difficult it will be to return from there … if at all possible. It’s so much more likely to get lost there and to forget where you come from, as you entirely repackage the energy according to the different principle. And what is all this for?
But I can tell you how one can completely perceive this whole block of energy which I drew as black and coloured. It is very hard on one hand and very easy on another hand. Sometime during the initial process of exploration of the cocoon, only when you begin to explore your own cocoon, when you begin working with it, even on this stage it is possible to comprehend the whole block. Of course, I didn’t realize it right away, only after about 25 years. But it will probably be easier for you as I tell you about it and nobody told me about it. When you explore this bright light, these vibrating fibers of light shooting in all directions, you are curious, even your body gets warmer as well as your cocoon, you perceive something colourless between these fibres, this dark mass that is present in you or you perceive the dark mass in the cocoon of our Planet Earth. This darkness is active. You can start tracking this darkness. In order to do that, it is better to have unbending intent because this darkness is actually a magnet. It is a magnet in a sense that it captures the passive awareness. As it is a source, the source of all awareness, like oil for gasoline. Therefore your intent will have to be unbending when you meet it. So now you managed to track the darkness in your cocoon. What you need to do now is to let it unite with the big darkness outside, it sort of flows away, but you don’t let your energy be pulled away together with it and disappear. You approach it fully conscious, with unbending intent. You know why you are doing it. And then you just expand... you are this very darkness. You become as large as this darkness; it doesn’t have limits in space or time. It is enormous, and you can totally tune into this darkness and all this light. You can contemplate yourself as this whole block, gigantic, of indescribable size, huge magical block of conscious energy… This is a very interesting sensation. It is wonderful, it is indescribable. You don’t know how it happened, it just exists. And it seems like there is more wonders beyond this block of darkness. Actually, it’s better to ask our honourable translator about it. I told him over many years about my exploration of shining luminescent things: of incredible shining beauty and this frozen explosion, and he says, “all this is nothing, everything consists of darkness, all this is darkness, you need to work with darkness”. It seems that one way or another we all reached this moment with him and our other friends and many times we practiced this exercise to extract and track darkness in our energetic structures, and turning into, spilling over and expanding over this whole block of darkness and light and Dark Seas; all this is a single organism. They cooperate. They are not warring: one (is not) trying to overcome another. No, it’s a single whole.
By block I mean a sort of expanse, a certain rather limited energetic space, and a sort of container. Therefore I state that there is something else beyond its limits.
QUESTION: So it’s not like you want to create with this energy, you want to see what’s beyond it?
No, I constantly act upon this energy. I’ll tell you more, it’s impossible to reach this darkness without doing something with it. If you don’t act upon it acts upon you. That is what I was talking about when I mentioned unbending intent.
That is the reason why I made structures out of it. Either I form it or it forms me. And when it forms me I disappear. And that is exactly the reason why the effect should act upon the cause because otherwise the cause will consume the effect.
When your time comes to face the darkness the decision will have to be made promptly. It doesn’t matter what decision. The important thing is to quickly and concisely express and produce the decision. The darkness does everything slowly but definitively. The expression is not words but an act of will. I can say it in words too if you really want. It won’t harm.
If you don’t mind I’d rather speak about something else rather than darkness.
O World: Can you talk about the use of 'sexual' energy?
The sexual energy or not sexual energy, we have only one energy. What we use it for is our decision. It would have been great to have capsules of energy with the mark, “sexual energy” today, “energy of awareness” for tomorrow. It’s all the same. We have one energy. We can endlessly increase it or endlessly destroy it. This is a question of realization of personal awareness.
We can duplicate, copy ourselves using procreation, but there are other means. I myself have a few of these copies. They are very cheerful these copies, but these copies require special relations and attention. So generally either sexual energy or safe sex does not exist. It is always the creation of new awareness. The intention of sex is to create new awareness. Everyone knows this. There are no magic secrets there. Everyone knows that to engage in sex or love is to always create a new awareness, a new being.
The question is how to have sex and not to spend energy?
First of all, full awareness during intercourse saves energy. One has to be conscious of what he or she is doing and how he or she is doing it. This is the same with any use of one’s energy. You need to understand what you do and why. There is a whole section of Taoism dedicated to how to re-channel sexual energy, raising energy during intercourse. It’s better to ask Taoists about these techniques. I and my partner use one exercise. We start breathing... pumping energy to each other through the belly button. We need to impose one belly button on another, then squeeze and push the belly, full inhale and exhale. I try to return her energy and she tries to return mine. At that time our bodies warm up considerably. This returns at least part of the energy, spent during ejaculation. Besides, in my case we are not cocoons, we are crystals. In crystals, the energy is allocated in a completely different way. I don’t need to take energy from the central stream and move it to the genitals.. and then it all goes to the periphery of the cocoon and gets stuck somewhere there becoming completely useless. The shape of a crystal is completely different from the cocoon and the use of energy for sex doesn’t prevent me from exploring and perceiving, it doesn’t impact perception. In my life, there was a period while I was a cocoon, I didn’t have any sexual relationships for eight and half years. The only thing I had sex with was recapitulation and magical passes, kung-fu, and yoga. That was my main business. All sexual energy went there. But these were the limitations of a cocoon. I did it because I really wanted to lucid dream, see energy and perceive. I had to divide my life between relationship with women (or by then with one woman) and dreaming. And I chose dreaming. The cocoon has limited energy as it is kind of locked in on itself. There is a central stream and there is a shell. This shell is the guarantee of life of the individual. If the shell is damaged or wrinkled, not just dreaming but even sex are impossible. It’s just a question of survival of the individual. Before, when I was a cocoon I was concerned with these questions, I used different techniques to return energy, not to waste it. There were sexual relationships without ejaculation. But I also stopped, for eight and a half years, any sexual experiments, as it became dangerous. My cocoon started unraveling as I didn’t have enough energy for everything. Therefore, I recommend everyone to become a crystal as soon as possible.
Maybe there are pills for that. Maybe you know where they are sold? You may remember, Randall, that it is very easy to become a petal. After meeting, the next night I saw you became a petal and we conversed as petals. So you shouldn’t say that it is so difficult. It’s not difficult, but the process of bringing this fact into the 1st Attention takes time. So in the meantime you’ll have to push your energy upward, channel it to a lesser energy loop, breathe deeply filling with awareness the inner organs, filling main inner organs with inner smile, and the heart center may help to focus energy. It will certainly reflect well on sexual relations, and you’ll have some energy left after it.
I assume that people know what lesser loop means. It’s a well known exercise in Chi-Kong (it seems that I put on this Chinese dress for a reason). Chi-Kong uses several forms. It’s very stable. The Human Being takes this posture. I’ll draw it)
I don’t know whether I will be able to do that. Every time I transcend to a new density level, I and all my party have to change completely in order to adjust. We completely change our structure. So to be earnest, now I’m not even curious. I understand there were different variations created by the Higher Mind to explore different possibilities… In truth, I’m interested in going towards the big and beautiful mind, rather than explore its different creations. If you want I’ll explain what I really care about.
All this… this whole structure is not only the cake. It is, first of all, where they are housed. And they are housed in the block of ‘creative darkness’. And all this is not two separate things. It is a single organism. It constantly creates. It constantly explores possibilities. It constantly mobilizes dark creative material for the purpose of creation. All this is a single entity. But when you become aware of it, when you tune onto that something that I wouldn’t call energy but I can’t find any other word, it turns out that there is a limit of perception for this substance. This darkness has its limits. There is a misty area that is really a boundary of perception. And beyond it there is sensation of presence of other blocks of awareness. There is something else over there and a lot of it. It is still unknown to me and that is what I’m very interested about.
This darkness doesn’t have goals but it’s different from humans’ aimlessness. As it is amorphous it has rather amorphous goals. Their goals are completely non-human.
If I can humanize and formulate the goals of light, the interests of this darkness is to mobilize all of itself as conscious impulse; but it doesn’t know how... as it is very amorphous and big.
First of all we need to realize that time exists only in low density levels, 1st, 2nd , 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th. In the 7th Density level there is no more time. Eternal ‘here and now’ begins there. In the 6th Density level time is very conditional but it still is able to unwind. The Dark Seas, the Doubles of all levels, the density levels that depicted as coloured pictures on this strange picture, and the darkness itself are not playing in time. There is no such game there, only eternal here and now. So at a certain moment (I have to use this phrase... not because there was such a moment... it happens now or it happened long ago, doesn’t matter)...
All this enormous chunk of darkness under the influence of consequence of yet unborn cause decided to perceive. And when this consequence of yet unborn cause, influenced the darkness, the darkness produced an impulse not constrained by time and space. This impulse reminds me of long lightnings that are like frozen coloured ribbons. This extrapolation of energy that was produced in a flash by the particles of darkness is actually the Primary Nagual. It didn’t melt away and didn’t scatter. It is focused, concentrated awareness, that operates as it is beyond time. I doesn’t scatter and it doesn’t come together, it just exists. It created instant impulse of awareness. It labored very hard. It had great difficulty. It realized self that it is darkness and that it can produce flash of light and that is exactly what it did. And we are parts of this impulse, we are a product, we are small concentrated impulses of something that happen in a completely different space and time. We are the possibilities of awareness that are transformed and changed, so unlike the first impulse... but we are still parts of it. That is why we can travel and explore. Little hard material…
If you’re interested in these hexagrams, you can visit it. I drew you a map. You can travel there if you really want. But the trick is that you may not come back. It’s just an upward stream and then transitions to a different transformation. There are dozens of transformations that have to occur in order to transform to reach another downward stream and explore what’s there. There were creatures who were called ancient shamans in stories by Castaneda. They aimed to know as much as possible about life and they entered other levels of the Earth’s awareness and became similar to the creatures that inhabited these levels. In truth the only thing they did is they shifted their Assemblage Points out of the human stream inside their cocoons.
Some of them got lost there forever while assembling themselves as kind of dark spirals with protruding assemblage points, and narrowed gap of death or assembled themselves into trees in the world of trees, conscious, slowly moving trees.
You can only imagine how more remote this area is, as it is situated far far away from the cocoon and even our Dark Sea of Awareness. How difficult it will be to return from there … if at all possible. It’s so much more likely to get lost there and to forget where you come from, as you entirely repackage the energy according to the different principle. And what is all this for?
But I can tell you how one can completely perceive this whole block of energy which I drew as black and coloured. It is very hard on one hand and very easy on another hand. Sometime during the initial process of exploration of the cocoon, only when you begin to explore your own cocoon, when you begin working with it, even on this stage it is possible to comprehend the whole block. Of course, I didn’t realize it right away, only after about 25 years. But it will probably be easier for you as I tell you about it and nobody told me about it. When you explore this bright light, these vibrating fibers of light shooting in all directions, you are curious, even your body gets warmer as well as your cocoon, you perceive something colourless between these fibres, this dark mass that is present in you or you perceive the dark mass in the cocoon of our Planet Earth. This darkness is active. You can start tracking this darkness. In order to do that, it is better to have unbending intent because this darkness is actually a magnet. It is a magnet in a sense that it captures the passive awareness. As it is a source, the source of all awareness, like oil for gasoline. Therefore your intent will have to be unbending when you meet it. So now you managed to track the darkness in your cocoon. What you need to do now is to let it unite with the big darkness outside, it sort of flows away, but you don’t let your energy be pulled away together with it and disappear. You approach it fully conscious, with unbending intent. You know why you are doing it. And then you just expand... you are this very darkness. You become as large as this darkness; it doesn’t have limits in space or time. It is enormous, and you can totally tune into this darkness and all this light. You can contemplate yourself as this whole block, gigantic, of indescribable size, huge magical block of conscious energy… This is a very interesting sensation. It is wonderful, it is indescribable. You don’t know how it happened, it just exists. And it seems like there is more wonders beyond this block of darkness. Actually, it’s better to ask our honourable translator about it. I told him over many years about my exploration of shining luminescent things: of incredible shining beauty and this frozen explosion, and he says, “all this is nothing, everything consists of darkness, all this is darkness, you need to work with darkness”. It seems that one way or another we all reached this moment with him and our other friends and many times we practiced this exercise to extract and track darkness in our energetic structures, and turning into, spilling over and expanding over this whole block of darkness and light and Dark Seas; all this is a single organism. They cooperate. They are not warring: one (is not) trying to overcome another. No, it’s a single whole.
By block I mean a sort of expanse, a certain rather limited energetic space, and a sort of container. Therefore I state that there is something else beyond its limits.
QUESTION: So it’s not like you want to create with this energy, you want to see what’s beyond it?
No, I constantly act upon this energy. I’ll tell you more, it’s impossible to reach this darkness without doing something with it. If you don’t act upon it acts upon you. That is what I was talking about when I mentioned unbending intent.
That is the reason why I made structures out of it. Either I form it or it forms me. And when it forms me I disappear. And that is exactly the reason why the effect should act upon the cause because otherwise the cause will consume the effect.
When your time comes to face the darkness the decision will have to be made promptly. It doesn’t matter what decision. The important thing is to quickly and concisely express and produce the decision. The darkness does everything slowly but definitively. The expression is not words but an act of will. I can say it in words too if you really want. It won’t harm.
If you don’t mind I’d rather speak about something else rather than darkness.
O World: Can you talk about the use of 'sexual' energy?
The sexual energy or not sexual energy, we have only one energy. What we use it for is our decision. It would have been great to have capsules of energy with the mark, “sexual energy” today, “energy of awareness” for tomorrow. It’s all the same. We have one energy. We can endlessly increase it or endlessly destroy it. This is a question of realization of personal awareness.
We can duplicate, copy ourselves using procreation, but there are other means. I myself have a few of these copies. They are very cheerful these copies, but these copies require special relations and attention. So generally either sexual energy or safe sex does not exist. It is always the creation of new awareness. The intention of sex is to create new awareness. Everyone knows this. There are no magic secrets there. Everyone knows that to engage in sex or love is to always create a new awareness, a new being.
The question is how to have sex and not to spend energy?
First of all, full awareness during intercourse saves energy. One has to be conscious of what he or she is doing and how he or she is doing it. This is the same with any use of one’s energy. You need to understand what you do and why. There is a whole section of Taoism dedicated to how to re-channel sexual energy, raising energy during intercourse. It’s better to ask Taoists about these techniques. I and my partner use one exercise. We start breathing... pumping energy to each other through the belly button. We need to impose one belly button on another, then squeeze and push the belly, full inhale and exhale. I try to return her energy and she tries to return mine. At that time our bodies warm up considerably. This returns at least part of the energy, spent during ejaculation. Besides, in my case we are not cocoons, we are crystals. In crystals, the energy is allocated in a completely different way. I don’t need to take energy from the central stream and move it to the genitals.. and then it all goes to the periphery of the cocoon and gets stuck somewhere there becoming completely useless. The shape of a crystal is completely different from the cocoon and the use of energy for sex doesn’t prevent me from exploring and perceiving, it doesn’t impact perception. In my life, there was a period while I was a cocoon, I didn’t have any sexual relationships for eight and half years. The only thing I had sex with was recapitulation and magical passes, kung-fu, and yoga. That was my main business. All sexual energy went there. But these were the limitations of a cocoon. I did it because I really wanted to lucid dream, see energy and perceive. I had to divide my life between relationship with women (or by then with one woman) and dreaming. And I chose dreaming. The cocoon has limited energy as it is kind of locked in on itself. There is a central stream and there is a shell. This shell is the guarantee of life of the individual. If the shell is damaged or wrinkled, not just dreaming but even sex are impossible. It’s just a question of survival of the individual. Before, when I was a cocoon I was concerned with these questions, I used different techniques to return energy, not to waste it. There were sexual relationships without ejaculation. But I also stopped, for eight and a half years, any sexual experiments, as it became dangerous. My cocoon started unraveling as I didn’t have enough energy for everything. Therefore, I recommend everyone to become a crystal as soon as possible.
Maybe there are pills for that. Maybe you know where they are sold? You may remember, Randall, that it is very easy to become a petal. After meeting, the next night I saw you became a petal and we conversed as petals. So you shouldn’t say that it is so difficult. It’s not difficult, but the process of bringing this fact into the 1st Attention takes time. So in the meantime you’ll have to push your energy upward, channel it to a lesser energy loop, breathe deeply filling with awareness the inner organs, filling main inner organs with inner smile, and the heart center may help to focus energy. It will certainly reflect well on sexual relations, and you’ll have some energy left after it.
I assume that people know what lesser loop means. It’s a well known exercise in Chi-Kong (it seems that I put on this Chinese dress for a reason). Chi-Kong uses several forms. It’s very stable. The Human Being takes this posture. I’ll draw it)
There are also ways to direct this energy to any part of the body with the help of the smile. Just stretch the angles of your mouth. Even if you don’t want to smile it’s better during breathing to fill the organs. You can go deeper and learn to track your cellular structure and smile to it, love every cell of your body, and they will start responding. They are very grateful when they are noticed. There are 333 billion cells in our body or something like this, a lot; and they all constitute one organism and they do virtually everything for our great mind. It’s worth remembering them sometimes. During our conversations my body heats up very much. These are alignments. When I talk with you I tune in and my body reacts. It reacts to my alignments. I love my body. I respect it. It respects me. We are together. We feel good together. I’m always merry with my body. It is also correct alignment. I always smile to my body. I smile to myself. And my body smiles back to me. Therefore whatever I do it responds cheerfully to it. Even if it is sex. Use it please!
I can share with you another scenario. People who do not pay attention to their bodies and their cells pay dearly for this. I strongly recommend to lead an interesting life. Otherwise your cells won’t love you. I interact with my cells for many years. Then, I only began interacting with my body. I discovered one interesting phenomenon. I tried to do different things. I was curious about everything. I told myself, “Now I’ll do very interesting things.” But only my mind was curious about it. At that time I already could see my inner organs as centres of energy. I saw, say, honey coloured pancreas, ultra-marine liver, kidneys, bright red heart, the brain of incredible violet colours, the bone marrow, etc. And some spots were devoid of colour. They were sluggish, small sluggish spots. Then I learned what the inner organs consist of. They consist of local awarenesses, bundles of different colours, kind of small balls. And I started to communicate with them. And at a certain point I started seeing myself as an enormous field of coloured bundles. All this surrounded me. Some of them were very satisfied with the way I live. They said, “Everything is all right. We are well entertained.” But there was a small group that said, “we don’t like the way you live. If you don’t change we’ll leave you. We don’t want to be with you. We won’t have fun with you. We almost hate you. You totally ignore us.” And I started convincing them in the same way as we speak now. I told them, “I will explore infinity”. They said, “No”. I said, “We can go to another side, we can change, we can be something else”. So I convinced them. And then I realized how the disease of cancer appears in the body. With some individuals their cells are not in agreement. They don’t want to be with them. They hate them because the individuals hate these cells. Most of the people don’t like themselves. They just spend their day moving from irritation to tiredness, from tiredness to excitement and to irritation again. The life of the human being is difficult and boring. We move too little and repeat the same motions too much. And since we all are the manifestations of groups of petals… the group of petals appears as our body cells in this world. No wonder the large conscious Double is not entertained with such a boring organism, it doesn’t want this exploration, it doesn’t need it. And it destroys the organism. One of the ways to do it is cancer – when the organism destroys itself. It doesn’t like itself, doesn’t like being self. In truth it is not disease, it’s a protest, a demonstration of force on the cellular level. So it’s better to love your cells, our inner organs... including the sexual organs.
It doesn’t mean you are immortal. I don’t really know what immortality is. Death is a transformation. It is change. It is a shift in position of an Assemblage Point. It doesn’t have to be destruction of the organism, and not even destruction of the individuality. It is realignment. If it is so and it is so, then what is immortality? Immobility of the Assemblage Point like a couch potato? Death is not destruction; it is not an end of existence or the end of perception. We destroy our bodies because we don’t know what else to do with them. We just don’t know. In addition, the majority of us lead very passive lifestyles and when the time of change comes we can’t cope with it. So, immortality is not a solution. But using death as a chariot is a good solution. One doesn’t need to destroy the self, but change. Death is not an enemy, it is a wonderful adviser, excellent helper. In reality it is the force to change perception. Every time your perception changes it is a small death.
O World: “What do you mean when you say you ‘died’?
It means that I died many times in dreaming but physically I’m here as you can see. Many times I gave in to the force of death. In reality we can use two forces, two forces that help us to tune our attention. One, is the force of awareness of our Planet that feeds us, support us, carries us, loves us. For example you can move on it, run fast. You are very tired. You drop on Earth. You breathe heavily. You have no power left. And suddenly you are filled with power. This is a simple example of when the Earth fills you and helps you. I think everyone is familiar with this feeling. Another more complex use... you can use the ‘push’ of the Earth in order to shift your perception. Another force you can use is the force of the rolling power. This is the force that pushes cracked cocoons to that black whirl that I described earlier... the whirl that is situated in a certain position of perception in our Dark Sea of Awareness. And this force impacts us constantly. If you learn to track it and allow it to shift your Assemblage Point without destroying your cocoon, you will be able to shift your Assemblage Point. This force is constantly rolling upon each living being on our planet, regardless of size and the power of the creature itself, and when you give in to this force without giving in, it shifts your Assemblage Point. This is a sensation of death, of real death. But it doesn’t kill you. In truth we need our personal power, including what we call ‘sexual energy’, only for one reason, not to allow this force to destroy us. I hope I answered your question.
I tracked the push of the Earth for the first time around 1994-5. Me, Michael and one other of our friends was in the Tymna Desert in Israel. It is a closed nature reserve and we sneaked in there at night driving the car through spikes on the road as these reserves close at 4pm and we came at 7pm. And we, like three mad demons roamed through this desert. Everything was big there, the boulders, the stars, and zero dust, and no light source except stars. So, we were totally exhausted … I lay on the ground on my back to look at the stars and I started gazing at the Constellation of Orion. It was huge and took half of the sky. It was about 3 am when Orion was at its zenith... at that time of the year. Then I stopped thinking about what season it was and just gazed at the stars. Orion sparked brightly and these sparks went straight into my eyes and through my eyes into the middle of my belly. And they were sparkling inside my belly. These were the ends of long fibres glowing inside me.
And that moment from the depth of the Earth (I felt it as something soft and pleasant) were rolling brown waves… that pushed me rather softly. I thought it was an Earthquake.
So after the third or fourth wave, I realized that Orion is not dots on some kind of black surface (I gazed into the so-called sword of Orion)... but is a Galaxy, a Nebula and a Star. I saw it and I flew right into it…pushed by the Earth.
Prior to that, Orion seemed to me like small dots on a chandelier. But these were three separate creations... so remote from each other that it’s even hard to imagine. I entered into each of them and gazed at them. I wasn’t only there. I was a giant ray that originated at the depth of the Earth, that pierced through my eyes and stomach and reached Orion. I was quite frightened by the earthquake and thought that everything around would collapse. So I forgot about Orion and jumped to my feet. Michael asked what happened and I screamed, “Earthquake”. And he said, “there is no earthquake! What are you talking about”. Then I realized that it was for me only. I survived these rumbling rising waves. It was scary. Everything was shaking. But these two were sitting as if nothing happened. But I gazed at stars and not at them. And in the morning, the reserve warden caught us and made us pay a fine. So you gotta pay for everything…
It’s an alignment... it’s a force of tuning. At that moment the fibres composing my cocoon were calm and they straightened. And when they straightened, the push happened. I have a drawing here. So the fibers aligned not with the stone but with the Earth. There are big, thick, brown fibers. And all this structure aligned into one line, and the Earth just pushed me. At this moment I wasn’t a man, I wasn’t a cocoon. I wasn’t the Earth and I wasn’t Orion. I was a little bit of everything. Orion pulled me with its light and the Earth pushed me with her might. So the result was a continuous wave. So that is how the push of the Earth probably happens.
The fibers are directed in all directions. The most important part is to align with the main channel, unite with it, and the attention is directing the long fibers.
I can share with you another scenario. People who do not pay attention to their bodies and their cells pay dearly for this. I strongly recommend to lead an interesting life. Otherwise your cells won’t love you. I interact with my cells for many years. Then, I only began interacting with my body. I discovered one interesting phenomenon. I tried to do different things. I was curious about everything. I told myself, “Now I’ll do very interesting things.” But only my mind was curious about it. At that time I already could see my inner organs as centres of energy. I saw, say, honey coloured pancreas, ultra-marine liver, kidneys, bright red heart, the brain of incredible violet colours, the bone marrow, etc. And some spots were devoid of colour. They were sluggish, small sluggish spots. Then I learned what the inner organs consist of. They consist of local awarenesses, bundles of different colours, kind of small balls. And I started to communicate with them. And at a certain point I started seeing myself as an enormous field of coloured bundles. All this surrounded me. Some of them were very satisfied with the way I live. They said, “Everything is all right. We are well entertained.” But there was a small group that said, “we don’t like the way you live. If you don’t change we’ll leave you. We don’t want to be with you. We won’t have fun with you. We almost hate you. You totally ignore us.” And I started convincing them in the same way as we speak now. I told them, “I will explore infinity”. They said, “No”. I said, “We can go to another side, we can change, we can be something else”. So I convinced them. And then I realized how the disease of cancer appears in the body. With some individuals their cells are not in agreement. They don’t want to be with them. They hate them because the individuals hate these cells. Most of the people don’t like themselves. They just spend their day moving from irritation to tiredness, from tiredness to excitement and to irritation again. The life of the human being is difficult and boring. We move too little and repeat the same motions too much. And since we all are the manifestations of groups of petals… the group of petals appears as our body cells in this world. No wonder the large conscious Double is not entertained with such a boring organism, it doesn’t want this exploration, it doesn’t need it. And it destroys the organism. One of the ways to do it is cancer – when the organism destroys itself. It doesn’t like itself, doesn’t like being self. In truth it is not disease, it’s a protest, a demonstration of force on the cellular level. So it’s better to love your cells, our inner organs... including the sexual organs.
It doesn’t mean you are immortal. I don’t really know what immortality is. Death is a transformation. It is change. It is a shift in position of an Assemblage Point. It doesn’t have to be destruction of the organism, and not even destruction of the individuality. It is realignment. If it is so and it is so, then what is immortality? Immobility of the Assemblage Point like a couch potato? Death is not destruction; it is not an end of existence or the end of perception. We destroy our bodies because we don’t know what else to do with them. We just don’t know. In addition, the majority of us lead very passive lifestyles and when the time of change comes we can’t cope with it. So, immortality is not a solution. But using death as a chariot is a good solution. One doesn’t need to destroy the self, but change. Death is not an enemy, it is a wonderful adviser, excellent helper. In reality it is the force to change perception. Every time your perception changes it is a small death.
O World: “What do you mean when you say you ‘died’?
It means that I died many times in dreaming but physically I’m here as you can see. Many times I gave in to the force of death. In reality we can use two forces, two forces that help us to tune our attention. One, is the force of awareness of our Planet that feeds us, support us, carries us, loves us. For example you can move on it, run fast. You are very tired. You drop on Earth. You breathe heavily. You have no power left. And suddenly you are filled with power. This is a simple example of when the Earth fills you and helps you. I think everyone is familiar with this feeling. Another more complex use... you can use the ‘push’ of the Earth in order to shift your perception. Another force you can use is the force of the rolling power. This is the force that pushes cracked cocoons to that black whirl that I described earlier... the whirl that is situated in a certain position of perception in our Dark Sea of Awareness. And this force impacts us constantly. If you learn to track it and allow it to shift your Assemblage Point without destroying your cocoon, you will be able to shift your Assemblage Point. This force is constantly rolling upon each living being on our planet, regardless of size and the power of the creature itself, and when you give in to this force without giving in, it shifts your Assemblage Point. This is a sensation of death, of real death. But it doesn’t kill you. In truth we need our personal power, including what we call ‘sexual energy’, only for one reason, not to allow this force to destroy us. I hope I answered your question.
I tracked the push of the Earth for the first time around 1994-5. Me, Michael and one other of our friends was in the Tymna Desert in Israel. It is a closed nature reserve and we sneaked in there at night driving the car through spikes on the road as these reserves close at 4pm and we came at 7pm. And we, like three mad demons roamed through this desert. Everything was big there, the boulders, the stars, and zero dust, and no light source except stars. So, we were totally exhausted … I lay on the ground on my back to look at the stars and I started gazing at the Constellation of Orion. It was huge and took half of the sky. It was about 3 am when Orion was at its zenith... at that time of the year. Then I stopped thinking about what season it was and just gazed at the stars. Orion sparked brightly and these sparks went straight into my eyes and through my eyes into the middle of my belly. And they were sparkling inside my belly. These were the ends of long fibres glowing inside me.
And that moment from the depth of the Earth (I felt it as something soft and pleasant) were rolling brown waves… that pushed me rather softly. I thought it was an Earthquake.
So after the third or fourth wave, I realized that Orion is not dots on some kind of black surface (I gazed into the so-called sword of Orion)... but is a Galaxy, a Nebula and a Star. I saw it and I flew right into it…pushed by the Earth.
Prior to that, Orion seemed to me like small dots on a chandelier. But these were three separate creations... so remote from each other that it’s even hard to imagine. I entered into each of them and gazed at them. I wasn’t only there. I was a giant ray that originated at the depth of the Earth, that pierced through my eyes and stomach and reached Orion. I was quite frightened by the earthquake and thought that everything around would collapse. So I forgot about Orion and jumped to my feet. Michael asked what happened and I screamed, “Earthquake”. And he said, “there is no earthquake! What are you talking about”. Then I realized that it was for me only. I survived these rumbling rising waves. It was scary. Everything was shaking. But these two were sitting as if nothing happened. But I gazed at stars and not at them. And in the morning, the reserve warden caught us and made us pay a fine. So you gotta pay for everything…
It’s an alignment... it’s a force of tuning. At that moment the fibres composing my cocoon were calm and they straightened. And when they straightened, the push happened. I have a drawing here. So the fibers aligned not with the stone but with the Earth. There are big, thick, brown fibers. And all this structure aligned into one line, and the Earth just pushed me. At this moment I wasn’t a man, I wasn’t a cocoon. I wasn’t the Earth and I wasn’t Orion. I was a little bit of everything. Orion pulled me with its light and the Earth pushed me with her might. So the result was a continuous wave. So that is how the push of the Earth probably happens.
The fibers are directed in all directions. The most important part is to align with the main channel, unite with it, and the attention is directing the long fibers.