The O World Project is an impersonal multi-media initiative encompassing the artistic, scientific, spiritual and social perspectives of human endeavour The mission of the project is to celebrate and explore the diversity of human culture, to explore the contrasting perspectives of human archetypes ... and to add another voice of inspiration for a new paradigm of global community and conscious evolution.
The Arts phase of the project includes an original song called 'O World'. The song represents a ‘unity of purpose’, as all participating musicians are basing their own unique interpretations on the same composition. The project enlisted musicians from around the world and asked each of them to adapt the original alternative rock version and create their own unique arrangement, reflecting their particular style, genre, and ethnic musical tradition. Some of the countries represented include Spain, Argentina, US, Peru, Canada, Venezuela, India, Taiwan, China, Vietnam, Philippines, Uganda, and Turkey, with more to follow. Vocal versions of the song are presented in a myriad of languages, including English, Spanish, Mandarin, Lugandan, Taiwanese, Hindi, and Turkish. Music genres include Rock, Folk, Pop, Choral, a-cappella, Hip Hop, Rap, Flamenco, Bossa Nova, Blues, Gospel, Jazz, and Opera/Artsong versions. Instrumental versions of 'O World' feature instruments from around the world, including: sitar, Peruvian pan flute, pipe organ, touchstyle guitar, dan bau, erhu, bagpipe, zheng, tar, pipa, with more to follow. The second phase of the project focuses on Science, Philosophy, Politics and Spirituality. Following the intention of promoting inclusiveness and solidarity the O World Project features interviews with prominent scientists, philosophers, politicians and spiritual leaders from many faiths and practices, who share their perspectives on the current state of humanity, our relationship with the earth, and our evolution as a species. The O World Project strives to present the perspectives of the modern archetypes which represent the cross section of humanity. The philosophy behind this, is that all perspectives are valid in the sense that all are part of creation and therefore inherent in the nature of our world. |
'l World' is a 'mirror' perspective of the O World Project reflecting the bias and viewpoint of the 'l' ... which in this case, is me. The O World Project is my offering to the human community, while also being a personal journey of expansion and personal evolution. Like all experiences on this Earth, I ... but also a way of expanding my own understanding of the world and my place in it. My personal boundaries are being explored and expanded with every aspect of the project.
'l' as a single upright line not only represents 'i' but also '1' ... which signifies our id, our identity, one, the ego, our 'self', in contrast to the O which represents the 'whole', 'nothing' or 'void' ... the symbol O represents wholeness, balance ... which is in harmony with the concept that out of the void all life ( I ) has sprung. In an infinite universe the concept of i or 1 is a paradoxical It is no surprise that the language of computers, a human manifestation of a linear representation of creating form out of the abstract, is a configuration of 'O's and 'l's ... the forces of expansion and contraction ... nagual and tonal ... the whole and the individual ... infinity and oneness ... 'God' and Man ... |